Arc 2 Relations, Chapter 2: Is this love or an accident?

A cold week passed since my uncle told us that story and it was February 14th, Valentine's Day.

Every year, I dreaded this day knowing I had no girl to talk to or take out, little did I know however

that today would be the day I met the love of my life.

I was working and I saw golden, lush, and flying hair from the corner of my eye. I turned to see who

it was, and I saw her face.

"I know her from somewhere, but from where? Work? No, this is the first time I have seen her at

work. At lunch? It is not possible, men and women do not eat lunch together. Maybe when we were

going to our cell blocks? Also, it is not possible, for men and women not to share cell blocks. Where do I

know you from?" I thought to myself.

I completely forgot where I saw her from and was bewildered. A guard noticed me looking at her

and unconsciously, I was looking at her butt, so the guard whistled at me (a sign of punishment if I

do not comply) so I got back to work immediately. A couple of hours passed, and we were still

working together. Jonah was working at a different site for that day for reasons I do not know.

Suddenly, she looked at me with her beautiful, radiating, green eyes. Her eyes could tell her life

story, and I could tell she was innocent as a lamb. She then smiled and blushed. My heart

suddenly had a rush of excitement.

"What- What was that" I thought to myself as I tried to avoid eye contact with her.

We continued working and I started to feel what some may call 'love'. I never felt that emotion

before and I never knew how it felt. Sure, I had crushes, for example, this beautiful, blonde,

Russian girl named Elena. I liked her sure, but she never liked me back, I thought that was what

heartbreak felt like, but how can you experience heartbreak if your heart was never built in the

first place? It's like a constructor tearing down a failed building that was never built or a writer

burning a book he never wrote. To break someone's heart, you must build it first, raise it at a

height then let it crash down to its demise.

At about 8 pm, I finished my section and was about to move to another section, coincidentally,

she also finished, and we were walking (not necessarily 'together' but we were close). Once of a

sudden, she walked up to me, smiled, tilted her head slightly, and stuck out her hand.

"Hi, my name is Dina, Dina Katz, and my number is 444. What about you?" She said with a soft

smile and an angelic voice.

My heart was racing, I knew she was looking at me and smiling at me, but I never thought she

would come up to me. My brain was overflowing with emotion so I blabbered utter nonsense in


"My name is 555 and on my neck is tattooed myself." I blabbered.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha. What did you just say?" She asked whilst chuckling.

I was panicking, I didn't know what to say.

"How the hell is she so damn composed, is she not nervous?" I asked myself.

My palm was getting sweaty, and 2 seconds passed since she stuck out her hand and I still didn't

shake her hand.

"Calm down, calm down." I thought to myself.

"My name is Johansen, Johansen Berg but you can call me John or Johan and my number is 555." I

finally said and shook her hand.

Afterward, we kept walking, and it was a brutally awkward silence. I wanted to break the silence,

but I simply didn't know how. Luckily, she broke it for me.

"So, Johan, whereabouts are you from?" She asked

"Where I'm from? Does she mean where I was born or my ethnicity? What should I say?" I asked

myself whilst panicking

"Well, I was born here and so were my parents, but my grandparents migrated to Germany from

Israel." I said confidently.

"No silly, I meant city." She stated whilst chuckling

"How the hell did I still mess it up?" I asked myself

"Oh, ha-ha, I'm from Hamburg, here," I said with an embarrassed chuckle.

"Oh, I'm from Berlin, the capital!" She said.

"Are you also Jewish?" I asked.

"No, I'm half Roma or 'Gypsy' as these Nazis call it. My dad is a Nazi soldier, and my mom is

Gypsy but to get a promotion he gave us up. My mom is in a camp in Berlin and probably

dead." She said with a fading smile

Roma? I never heard of them before, but I didn't want to ask any further. I did hear the guards'

mentioning gypsies before but not Roma.

"How can a man be so cruel and heartless as to leave his child?" I thought out loud.

