Viraja's Innovative Ideas

After a week later Prince Viraja is sitting in his father's official chamber at the palace, his father is sitting opposite to him who was reading the document which has drawing and notes provided by the prince. The document in question is the changes he wants to apply to his personal army, his father has a serious expression on his face as he read the changes the prince has proposed in his personal army .As previously discussed all the men to be put under his command will be basic recruits who has basic training along with all the experienced Subedars who will command this men and they all should be from Indu lower caste.

The document currently in his father's hand has details of the following: 

1) His new army re-organization which outlines that the smallest unit will be squad of 25 men who will be lead by a sergeant. Next two to four such squad will make up a platoon commanded by a lieutenant. Two or more platoons make up a company which has 200 or more soldiers commanded by a captain. The function of administration is introduced at this level, in the form of a headquarters platoon administered by a sergeant and containing supply, maintenance, or other sections.Two or more companies make up a battalion, which has 600 to 1,500 troops and is commanded by a major.The battalion is the smallest unit to have a staff of officers (in charge of personnel, operations, intelligence, and logistics) to assist the commander. Several battalions form a brigade, which has 2,000 to 8,000 troops and is commanded by a colonel. A brigade is the smallest unit to integrate different types of combat and support units into a functional organization. A combat brigade, usually has infantry, cavalry, artillery, and scout units.Two or more brigades, along with various specialized battalions, make up a division, which has 8,000 to 22,000 troops and is commanded by a major general.A division contains all the arms and services needed for the independent conduct of military operations. Two to seven divisions and various support units make up an army corps, or a corps, which has 50,000 to 300,000 troops and is commanded by a lieutenant general. The army corps is the largest regular army formation, though in wartime two or more corps may be combined to form a field army commanded by a general and field armies in turn may be combined to form an army group.

2) Next there is drawing and detailed notes of repeating crossbow mechanism is designed based of chinese crossbow of ming dynasty with few changes in which the lever will be there to push down and up which will pull the string and also load the bolt on the crossbow from the magazine each time after firing. The crossbow is handheld with poision tipped metai headed bolt and trigger to fire it with effective range of 100 m and max length of 170 m. His archer unit will be equipped with this which will act as a supporting unit to his musketeers 

3) Next is the design of matchlock musket to be used by his musketeers, the design is based on the 17th century 4-shot repeated matchlock toradar used by Mughals which is a upgrade of the current single shot matchlock already in use in Bharat but due to its slow firing frequency is not that commonly used in combat. The changes to it will have is a ring bayonet for now which will give the soldier the ability to engage in close combat. The matchlock design is separated into 3 parts lock, stock and the barrel with the buttstock designed in europeon style. It also includes includes details of creating a paper cartridge. 

4) Next he mentioned colonel Virendra to be put under his command who will be in.command of his personal army of 5000 men.His name has been suggested by his trusted royal guard commander Suresh who leads his cavalry guard of 1000 men.

5) Finally he asked royal permission to build a company name Rudradev Khurda Company which will be under his authority which is an organization engage in commerce for monetary values not only within the kingdom borders but also beyond even as far as distant lands where it have the authority to build colonies for trade and commerce and he will use his personal army as mercenary army to protect the interest of the company.

When his father asked for more clarification of the concept of this company Prince Viraja gave him a run down of the function of a company which will include weapon research and manufacturing for the kingdom but also trading and manufacturing other products like metals, cloths etc. After hearing this and completing reading the document his father went silent for sometime as he arranged his thoughts then he looked at the prince and said "The army organization is quite an innovative idea and I can see the positives of the same, then there is the crossbow design and musket design which is quite interesting, sometimes it amazes me son how different your mind works that it throw out such idea and design either way you have my approval and since you will require initial finances to undertake such projects, here is an approval to get an amount of 10k gold mudras per month from royal treasury for a year only".(Currency system 1 gold mudra = 20 silver mudra and 1 silver mudra = 40 copper mudra)."As for the permission to create company I will present it in the royal court tomorrow and get it ratified".

Hearing this Prince Viraja was quite satisfied and said "Thank you father I will try my best not to disappoint you" and with that he left.