Chapter 2

Veronica wished they all wouldn't be so secretive so she could understand what was happening. 

The man by her side was her husband and her cousin claimed her wedding ring, still holding onto it even though the truth was out in the open.

Veronica inspected her hand, something noticed by Liam who was puzzled by the missing ring. 

"Where is my wife's ring?" Liam asked, looking at the three suspects. "While she lies here in this state, one of you would steal her jewellery again?"

"Steal? Look at how he calls us a thief without any proof. There are cameras all around. Go watch them and see that I didn't take anything," Evelyn replied, pointing her finger to the doctor as the one to move. "We are not thieves."

"One of you is. I want the ring back on her finger now and the three of them escorted out. My wife does not need any visitors now," Liam informed the doctors.

Evelyn turned to Veronica to help them. "Sweetie. We have waited so long for you to wake up. I told the rest of the family I would call once we got better news. I want to know when you will be able to leave and what I must do to help you."

Veronica didn't know who to trust as everyone scared her a bit. Her mother and cousin lied about the ring which belonged to her. Her husband hadn't lied to her but she wasn't comfortable with him. 

Beth secretly slipped the ring from her finger and bent down, pretending to pick it up. "It is here. No one needs to argue anymore."

Liam narrowed his eyes at Beth's hands, noticing the special ring he had made for Veronica. "Why did you think that trick would work? It was on her hand when she came in and she just woke up. Leave the ring and get out. Now!"

Beth threw the ring on the bed, wishing she could throw it at Veronica. "Keep it. It doesn't suit me. What good is the ring if the husband isn't faithful?" She smirked, satisfied by Veronica's confusion. There was much to enjoy about Veronica no longer having her memories.

Veronica frowned, puzzled by what Beth tried to imply. Was her husband not faithful to her or was this another trick? 

Veronica leaned forward, wanting to stop her father from leaving since he was the quiet one who did not scare her but he was dragged off by her mother.

"This fight isn't over," Evelyn informed Liam. One way or another she was coming back to get Veronica.

Veronica watched helplessly as her family left her alone and confused by the interaction between them and her husband. She picked up the wedding ring, admiring the beauty of it but she couldn't help wondering now if her marriage matched this beauty. 

"Now that your wife is awake, we need to start some tests on her," the doctor started. "To have almost drowned might have been a traumatic event for her. The bruise on her face means she might have hit something on her way down. It could have contributed to her current state…"

Veronica didn't hear what the doctor had to say to her husband as her attention was fixed on the television where her husband's face was plastered. 

How big was the accident that her husband's face was on the television with a video of someone standing outside of a hospital? Then it showed a woman. 

Veronica touched her face, wondering if the woman shown was her.

"Tycoon," she read the word placed in bold. 'Who is he?' She wondered again.

Veronica remained quiet for the rest of the time the doctor spoke with her husband and then when she was snuck outside to a car. The hospital was becoming too hectic with the reporters outside searching for news about her state and some patients seemed willing to take the risk of leaking news to the reporters for the money offered. 

Veronica didn't know what to expect at the place called home. 

She glanced at Liam sitting to the right of her staring angrily at his phone. Someone or something had upset him. He had not said a word to her since they left the hospital, leaving her in the dark about what else he spoke about in private to her doctor.

Sitting alone in the car with him did not feel safe. Her family did not seem the greatest but was she better off with this stranger?

"We've arrived, boss."

Veronica gazed out the window at a large house in view. It was surrounded by gates like what she saw on the television in the hospital room. Few reporters were lingering outside. 

"They cannot see inside," Liam said after she tried to duck.

Veronica straightened herself, embarrassed that she ducked for nothing. "We live here?" She asked, not believing it.

"I wouldn't bring you here if this wasn't our home," Liam replied, his gaze fixed on his phone.

News of their secret departure was already spreading.

Veronica bit her lip, no longer wanting to ask any questions. 

Why was he so cold? 

Veronica felt relieved when the car stopped and the door was opened for her. 

"Do not let anyone inside," she overheard Liam say to someone on the phone.

"Mrs. Sterling! You are back!"

Veronica stepped back until her back touched the car as a woman she did not know ran toward her. She was hugged as if dearly missed by the stranger.

"Who are you?" Veronica asked, not knowing whether this was another relative.

"She doesn't have her memories. This is Edna Davis, the only maid here at the moment," Liam did the introductions. "She will care for you while I am doing work."

"It is nice to see you, Edna," Veronica said, her voice coming off robotic.

Edna couldn't believe her ears that Veronica lost her memories. "You were so well last I saw you. Did you find-"

"Edna, there is work inside to be done," Liam spoke over Edna before she revealed too much. "I need a guest room prepared right now and some of my clothes moved there."

Edna had much to tell Veronica but did not want to upset Liam. He had been in a foul mood these days and every day she feared losing her work.

"Why didn't you let her speak?" Veronica questioned, hesitant to go inside. "What are you trying to hide from me? You're no better than the others."

"Veronica," Liam snapped, his patience running thin. 

There was too much for him to deal with and the one person who had all the answers did not have her memories. 

"You need to trust me. She was going tell you something which would upset you-"

"My memories are gone and strangers are withholding things from me. I am already upset!" Veronica yelled, her frustration evident in her tone. "Our faces were all over the news which means we are important somehow. What do you want from me when I go in there? I can't be the wife you want right now."

"Veronica, go inside where it is safe. I interrupted her for your safety. Were you not listening when the doctor informed us to take it easy with your memories? You need to rest before the detectives come here-"

"The doctors and the news reported it as a boating accident where I fell off and almost drowned. I know that much to not be lied to," Veronica replied, happy she had at least paid attention to the reports.

Liam did not view it as an accident. "Veronica, for the five years we have been together, I have never taken you on a boat because you have a fear of standing on one in the open water. You want me to believe now that you overcame that fear and went on one without me?"