I thought out loud a bit too loud and she heard me, unfortunately.

"My dad really wanted that promotion, and he idolized Hitler and even had posters of him up on

the wall and beat me and my mother alongside each other, to be honest, I'm surprised he gave us

up and didn't just kill us." She said whilst sobbing

"How did I make her sob already?" I thought to myself.

I felt horrible, I did the same thing I did with my uncle, I brought up a traumatic experience and

ruined their mood, but, how can a man hate his family so much and love the devil himself

more than his family? I don't even want to utter his name, the name of my enslaver, the one who

caused all of this, the one who caused all this suffering, it was all his fault.

"So, is Hamburg a nice place? I've only ever seen this camp in Hamburg." Dina asked

"Yeah, I mean it's alright, the weather is just fine but I enjoy the ladies here, super-hot legs

and nice butts. Not to mention, the incredible faces." I said whilst thinking out loud again.

"Oh no! Sweet mother of Jesus! What did I just say!? Why am I such an Idiot!?" I asked myself.

I messed up back then, what was I thinking talking about a girl's ass and legs to a potential

partner!? I thought I would either get slapped or ignored but what happened next really proved

that Dina was different.

"Oh yeah? Trust me Berlin girls are a hell of a lot better than these Hamburg girls, we are tall,

blonde, sexy, and mature, something that Berlin girls are missing out on." She said with a powerful

yet cheerful tone.

Afterward, we both just laughed and luckily no guard was around. We laughed for the rest of the

walk and I suppose we fell in love. You heard that right Rufus, I met the love of my life while

walking to work and joking about another girl's ass. Man, she was something else. To give

her justice, Dina did have a nice ass and legs and face, way better than any Hamburg girl.

What was so special about her though was not that stuff, but her soul, she was as soft as a

sheep. She never scolded me, never hated me, was never bitter to me, we never argued, she was

the shoulder that I would lean on and vice versa, she was the color of my life, without her

everything was black and white, she was a rainbow after a brutal storm. Her golden hair was like

an endless stream of golden water that refreshed a man for his whole life. She was the one.

It was 11:30 PM and it was nearly midnight, I went to my cell block and jumped in bed. Suddenly, I

heard a knock on the door.

"Oh no, why is a guard at my door? But wait, a guard wouldn't knock, he would barge in. Come

in!" I thought to myself and then said.

I did think it was a guard but then comparing the situation to the normal behavior of a guard, I

quickly realized it wasn't.

Dina came in and she was blushing and smiling and holding a little paper bag.

"Hey Johan, I stole this from the overseer's office, want to share them with me?" She asked with

a devious smile.

That's right, she stole them from The Great Otto Schwarze, the devil's right-hand man himself.

She did something that I wouldn't even dare think of doing. This was another reason why I loved

her, she never cared, she did what she pleased, and she was free and stressless. She wasn't scared

of Otto, but me on the other hand, if someone mentioned his name, I would tremble and rightly

so, but her courage was what inspired me to do what I did, a simple meal is what inspired me to

do what I did.

She then took out a sandwich and a chocolate bar and gave me one of each.

"Here, let's eat." She said,

As I reached to grab the sandwich, I felt her soft hands, her beautiful, God-like hands. Our skin

made contact, and it was like sandpaper meeting a pillow, my hands were rough and like

sandpaper and her soft, beautiful, overworked hands were like pillows. I felt love in that gesture,

when handing over that sandwich, I felt her love.

"Than...Thank you, Dina. But why me, why not share them with your friends or cellmates?" I


"Because... Because I need to tell you something but first let's eat. I also got apple juice if you

want some." She said.

"Is it... Is it what I think it is?" I thought to myself.

I then grabbed an apple juice and a chocolate bar and ate along with her on my bed.

I was eating with her for the first time, and to be honest, I didn't even need to talk, just being

with her made me feel complete and happy and that same night, the nightmares went away, the

screams and Laughter went away, they didn't go away when my uncle joined or when I

reconciled with Jonah, but when I fell in love. Now I know that the only cure for those dreams was

Love, which explains why I still have them today.

