After eating breakfast, I asked her if she could check my team's health. As I want them to be on top health when I battle with them.
Agreeing to my request, she accepted to check my pokemons.
"You are almost ready for an upgrade of your trainer license tier, have you think of a place where your Pokémon are going to stay?" She asked me.
"Umm, not yet, but I plan to catch all pokemon, so the place needs to be huge. And I also will have to think of few places to distribute them, as not all of them are going to be from the same type of environment.
I can buy the land at the back of my house which connects to a forest. My normal, flying grass, bug, electric, ground, poison, fighting, psychic, dragon and dark types of Pokémon can live there if they wants. As for the other types I will try to create a place where they could be comfortable living, if not, I could buy a house nearby a place where they are comfortable in. Sure, is not indispensable for them to live like they used to, but I would like to recreate their environment as much as possible." I said.
"I see." She said.
"I could also buy an unoccupied small island but I don't have the money for that yet. Not counting all the changes and upgrades the island is going to need. But I will think of something." I said while shrugging my shoulders.
Buying land was not a problem in this world, except if you live in a big city. In towns and villages is cheaper to buy land, depending on the place the square meters for land can go from 50 poke dollars upwards.
If you wants to transform a place to a certain type of terrain for your pokemon, it will cost a lot if the place is big enough. The more advanced in technology it is, the costlier is going to become.
"But it is still to early to be worrying about that, I will take a step at the time and see how far I can go." I said. While she nodded her head.
"Well, if you need a place for your pokemon, this center has space for them. I will be glad to take care of them for you If you want." She said.
"Thank you, I would truly appreciate your help in taking care of them. But aren't you busy taking care of the Pokémon center already?" I asked her.
"Sure, but I have a few assistant under me that can help me take care of all the pokemon. Although they are in a quest right now." She responded.
"Talking about quests, does you have a quest that I can complete?" I asked.
"Yes, they are few quests you can do, and they are relatively easy." She nodded.
"Great, after you check my team, I will go and complete a couple of them if you don't mind." I said.
Finishing our breakfast, I decided to check the list of quest that I can do for the moment. While nurse Joy took my team for a quick checkup.
'Let's see.
1) Catch a Budew on route 4.
2) Catch a Zubat on route 4 or in a cave.
3) Catch a Shinx on route 4.
4) Catch an Abra on route 3.
5) Help to find a lost object.
6) Help to collect wood from the forest.
7) Plants for next generation. Help to plant seedlings of trees for next generation of trainers. Etc."
They were a bunch of quests that I could choose for novice trainers like me.
I will pick collecting wood in the forest, it doesn't matter what route I take. I will try to find more Pokémon for my team.
After deciding which quest I will finish first, I waited for an hour to get my team checked, then we head out.
Going out of the Pokémon center, I choose route 203 to try to catch some new Pokémon. But I stop by the poke market to buy some poke balls first.
Now ready to catch new Pokémon it's time to look for them.
Entering route 203, I could see the tall trees, the grass and even some ponds with water on them.
I let out Turtwig, Shinx and Starly. Looking at Starly I say: "Starly, fly around us and see if any pokemon different of what I have in our team is near please. If you find them, you can tell them that if they want, they can become my pokemon. I will train them to become more powerful or if they just want a place to live. I will be near that pond over there."
"Starly." Starly responded and took fly.