Chapter 1:vol 1: stormy weather

At home, Alex was watching a live TV show on Kidz+.

The show was about to reveal the votes for who was going to win, just after the commercial break.

Noticing this, Alex went to grab his phone, only to find it had disappeared from his side.

He began searching for it, only to catch Manon trying to unlock his phone.

Manon, the 6-year-old kid he was watching for a friend of his mother's, had taken it.

He groaned and started chasing after her to get his phone back.

"Hey, Manon, give me back my phone!" Alex called, chasing her.

"Never!" Manon replied in a giddy voice.

While chasing her, Alex tripped, and Manon burst into laughter.

"Ugh!" Alex groaned as he got up. Just then, he heard the shop's doorbell ring.

As he went downstairs to answer it, Manon ran past him, dropping his phone.

With a sigh, Alex picked it up, relieved that it wasn't broken, and chased after her once more.

Arriving at the shop's entrance, Manon began picking up pots and playing with them.

I mentally groaned and went to open the door.

As I opened it, I saw Alya standing there with a slightly annoyed expression on her face.

"Jeez, finally! Took you long enough to open the door," Alya said, her tone sarcastic and tinged with annoyance.

I started to smile. At least there's someone here who isn't being a pain.

"Sorry, Alya, I'm babysitting my mom's friend's child, and she's quite a handful," Alex explained, opening the door with an expression of slight detest, revealing Manon playing with the pots.

Alya chuckled at this.

"Yeah, well, anyway, did you know Adrien's doing a photo shoot?" Alya asked, handing Alex her phone.

"What? Really?!" Alex exclaimed, quickly taking the phone with excitement.

"Yeah, and guess what? It's not far away—it's at the park," Alya said enthusiastically.

Alex smiled excitedly at this, but his expression started to falter.

"That's great and all, Alya, but I'm watching Manon. I can't go anywhere without her."

"I could watch her for you," Alya offered.

Alex brightened up, but then he began to feel reluctant again.

"I can't do that to you. You're my best friend, and Manon is my responsibility to watch," Alex said, looking back at Manon, still playing with the pots.

"Well, luckily, I'm great with kids," Alya said, smiling.

Manon then came over to see who Alex was talking to. Hiding behind his leg, she asked who Alya was.

"Hey, who are you?" Manon asked, looking up at Alya.

Alya smiled playfully. "I'm the unicorn princess from planet Rispa, and I'm here to abduct you!"

With that, she picked up Manon, placed her on her shoulders, and ran off with her to the park, causing Manon to giggle and smile.

Alex smiled too and chased after them.

Back at Kidz+, the studio was about to reveal the poll results.

The speaker turned toward the camera with enthusiasm to announce the winner.

"Hey folks! It looks like Mirelle completely dominated, blowing Aurore out of the water with an impressive 82 percent!" the speaker said, his voice filled with excitement.

The camera then cut to the screen, showcasing the final results.

Mirelle, fair-skinned with short, dark blue hair and hazelnut eyes, wore a pinkish-purplish shirt and white pants. She scored a stunning 82 percent. Aurore, with blonde hair styled in semi-long twintails, blue eyes, and a light blue mini dress paired with white pants, earned just 18 percent.

Aurore's face fell as Mirelle eagerly took her trophy, radiating triumph.

The speaker, sensing the tension, approached Aurore with a teasing smile.

"So, Aurore, tell me—how does it feel to take such a crushing defeat?" he asked, his tone dripping with enthusiasm and mockery.

Aurore, unable to hold back her disappointment, stormed off toward the elevator. She curled up in a fetal position, clutching her parasol, and began crying quietly.

At that moment, Hawkmoth, observing from his lair, decided it was time to act.

He reached for a white butterfly, preparing to turn Aurore's sorrow into something he can use.

A white butterfly flies into his hand, and he places his other hand over it, covering it entirely. Black-purplish particles fluctuate inside his hand. When he opens both hands, an akumatized butterfly appears—an Akuma.

He smiles wickedly.

"Go, my evil Akuma, and evilize her!" Hawkmoth commands with a malicious grin.