"I enjoyed it today; it was one of the best days I had since I came here. Thank you for that,

Dina. You made my Valentine's Day worthwhile." I said whilst blushing and smiling.

My words startled her, and she started choking. I was petrified and didn't know what to do. I was

panicking. I stood up and tried to thrust her to help her but then she started laughing hysterically.

"Ba-ha-ha-ha-ha, How did you fall for that!" She said whilst blowing up.

Suddenly I saw movement out the windows and the person looked dead at us. I jumped on her

and covered her mouth with my hands. Our bodies met, and our faces were mere centimeters away, I

could feel her breath blowing on my blonde hair and she could feel my breath running down her

neck. I was holding her mouth shut so she wouldn't utter a single word, all my windows were open

and even the slightest noise would attract suspicion. Finally, our eyes locked and we stared into

each other's eyes. Behind her eyes, I could see a fragile little girl who needed rescuing, a princess

who needed to be saved from the evil King. I could see her suffering in her eyes but also a glimpse

of happiness, happiness and freedom. She then started to blush and I did too.

The person then went away, and I removed myself from her. I then briefly explained why I did that.

"Woah, uh, I didn't know you were so strong." She said awkwardly whilst trying to avoid eye


"Yeah, you should shut your mouth more often you know, you could've got us killed," I said

with a dominant tone.

"Dammit, I sounded like an asshole." I thought to myself.

"Alright enough of the jokes, on a serious note, I'm glad I made your day worthwhile and to be fair,

you made my day better too." She said whilst blushing.

"I have one more thing to tell you though." She said whilst blushing hysterically.

At this point her whole face became red and her body started shaking. I knew what she was going

to say, and I started to blush too.

"Wha... What is it? You can tell me anything, I hope you know that." I replied.

"I... I love you! Ever since I came here, I had my eyes on you and spied on you. When I saw you

crying when those 2 people died, my heart was breaking, I want to fix that, I want to love you, and I

want you to love me too. I don't just love you because of that though, it's something about you, I

don't know what but it makes me want to be with you, it makes me love you, the way you act and

the way you care about the littlest of things, when that crippled old man came, the way you cared

for him astounded me, my love couldn't handle being bottled up any longer, I had to confess and

to be honest I don't regret it one bit!" She exclaimed very quickly.

My heart flew, it flew up to the sky, and it was repaired and restored. By that time, I was already head over

heels for her, the way she was so free and fearless attracted me, not to mention her loving and

caring nature and the fact she came to me at 11:30 in the night, when she knew she could've

been punished, just to give me food, astounded me. I was astounded by the fact that she said that

I astounded her! I was being myself and she fell in love with that, she didn't fall in love with a

facade but with the real me.

I got closer and closer to her face, tilting my head right and tilting hers left.

"I love you too, Dina," I said romantically.

We both then went in for the kiss and we kissed, a kiss sealed our love, it was like signing a

contract, a contract of love. We kissed and I forgot all about those dreams and the 'never-ending

hole' that I would fall in endlessly, I forgot about all those horrid experiences. Her big and soft lips

shaped a bow that felt excellent. It felt like cold grass after walking on a platform of burning coals, it

felt like a shelter in the storm, like undressing a filthy garment and washing, it felt like heaven, and

it was heaven. We kissed for 1 minute and nothing else, we were both Christian and knew our

boundaries, if only I had kept Christian morals for my whole life, then I wouldn't have

suffered this much. We then backed away, she stood up and screamed and clenched her body

and then ran away.

"What the hell just happened," I said under my breath. I was surprised as to why she just

screamed after I told her not to and why she ran away. That didn't change the fact that I still

loved her though.

"Maybe she was just embarrassed, no way it was forced, right?" I tried convincing myself.

I then went to bed and was happy with how my day ended up, and let's just say, that the dreams I

had that night were nearly better than the kiss.