Chapter 12

Liam returned the laptop to Veronica and left her alone to do as she wanted. 

Veronica wasn't surprised to see her face and name among the trending stories. She had already realised her husband wasn't an ordinary man but she still didn't know much about him,. 

Is the spotlight too much for Veronica Sterling? The wife of Liam Sterling tried to kill herself. Accident or attention stunt? 

"Unbelievable," Veronica muttered, disgusted by some of the story titles. 

What kind of person did they take her for to come up with a story that her accident was for attention?

The reporters were nothing more than awful people coming up with ridiculous stories to grasp the attention of readers. So far, it seemed that some were buying the stories based on the comments.

"We only like looking at her husband so she did something drastic to get our attention," she read a comment. 

Veronica knew that Liam was the one from money and he was handsome so he would gather a lot of attention but wasn't this too much? How could she have been so jealous of her husband that she would almost kill herself?

Why weren't those believing the stories thinking instead of trusting what they read?

Veronica wanted to close the laptop to stop torturing herself with stupid comments but she had to continue. 

Veronica scrolled through more reports about her incident, listening and reading what was assumed so far. For the most part, it was believed that it was either an accident or she tried to kill herself. 

Only Liam believed she was set up by someone. 

"Who would- an email," she said, clicking the mail that popped up to the side. 

It was an email from an art gallery and looking through the rest of her mail, Veronica now knew it was concerning work. There were emails about events, art to be sold, and to be placed in a gallery.

"I have an art gallery," Veronica whispered. 

Her question was put to the side when she stumbled upon an email with the name Sterling in it but it wasn't from Liam. It was from an Adeline Sterling. The date she received it was four days ago.

"Since you won't answer your phone, I had no choice but to reach out to your email. The least you can do is properly greet the woman responsible for your husband's existence. I want to meet in private. I will send a car to the gallery at six. Get in it and do not bring Liam with you," Veronica read.

Veronica didn't like the tone of the email. It gave off a commanding tone like she was expected to meet with Liam's mother without any questions. 

Veronica sighed, raking her fingers through her hair. She didn't have time for a woman angry that her son had not married who she wanted. "Why is there a shortage of good mothers?" She wondered.

Since Evelyn did not care for her, shouldn't the world have been so kind to make her mother-in-law love her? 

"Wait! When did I fall off the boat?" Veronica asked herself, looking back at the news reports. "Four days ago."

Veronica pushed the laptop back, in disbelief at the coincidence of the dates. 

Had she gone ahead to meet with Liam's mother? There wasn't a meeting place stated in the email so it could have been to a boat.

"Wait, think logically," Veronica said before she could overreact. "Why did she send me an email of our meeting when this could be found? It could have been in the moment of anger since I wouldn't leave her son."

This was a motive for Liam's mother.

The list of people Veronica couldn't trust was growing. She had to trust Liam and Edna's words that she did not like to go on boats so someone had done something to her and made it look like an accident.

"I was to die that day. Whoever did it must be enjoying that I don't have my memories but also nervous," said Veronica.

The fear of getting caught should her memories come back would have the culprit try to harm her again.

Veronica didn't know what to do other than to trust Liam to protect her. 

Veronica continued to search the emails until there was another to catch her attention and sure enough, one did. 

As Liam said, plans for a building were sent to her.

Veronica searched the company name in the email and to no surprise, her stepfather's face showed Beth and Evelyn at his side. She was not in any of the photos which looked complete without her.

There was a tinge of sadness looking at the photos. Her mother hugged Beth as if they were mother and daughter. She was reminded of how cold her mother was in the hospital but warm to Beth. 

Veronica wiped her eyes as tears formed. There was no use crying over someone who didn't want to see her open her eyes. 

There was a chance for them to start over to have a better relationship as mother and daughter but Evelyn only thought of money.

Veronica closed the laptop, unable to look at the love meant for her going to someone else. She couldn't take any more of this. It would be much worse once she recalled why she didn't have a good relationship with her mother and why she lived alone before she met Liam.

"Why does she hate me so much?" Veronica wondered, her tears continued to escape. 

There were emotions hidden behind her tears. More than just seeing how she was excluded from her family. There was something she couldn't remember worth crying over.

Veronica didn't hold back her tears and let it out as it felt like something she needed to do. 

Once the feelings passed, she wiped her eyes. She wouldn't waste any more of her tears on people who wanted to use or hurt her. 

Veronica opened the laptop again and this time searched for Liam Sterling. She needed to know more about her husband first. 

Who exactly was he?

How important was he?

"Hotshot tycoon and dream man," Veronica repeated the two nicknames for him. 

He was a businessman who followed in his father's shoes while his mother had more of a political family background.

"No wonder she's so picky about who he marries. How much did she think I would taint her family image?" Veronica wondered. 

Like the photos stored on her laptop, Veronica came across countless photos of herself and Liam together. They smiled, seemingly enjoying each other's company. 

The photos were taken from a distance, never up close like it would be done for interviews. They were private like Liam said.

"His method was wrong but he was telling the truth," said Veronica.

Veronica stared at herself standing before what had to be the gallery from the emails. Something about her gave off confidence. She fit the appearance of the wife of a man like Liam though her background was lacking the right requirements.

"I have to be this again even if I have to act the part," Veronica said, wanting to be the person she was that did not allow anyone to use her.

Though Liam was finding the answers for her, Veronica couldn't sit by and do nothing. She had to get back into the world she was used to. She had to be the Veronica Sterling others knew her as and retrace her steps. 

No matter what needed to be done, she would get back her memories and uncover the truth of what happened to her.