At the photoshoot, Alex, Alya, and Manon hide behind a tree.

"Okay, Alex, remember, walk casually," Alya says with a determined look.

"Alright, Alya," Alex replies with slight enthusiasm.

As Alex attempts to walk casually across from Adrien's photoshoot, he trips and stumbles, causing Alya to mentally groan as she walks beside him.

Growing anxious, Alex quickly turns around.

"Maybe we should start over," Alex suggests nervously. "Let's go before Adrien sees us." But no sooner than he attempts to walk back, Adrien spots them and waves, smiling.

Alex quickly waves back, a nervous and embarrassed grin spreading across his face.

Adrien returns to his photoshoot, and Alex continues to wave nervously, prompting Alya to reprimand him.

"You can stop waving now, Adrien's focusing on his photoshoot," Alya says, trying to prevent Alex from embarrassing himself further.

She pushes Alex's mouth closed, only for it to spring back into a wide grin once again.

Alya mentally groans.

The akuma, flying into the Kidz+ studio, finds its way to Aurore's parasol.

As the akuma enters, Aurore is immediately connected with Hawkmoth.

"Hello, Stormy Weather. My name is Hawkmoth, and I will give you the power to become the best weather girl this world has ever seen. Do you accept?" Hawkmoth says, grinning wickedly.

"Of course, Hawkmoth," Aurore agrees. Akumatized, she transforms into Stormy Weather.

With light brownish skin tinged with gray, purple lipstick, and purple and white hair styled in twintails, she dons a purple mini dress, purple pants, white boots, and a purple mask that covers her now violet eyes. She quickly takes off.

Holding a trophy, Mirelle takes the elevator down to the building's entrance.

But before she can exit, Stormy Weather freezes the elevator doors, trapping a distressed Mirelle inside.

Laughing, Stormy Weather heads toward the studio entrance. As she exits, she hears the crowd cheering for Mirelle. Annoyed, she blows everyone away with a gust of wind.

Stormy Weather then flies off in her frustration.

Standing to the side, watching Adrien's photoshoot, Manon quickly begins to grow bored.

Noticing someone selling mirelle balloons, she decides that she wants one.

She starts whining to Alex, demanding he buy her a balloon.

Too engrossed in watching Adrien's photoshoot, Alex doesn't realize Manon is calling for him.

"Alex! Buy me a balloon now!" Manon says, growing frustrated.

Snapping out of his daze, Alex turns to Manon.

"Come on, Manon, I'll buy you a balloon," Alya says, struggling to pull Manon off of Alex's leg.

"No! I want Alex to buy me one!" Manon insists, refusing to give up.

Alex sighs.

"I'll buy you one, Manon, come on," Alex says, walking away to get the balloon she wants.

The entire park continues on with their day as the scene unfolds.

Meanwhile, the photographer struggles to get a good shot of Adrien.

"Adrien, you're too lethargic," the photographer says, wondering what might change. His eyes suddenly fall on Alya. "Yes, she could work," he says, feeling enthusiastic.

"Hey, you!" the photographer calls to Alya.

"We need someone to help with this photoshoot. Do you mind?" the photographer asks, looking at her eagerly.

Alya, startled, thinks of another someone who would love this chance.

"I do mind, but I know someone who would love to help!" Alya says to the photographer.

She then rushes over to where Alex is, the photographer watching her run off in confusion, but still eager to see who she brings.

Manon, after getting the balloon, grabs Alex's hand and drags him toward the carousel.

"Alex, come ride with me!" Manon says, giddy with excitement.

"I would, Manon, but I have to be with Alya—" Alex starts, but Manon quickly interrupts him.

"But I thought you were supposed to be with me! You said you're my responsibility," Manon says, trying to guilt Alex into riding with her.

Feeling a bit guilty, Alex decides to ride with Manon until Alya comes rushing over.

"Hey, Alex, Adrien needs someone to take photos with him!" Alya says, her voice filled with enthusiasm and slight excitement.

Alex gives a light smile.

"Yeah, that's great, Alya, but Manon wants me to ride the carousel with her, so I can't go." Alex says, feeling even more conflicted.

