The Nobles

From a room within a castle in the county of Duranabad crying and begging of a women can be heard along with the laughter of a man who is saying "Yes cry as much as you want I like when filthy khafir woman beg and cry while I am having my way with them". Outside the room a maid could be seen shaking with fear and praying to God to deliver justice on this tyrant and protect the Indu people within this territory.The noble or more appropriately the tyrant who is a follower of slamic faith has a proclivity for kidnapping wife daughter and sister of Indu people and killing their family off to leave no evidence as to him khafirs has no rights.

After few hours the Noble durani is seen speaking in his meeting room with his army commander and a ambassador of the Bengal sultanate Safir(ambassdor) Sheikh Shiraj. The safir said "Our sultan has placed an army at the border of your county. Soon the army will move into your territory and make their way to a forest near the border of Badrak where they will set up camp". Listening to this Almar Duran nodded his head with appreciation and said "Excellent news Safir Shivraj I have heard that prince Viraja will soon move towards his barony. As per the plan we will either kill him or capture him. If he dies the king will be once again without an heir so it would be easy to usurp him or at least separate my territory from this khafir king and join with Bengal Sultanate and if we can capture him then we can use the prince to make the crown dance to our tune. Either way its win win for us". 

In the west another great noble Samsher Choudhry though a indu but his ambition to usurp the kingdom of Khurda has made him blind to all the atrocities being committed by slamic follower on the indu population in his territory Deoyakhand. He has signed a deal with Mughals who has agreed to send their troops to fight for his behalf when he decides to act against the royal family in return he will accept being vassal of the Mughal Empire and allow free reign of slamic followers within his usurped kingdom. The Mughal is not willing to attack and conquer the kingdom directly as this would result in direct conflict and an all out war with Vijayanager Empire.

Finally in the south is the great noble Veervadhra who rules the large county Gajapatipur. Though he is a noble of the Khurda kingdom but his allegiance has always being to that of Vijayanagar Empire. Even though he not a tyrant like Almar Durani neither a schemer like Samsher Choudhry but his priority has always been to support Vijayanagar Empire and act as a informent of the same about the happening within the khurda kingdom.