
Year 1563, Duranabad Castle


After the Count's army was routed and Count durani was killed in the battle, prince Viraja had directly marched to Duranabad county seat of power that is the Duranabad castle. The prince thought that he might have to breach the walls with cannon he captured from Count Durani's army but as he neared the castle gate it was already open and he was easily able to capture it without a fight. It turns out the agent that has infiltrated was already instructed by the Third eye headquarters to instigate a uprisin of the Indu people against Count's guards and family should opportunity arises if any. So when the news of count's demise was received he did just that as there was not many guards left within the castle. Most of Count's family members were killed in the uprising within the castle. 

Present Day

The prince was currently sitting within the central hall of the castle and speaking with Colonel Virendra as he provided him the casualty report. It seems almost 380 soldiers has died from the infantry and 70 has died from his royal elite cavalry.There has been some injuries among the men but nothing serious that will put them permanently out of commission. So the current battle ready army within the castle is about 4100 infantry and about 900 elite cavalry guards. Next he turned to agent Dinesh who was sent to infiltrate the castle previously as he gave his reports of what transpired in last 24 hrs.

After listening to the reports, prince Viraja said "Agent Dinesh your current job is to coordinate with colonel Virendra and find out all those who are loyal to the Count family and eliminate all of them including whatever is left of count's lineage. Next I want you to find out every one of those who has committed atrocities against the common people in name of their religion or to extract wealth through unlawful means and they are to be hanged for their crimes. As for all the lands and noble title allotted by the Count is hereby rescinded by the crown to be proclaimed over the county if anybody resist you are to eliminate them too . But the most important thing is good impression that I want to foster among the common people for the king and royal family so I want the common people of Duranabad to know that it is the king who has freed them from the tyrant Almar Durani and give justice to those who was wronged. I will be staying here for a month within that time I want you to achieve this objectives".With this the prince ended the meeting.

A few days later

Within the confines of the prince chamber in the castle he was writing a letter to his father to request him to send someone within a month or so who has good administrative capability and is loyal to the crown whom he can appoint as the Governor of Duranabad county including a brigade of royal army to maintain law and order within the county until police department can be established in towns and city within the county. Initially he wanted to appoint someone from Duranabad only but latter decided against it as he thought it would be better to appoint someone from the capital whose loyalty to the crown is absolute.He also requested ownership of certain location of Keonjhar territory within the Duranabad county to be allotted to his company as it has mineral and resources like Iron ore, Manganese ore, Dolomite, Quartzite , Lime Stone, Quartz etc which he needed for manufacturing operation in his company factory. 

After a month or so 

Once again the prince was in the main hall of the castle, as colonel Virendra and agent Dinesh reported that they had able to achieve the objective as much as possible which was assigned by the prince. Soon the entry of new governor Lokesh and colonel Indrajit in command of the Rayal army brigade was announced by the doorman as they entered the hall and kneeled and saluted the prince with a tap to their heart. As the prince accepted their greeting and permitted them to rise, governor Lokesh handed him a letter from his father. As the prince read through the letter he found out that his father has approved his request of ownership of the areas within the county for his company operations as a reward for defeating and killing the traitorous Count Almar Durani and bringing the county under the crown's rule. His father has also has changed the name of the county from Duranabad to Mayurganj as his father wanted to erase everything even the name of the county that is associated with the durani family.After reading the letter, he instructed the governor regarding his ownership of the location in the county and appointed agent Dinesh as his liaison officer for the time being who will stay here to prepare the minerals and resource to be mined and send to Badrak until he sends a supervisor to replace him. He also decided to leave behind a platoon of 100 men from his private army to provide security for his assets in the county. Once the new governor assumed responsibility of governing the county he prepared to depart to his own barony.