Divde and Rule Policy

Year 1563 

Flashback, four months ago

Suryasen as per prince orders has sent agents of Third eye to infiltrate the gurukul and madrassas where both religious and non-religious teaching are given. As the agent started sending him reports, he found out a curious pattern where the slamic cleric within the madrassas are instigating the followers in the name of religious text to do cruelty against tHe indu common people like destroying temples, creating riots, burning homes, kidnapping women and off couse last but not the least they declare the king of the Khurda kingdom is khafir and hence not worthy of their loyalty and the follower should do everything to destroy the royal family and turn this kingdom into a slamic sultanate. As for the gurukul it focuses on ancient indu culture and texts for knowledge of spirituality and science. Though there are few of this gurukul who discriminate between indu people in the name of caste but it is not as widespread or severe and can be dealt in due time.

As he brought this report to the attention of prince, the prince had a thoughtful expression on his face. The reports also show something curious the slamic followers are divided into caste like system too infact it is even more ugly and prononce than indu people. The one with the authority such as clerics and leaders are called Ashraf who hold high authority and purity as they think themself close to god's chosen and descendants of original slamic faith followers. Then there is the ajlaf who comes below the Ashraf and this ajlaf though discriminated but also used as grunts to implement the slamic religion on the khafirs through violence and brutality. Finally the indu converts who became slamic is called arzal they make the largest numbers of the slamic followers. This people are treated the worst like a untouchable and not allowed in certian places as they are seen as impure. How interesting.

The prince looked at Suryasen and started giving the plan of action which he termed divide and rule policy. He gave the details of the plans which for now will be applied within the lands directly under crown control. Soon Major General Virendra entered his office and saluted the prince and greet the Spymaster Suryasen and he took his seat.

The prince asked "General is there a captain within the army ranks who has a strong dislike towards the slamic followers". Hearing this General Virendra thought for sometime and said "Your highness captain Vinay seems to have a strong dislike against the slamics. It seems that he has been orphaned and his sister has forcefully taken when he was a boy by the slamic followers on the instigation of their leader within the vicinity of the areas where he used to stay". Hearing this the prince has a sly smile on his face and thought the captain is the perfect candidate to clear out this slamic dissension and the captain will have a balanced mixture of discipline and ruthlessness to achieve this target. He finally said to Suryasen "Elder you will accompany the captain with a company of 500 men and start implementing the orders I have given you across the baronies and counties under the crowns rule. I will also sent a letter to my father regarding the plans so that you receive the help of the royal army to stamp out this slamic menace. But this need to be done with utmost discretion". Hearing this both the general and the spymaster nodded their head and exited the office.

As the prince was left alone with his thought which went to the problem of discrimination within indu people based on caste, though now its not that profound due to external threats and invasion but soon the western nations like British, Dutch will use this to divide and rule the people of this land and impoverish it.What he need to apply is the education system which will teach about the indu culture and ancient texts along with science and technologies and cultivate skill and entrepreneurship among the people and indoctrinate them such that their loyalty only belong to the crown and his royal family.

A few days later in a village called Indragiri within the county of Mayurganj has been surrounded by a squad of men under the command of sergeant Bhim. Soon the Ashrafs and thier partner in crimes some of the aljaf were dragged out infront of the crowd of the village and their crimes were read out from petty to capital one like treason and collusion with enemy of the kingdom. The sergeant also proclaimed that anyone who comes out and gives account of other atrocities and act as witness will also get a reward of 5 silver mudra and will receive a special recommendation from crown which signifies them as valued citizen of the kingdom. Initially the villagers both the indu and slamic where apprehensive about coming out as witness but once listening to sergeant offer they saw a chance to elevate themselves and started counting the crimes of the accusers including other who where not arrested. Even the arzal joined in the accusation as they got an outlet to the resentment they have been building for all the years of discrimination. Hearing this the sergeant had a smile on his face and soon ordered the execution of the accusers infront of the crowds including their entire lineage and their property confiscated. This property were distributed among poor and discriminated indu people and when many a azral/altaf protested that they are also poor and discriminated too, the sergeant has a sad expression on his face and said "Alas I cannot give you a share of seized property as per the royal degree though should you return to your original indu roots then you can claim you rights from newly built public administration office in the nearest city by showing the recommendations".The same type of events were happening all over the crown ruled baronies and counties within the kingdom.

This tactics will have a long and lasting effect which will eventually bring the converts back to indu folds and indu people mainly the numerous lower-class indu people will become fanatically loyal to the crown of the kingdom and become a major part of their army for all the benefits and protection given by the royal family to them.

Present Day, August 1953

As the prince reads the implementation of his plan of divide and rule policy and its outcome he was quite pleased. It seems his plan is working like a charm and none was the wiser and the excuse used is the rebellion of the slamic count Durani even made it more believable to everyone.All he can do is laugh truly misinformation spread by his spy network third eye is really showing its advantages.