Chapter 14

Adeline could only laugh at her poor excuse of a son. When Veronica shows her true colours and leaves Liam, then he would see all he had was family. His blood family, not a woman who used him for money.

Adeline folded her arms, not finished with the talk. "The smartest thing you ever did concerning that girl was to get a prenup but women like her are smart. You've been spoiling her with too much over the years and there are holes in that agreement. She'll suck you dry."

Adeline saw it happening with Evelyn to know what to expect from Veronica. "I thought I warned you enough to watch out for women like her. Now, look at us. Look at all the press she's given us. Suicide?"

"Veronica didn't try to kill herself and don't talk like you're a stranger to suicide in this family. For some of us, death is the only way to get out. Your hands are not clean," said Liam.

He wasn't a stranger to seeing his maternal relatives getting their hands dirty. 

Adeline opened her mouth to respond but closed it. She couldn't trust Liam not to record her. She didn't doubt that if they pushed too far Liam wouldn't try to take them down.

Her family's hands were cleaner than their peers which made them good candidates.

"I am trying to do what is best for you and the family. It isn't just me who doesn't like all the attention her little stunt brings. Your grandfather and uncle do not like it. The timing was off-"

"You're telling me this like I care," Liam interjected.

There was a lot his grandfather and uncle did not like but Liam didn't pay any attention to it. If he did, he would have to stop breathing to please the two men. 

"You should. You're protected by us but we can also destroy you. I know the ins and outs of the Sterling family so it wouldn't be too hard, but it's not something I want to see. You are my son," Adeline said, approaching Liam to touch his face.

"I had it all laid out for you. You would take the business world and then enter politics. I could make you soar high but you have one flaw. You don't have a wife who can bring you the right ties. You need allies in the political world. You've done it in business but it's not enough," said Adeline.

Adeline would prefer to see Liam pushed to be a governor. He had all the qualities for it and the right family connection but Veronica didn't fit in. She was an eyesore. A woman who didn't know how to act and would eventually shame the family.

"I can't stop the lengths they will go to get you on board their side. Your father supports them but he's left the business in your hands. We need your support and you need a wife who can support you. Divorce her whilst she knows nothing," Adeline suggested.

They could twist the stories to their liking and Veronica wouldn't have a single memory to go against them.

Liam laughed at his mother's delusion. She dangled the political world in front of him as if he cared for it. "You have got to stop, mother. This conversation is old and boring. Veronica isn't going anywhere so I suggest you get used to seeing her face by my side."

"Then again, you have a son that hates you so much you don't see my face. I will keep Veronica away from you-"

"Don't make it sound like you're doing me a favour," Adeline said, removing her hand from Liam's face. "I told you that she isn't welcome here. I don't want to see her but unfortunately, her face is all over the news. She got the attention that she wanted in the end."

"Do you a favour?" Liam released a dry laugh. "I am doing it for my wife so she doesn't have to be around someone like you. I don't want you to rub off on her. Veronica isn't the one who will ruin our image. You've done well at that."

"The awards for my charitable actions say otherwise. You don't have room to speak about a good image when I am hearing that you had an affair," Adeline said.

It had weighed her mind if he could be so stupid to let something like this get out. They already had to bear with all the news about Veronica. The family could not have Liam's image ruined by an affair.

Liam chuckled, amused by the second mention of an affair. "When all else fails all of you need to turn to lies about me cheating on my wife?"

"I am not the one who started the rumour about you cheating. I wouldn't go so low to ruin your image. I thought I raised you better than for you to cheat but men like you need to have your fun. If you're going to cheat, just divorce her and do as you want," Adeline advised Liam. "You are seen as a dream man and we can use that."

"We could paint the picture that you cared for her as much as you could but it was too much for you."

"Do you hear yourself?" Liam asked, stepping away from his mother. 

She wondered why he surrounded himself with just Veronica and stayed away from this family.

"You heard a lie about your son possibly having an affair and the first thing you think about is about family appearances. You haven't changed," Liam said, not feeling anything toward his mother. This was what he was used to when it came to her.

"Unfortunately for you, I am not cheating on my wife. I love her, which is why I married her. Was that not obvious in the way I stood up to you and this family for her? Don't get your hopes up that there will be an affair to ruin my marriage," said Liam. 

He had to look more at where these rumours were coming from. Whether his interaction with a woman was misunderstood or it was just gossip started by Beth, it had to end. 

Veronica didn't know what to believe and too many speaking about an affair might lead to her thinking it was true. 

They had gone too low this time to try to ruin his marriage. 

"Son," Adeline tried to touch Liam again but he avoided it. 

"Don't touch me. You've picked the side you wanted to be on so stay there and away from me," Liam said, backing away from her. "Stay away from Veronica. This is the last time I am warning you."

Liam turned around to leave his mother. The email Veronica mentioned came to mind. If his mother had any part of Veronica's incident, he would drag this family straight down to hell.