Suryasen Reports

The capital city of the Khurda Kingdom is placed on a hilltop and is a lively place full of people going about their own businesses with children playing on the street, vendor selling their goods and the royal guards patrolling the street to provide security. Among the hubbub of the capital city stands the magnificent Royal Palace which is made in the style of ancient Bharatiya architecture and is entirely made of exquisite white marble, as the morning sunlight falls on it the palace looked majestic in its own right. The entire capital city is surrounded by high walls on which the soldiers of Royal army is stationed to protect the city from intruders. Outside the capital city as far as eyes can seen there are rice fields on both sides of the road with interspersed houses of people.

Within the Palace grounds a boy of 8 years old was practicing his swordsmanship under the tutelage of his Royal tutor, this boy is none other than the Prince Viraja. On the outset of the training ground stood Suryasen waiting to talk with the prince and give him reports of the progress of his missions and tasks assigned by the prince. As Suryasen looked at the prince practicing his swordsmanship he thoughts went back to the day when the king himself called him and assigned him to work for the prince, The king not only assigned him to work for the prince but also told him to protect the prince from any daggers that is targeted towards him from the shadows by the enemies of the crown. He was able to understand by talking with the king, how highly the king view the prince. As he talked to the prince regarding creating a spy network, he first hand saw the prince ability of critical thinking at this age he understood why the king has such high hopes for the prince, truly a prodigy in the making.

As prince Viraja completed his morning training, he was greeted by Suryasen who handed him the reports which included all the information he has asked for in the past month.As he started reading he came to understand the political situation of the kingdom more intricately. It seems the minor noble who has been executed for treason and his territorial army disbanded, the men of this disbanded army is joining one of the great noble named Amir Durani who ruled a large county named Duranbad in the north which is bordered with the Bengal sultanate. The count has placed a large contingent of about 15000 soldiers of his private territorial army near the borders of prince barony Badrak, there has been multiple incursion also into his territory, though his father has sent a small contingent of 500 soldiers of the royal army to provide security to his territory until he personally takes charge of the same but its not adequate enough. Noble Durani seems to be conspiring against the crown with the help of Bengal Sultanate. Then their is other two great nobles Count Samsher Choudhry ruling large territory named Deyokhand (near Mughals border) in the west and Count Veervadhra Sen ruling large territory named Gajapatipur (near Vijaynagar border) in the south both seems to be undermining his father authority in some way or the other and is conspiring with outside power to overthrow his father. There are other minor nobles most of whose loyalty lies with one or the other of these great Nobles except for few who are loyal to the crown. Then there is the small population of people following slamic within the borders of the kingdom who are being radicalized by their clerics in name of their faith to disrupted the Indu way of life by acts of cruelty and they also act as infiltrators and turncoat for other slamic ruled nations like the Mughals and Bengal Sultanate. "What a mess".

Next the report include the details of the men undergoing training to join the ranks of Third Eye as field agents.

Finally a brief of what is happening in other nations though not fully complete but it does give an idea of the political situation of this nations. The Vijaynagar Empire is at war with the Dutchs who has fortified their position at Travancore. Then the Bengal sultanate is getting help of the Portuguese who has occupied Chittagong as their base of operation, both in form of weapons and mercenary to fight against the onslaught of the formidable Mughal Empire. As for the Mughal empire as far as it can be seen they are fighting a three front war with one side British army who has fortified their position in Surat then there is the Bengal Sultanate and finally the Maratha kingdom.Though they do have small skirmishes from time to time with the Vijaynagar Empire due to the small border both empire share. 

As for the internal political situation, Vijaynagar Empire seems to have some people within there ranks who is causing minor disturbances for personal greed and ambition but it is more or less negligible.Then there is the Bengal Sultanate where cruelty on the Indu population in name of being Khafirs done by slamic followers has result in quite a unrest and which often leads to rebellion which is quelled with heavy handedness which result in even more agitation.Finally in the Mughal empire suppression of the Indu population is done same as Bengal Sultanate.

As prince Viraja finished reading the reports he looked at Suryasen and said "You have done an excellent job. The information you provided regarding political situation within the kingdom is quite detailed as for the information on other nations though its lacking and only holds the overview it is still enough for now to give me an idea of the political struggle going on outside the kingdom borders. Continue with the other mission given to you and sent agents to infiltrate the ranks of Great Noble Durani so that I know every move he makes.". Seeing that the Prince has completed giving him instruction, Suryasen after saluting the prince with a tap to the heart, left the Palace grounds.