With a sigh, Alya quickly picks up Manon and sets her on one of the carousel horses.

"Problem solved, now go on!" Alya says, hushing Alex away with a slightly raised voice.

With a smile, Alex then runs toward Adrien's photoshoot.

Stormy Weather, flying near the park, sees Manon holding a Mirelle balloon. Upset at this, she begins to make her presence known by blowing high-pressure winds, sending people and streetlights flying.

Stormy Weather then freezes the carousel, trapping Manon and Alya inside.

Seeing this, Alex quickly hides.

He opens his coat pocket, revealing Tikki.

"You ready, Tikki?" Alex says with a smile.

"Always," Tikki responds, smiling back.

"Alright then, Tikki, spots on!" Alex exclaims, waving his hand in front of his ears, making Tikki fly into his earrings.

First, he forms his mask and arms, and then finally his suit, with his hair changing into two braids. His yo-yo materializes.

Finishing his transformation, Alex rushes to see if he can help Alya.

Adrien, noticing Stormy Weather, quickly tells the weatherman to go hide and that he would hide as well to seek help, though he's secretly using this chance to transform.

Getting behind a tree, he quickly calls out to Plagg.

"Alright, Plagg, take this Camembert and transform!" Adrien says with a light smile.

"Alright, alright, jeez," Plagg mutters, slightly annoyed, as he eats the Camembert.

Once finished, Adrien wastes no time and transforms.

"Plagg, claws out!" Adrien calls, and Plagg flies into his ring, turning it black. Adrien swipes his hand over his hair, forming black cat ears, a black mask, and cat-like eyes. His arms stretch out as his full suit forms, complete with his belt and staff.

Cat Noir then goes after Stormy Weather.

Meanwhile, Overbug heads toward the frozen carousel to confront Alya and Manon.

"You guys alright?" Overbug asks, his voice filled with concern and worry for them.

Alya, holding Manon, responds back.

"Yeah, we're okay!" Alya says, though there's a hint of worry in her voice.

Overbug sighs in relief.

"Alright, I'm gonna try to get you guys out!" Overbug replies, determination in his tone.

Wrapping his yo-yo around the ice dome, Overbug attempts to break it or heat it up, but each time he tries, the ice only becomes stronger. It's too smooth, and his yo-yo ends up bouncing back and hitting him on the head with a thud.

"Ouch," Overbug mutters, rubbing his head.

With no other solution, Overbug decides that the only way to save Alya and Manon is to defeat Stormy Weather.

"Just sit tight, I'll be back to check on you after I defeat Stormy Weather," Overbug says, his voice filled with enthusiasm.

This eases some of Manon's and Alya's worries.

Alya looks up at her, still worried. "Are we going to be okay, Alya?" Manon asks, her tone full of fear.

Alya smiles, trying to reassure her.

"Yes, I'm sure Overbug will figure everything out in the end," Alya says, trying to sound hopeful.

Heading toward Stormy Weather's location, Overbug sees Cat Noir being blown away by a powerful gust of wind.

Cat Noir is blown back once again, but this time, he's heading directly toward Overbug.

"Oh, crap—" Overbug starts, but before he can finish, Cat Noir crashes into him, sending both of them tumbling down the street.

"Ughh," Overbug groans, getting up. He suddenly feels something hot against his backside.

It's Cat Noir—he's sitting on Overbug's face.

Flustered and blushing, Overbug quickly jumps off of him.

Cat Noir gets back up, grinning widely.

"My, my, Bugaboo, that was the best experience I've ever had working with you," Cat Noir says flirtatiously, still grinning.

Overbug, trying to recover from the embarrassment, sighs.

"Well, good for you, kitty, but that'll be the last time you ever experience that," Overbug says, giving a sarcastic and mocking grin.

Cat Noir grins back. "Well, I'll make sure to savor that moment forever. Just so you know, it felt like I was being encased in the silkiest pillows—"

Before Cat Noir can finish, Overbug shoots him a death glare, shutting him up. Cat Noir sheepishly grins and puts his hands up in surrender.

