In the tranquil village of Elaris, seven-year-old Nyros Vale leads a life of innocence and joy under the loving care of his mother, Liora Vale. This peace is shattered one evening when dark-clad intruders attack, overwhelming Liora’s magical defenses and laying waste to their home. As Nyros hides in a cupboard, he witnesses the brutal destruction of his family and village. The once-happy sanctuary is reduced to a scene of devastation, leaving Nyros alone amidst the ruins. His mother’s final command—to survive despite the solitude—now weighs heavily on him. With the dawn breaking over the remnants of his old life, Nyros learns of a hidden library, a repository of knowledge spanning other worlds and dimensions, as the only connection to his past and future. Driven by a promise and a quest for revenge, Nyros embarks on a journey that will span of years.