Side Events

Year 1563

Flashback, Three months ago

At the Palace in Khurda Kingdom capital the king was currently reading the gritty details of his son's exploites and his extraordinary victory not only over the count Durani's army which out numbered his son's private army considerably but also defeated Bengal Sultanate raiding army who infiltrated with the count's help to capture or kill his son. Even though his son is only 9 years old it is quite terrifying how much of a prodigy he is, from the innovative ideas to taking ruthless and cunning decision to eliminate enemies even the king sometimes think that what kind of genius he and his wife has given birth to. But as a father when he heard his son's success he wanted to proclaim his son achievement like any proud father would do, but he restraint himself from it as his son is still too young and if his enemies get wind about the capabilities and brilliance of his son there is no doubt his son will became a target for his enemies in order to eliminate a danger before it becomes too big to handle. So the king has taken the decision to cover the truth with half truth mixed with lies and has proclaimed around the kingdom that the count Almar durani in collusion with the Bengal sultanate has tried to kill the prince and he finding out beforehand has laid a trap with the royal army and killed the count in return.

After few days, in a castle within the county Deoyakhand Count Shamsher choudhry was currently listening to the demise of count Durani in the northern part of the kingdom which has resulted in a huge smile on his face. Among the three opponents namely the king, count Durani and count Veervadhra he have to eliminate to get to the crown of Khurda kingdom, one of the opponent has already killed off another one without him even lifting a finger. This was fortituous news for him, and he marveled at his decision to delay taking direct action against the crown as the right decision instead he has instigated the foolish slamic fanatic Count Almar Durani to take action against the royal family especially the prince by planting the idea that the king is weak when he bulged at pressure of the noble and restrain from declaring the prince as the crown prince.He also decided to continue with his wait and watch and scheming strategy. As for the Bengal Sultanate he decided to sent a correspondence to his ally the Mughal empire about the recent activity of the Bengal Sultanate within the kingdom border and to increase the pressure on them so that their attention gets diverted from the Khurda kingdom.

Similarly in the castle of Count Veervadhra within the county Gajapatipur the Count received the news of Count Durani's demise at the hand of the royal army for trying to kill the prince, he did not have much of a opinion about it, he did the same thing he does every time he receives such important information from within the kingdom, he forwarded it to the prime minister of the Vijayanagar empire.

A week later within the Bengal sultanate court the sultan was furious on founding out about the failure to capture the northern territory of the Khurda kingdom bordering the southern territory of his own sultanate. As he was about to order to gather an army and attack the kingdom and capture the northern part of the kingdom by force, news arrived at the sultan's court that the Mughals are once again amassing a army at the Bengal borders. This resulted in him leaving the kingdom alone for now and concentrate his army on the Mughal borders as the Mughal was a grievous threat in his eyes.

Flashback, Few days ago

The king impressed by performance of his son's private mercenary army also made the decision to train another 11000 men of the royal army on the battle tactics and formation using matchlock, crossbow and pikemen along with the 4000 men already training at the Rudradeva Khurd company headquarters He has sent the correspondence to his son Viraja about his intention and his son being the professional he is has already asked for ownership of a location in Talcher within the Angul territory under the crown something about mining a mineral called coal for his foundries in Badrak instead of payment of gold mudras. He also requested his father to allow him to increase his private army to a size of 15000 men. All he could do is laugh at his son's antics and shamelessness to ask things from his father. Though the king does not understand much about things like technology and minerals used for, as he is more of a statesman and warrior, but he has agreed to his son's request and eagerly awaits to see what new innovation and achievements his son pulls out of his hat.

Present day

Currently the prince was reading through the correspondence sent by his father granting him the rights to the coal mine location in Talcher and he has also received the permission to increase the size of his private mercenary army by another 15000 men from the royal court. The excuse that was put by his father in-front of the minister and nobles is that Count Durani has almost killed the prince because of having such a small army as an escort so the king has decided to allow the prince to increase the size of his personal army. Prince Viraja reading this all he could do is laugh at those foolish noble who must be thinking at this moment that the prince must be a incompetent fool and scared little boy either way it was good news.

Soon colonel Virendra and his personal attendant Bhimrao was standing before him and he passed to them the royal permission to raise another 15000 men for the prince private army. He ordered them to start making recruitment to increase the army size and promoted colonel Virendra to major general to command his private army which will soon swell to 20000 men and also ordered to start the training of the raw recruits. He also ordered Bhimrao to send worker and miner with proficient supervisors to Talcher to start mining the mineral called coal and start transporting the same to Badrak, a details of the description of the mineral called coal and the exact area where it can be found was given, a information he has acquired from numerous historical books that he learnt in his previous life about the indu homeland Bharat.