Alex lets out an exasperated sigh.

"Anyways, Cat Noir, we have to stop this villain. While you were fighting, did you notice anything about where the Akuma might be?" Alex asks, looking toward Cat Noir.

"No, I haven't yet, but her name, Stormy Weather, isn't just for show," Cat Noir says.

"Seems like we're gonna have to fight her then. You ready, Cat Noir?" Overbug says, his determined smile in place.

"Ready when you are, my Bugaboo," Cat Noir replies with a wink.

Overbug sighs, clearly exasperated. "Quit calling me that," he says.

"But I just can't help it. You make the cutest expressions every time I say it," Cat Noir says with a playful, flirtatious grin.

Overbug rolls his eyes and mentally groans.

Before he can say anything else, Stormy Weather appears before them.

"Give me your Miraculous!" she demands, flying in the air and aiming her parasol at them.

"Only if you can defeat us!" Cat Noir retorts, rushing toward Stormy Weather once again.

Overbug quickly follows after him.

Stormy Weather grins and charges toward Cat Noir. Just as he swings his staff at her, she suddenly transforms into a cloud of smoke.

Surprised, Cat Noir doesn't realize that the real Stormy Weather is preparing a lightning bolt overhead.

Overbug acts quickly, using his yo-yo to pull Cat Noir out of the way just before the lightning strikes. The sudden movement causes Cat Noir to crash into Overbug, knocking them both down. Cat Noir ends up on top of him, pinning him down.

"I really like this position," Cat Noir says with a flirtatious grin, leaning in as if to kiss Overbug.

With an eye roll and a sigh, Overbug shoves Cat Noir's face away and gets back up.

"Now's not the time, kitty," Overbug says, his eyes on the large scorched crater left by the lightning bolt, then shifting to the smiling Stormy Weather.

"Nice eye, Overbug, but you won't be so lucky next time," Stormy Weather snarls.

She then fires bolts of lightning at Overbug. Dodging them, Overbug retaliates by throwing streetlights at her.

Stormy Weather easily dodges, but Cat Noir's staff hits her in the stomach, sending her flying back through several buildings.

Cat Noir and Overbug rush toward Stormy Weather once more, only to be blasted back by high-pressure winds from her parasol, her rage fueling the attack.

Landing on their feet, several hundred feet away, Stormy Weather sends a bus flying in their direction.

Quickly, Overbug grabs Cat Noir and spins his yo-yo at an incredible speed.

As the bus crashes toward them, Stormy Weather smiles, thinking she's hit them. With a wicked grin, she flies away.

"Phew, that was a close one, milady," Cat Noir says in relief.

"Yeah, I guess so," Overbug responds, stopping his spinning yo-yo.

Cat Noir then kicks a hole in the side of the bus, and they both jump out, landing on the side of it.

"So, where did you learn how to do that?" Cat Noir asks, admiring the perfect circle he left in the side of the bus, the edges scorched red.

"It was a last-second thought, to be honest. Didn't think it would actually work at first, but that isn't the problem—Stormy Weather is," Overbug says, his gaze fixed on a large screen across from them.

Stormy Weather appears on the screen, grinning wickedly as she begins to explain her evil plan.

"Hello, people of Paris. I'm Stormy Weather, and I will cast a powerful hyperstorm over all of France until Cat Noir and Overbug give me their Miraculous!" she declares, holding up her parasol. The clouds above begin to darken and grow thunderous as she laughs wickedly.

"We have to hurry. Any idea where she might be?" Overbug asks Cat Noir, his expression worried and slightly frantic.

Cat Noir pauses, contemplating, then spots something on the screen.

"Look at the bottom of the screen. Even though it's cracked, you can see a 'K,' and it's orange. It could be at the Kidz+ studio," Cat Noir says, pointing out the detail.

"Great thinking, kitty. Let's go stop her," Overbug says, swinging away quickly.

"After you, Bugaboo," Cat Noir says with a grin, following close behind.

Arriving at the studio, they head straight for the recording station.

As they walk around, searching for Stormy Weather, Cat Noir suddenly stops and looks at a poster of Aurore.

"Hey, could the Akuma be in her parasol? She looks similar to the girl, Aurore," Cat Noir says, pointing out the picture of Aurore on a piece of paper on the wall.

Overbug walks over to observe the photo, nodding in agreement.

"Hey, you're probably right," Overbug says, analyzing the paper closely.

As Cat Noir walked toward the recording station, he saw a prerecorded message from Stormy Weather on a nearby camera screen. It didn't take long for him to realize the message was a trap.

"Overbug! It's prerecorded, it's a trap—" he started, but before he could finish, a clone of Stormy Weather appeared and blasted lightning at them.

Overbug was sent flying through a wall, while Cat Noir narrowly dodged the blast. Grabbing his staff, Cat Noir threw it toward the clone of Stormy Weather, causing it to vanish in a puff of smoke. But soon, several more clones materialized.

Overbug quickly emerged from the rubble and kicked one of the clones that had been sneaking up behind Cat Noir.

"Cat Noir, I think Stormy Weather could be on the roof. I sense her power is strongest up there," Overbug says, spinning his yo-yo around to form a protective shield.

"Alright," Cat Noir replies, blocking another clone's attack with his staff.

They make their way toward the stairwell, with Overbug following closely behind. Together, they begin ascending toward the rooftop.

Meanwhile, the real Stormy Weather, sensing their approach and the decreasing number of her clones, grins wickedly. She focuses the storm more intensely on the building. The storm blocks all photons from entering, plunging the interior into complete darkness. Only she and her clones can see.

Stormy Weather laughs to herself, confident that victory is nearly within her grasp.

As Overbug fights through the clones, he suddenly loses his vision and begins stumbling, struggling to fend off the oncoming attacks.

"Be careful, Cat Noir! It seems Stormy Weather blocked out the light—we won't be able to see anymore!" Overbug warns, barely dodging another attack.

"It's fine! I have night vision, and I even have a quicker way to get to Stormy Weather," Cat Noir says with a grin as he dodges yet another clone's strike. He then picks up Overbug in a bridal carry, leaping and sprinting from rail to rail toward the roof.

"Hey!" Overbug yelps, surprised and slightly embarrassed.

"It's quicker this way, don't worry, bugaboo. I won't let you fall," Cat Noir says with a flirtatious grin.

"Hmmmm," Overbug responds with a slightly annoyed and reluctant huff.

Arriving on the rooftop, Overbug and Cat Noir confront Stormy Weather.

"They're here, Stormy Weather. Now take their Miraculous!" Hawkmoth commands with a determined smile.

Stormy Weather turns to face them. Since the storm is weaker up here, Overbug can see more clearly, though not as well as before.

Stormy Weather raises her parasol, summoning hail and lightning from the sky to rain down on them.

Cat Noir quickly spins his staff, creating a protective barrier.

Overbug then throws his Lucky Charm, and a red towel with black polka dots appears.

Stormy Weather grins. "What are you going to do with that? Wipe off the hail?" she mocks with a laugh.

Overbug smiles, his plan forming. "Something that will defeat you!" he declares with determination.

"You better hurry up with that plan! My arms are starting to cramp!" Cat Noir says, grimacing as he continues to block the attacks.

"On it! Cataclysm the billboard, Cat Noir!" Overbug shouts. With Cat Noir's Cataclysm, the billboard begins to rust and deteriorate until it collapses toward Stormy Weather. Reacting quickly, she blasts a bolt of lightning through the billboard, causing it to fall around her.

Seizing the opportunity, Overbug throws the towel over Stormy Weather's eyes, leaps up, kicks her down, and grabs the towel and her parasol.

Landing on his feet, he breaks the parasol, releasing the Akuma.

With a smile, Overbug spins his yo-yo and launches it at the Akuma, capturing it.

"Bye-bye, little butterfly," he says, releasing the now-white butterfly.

He throws his Lucky Charm into the air and calls, "Miraculous Ladybug!" Everything is fixed, and the damage caused by the Akuma is reversed.

On the ground, Aurore rubs her head, confused. "What happened?" she asks, looking at the two heroes.

"You were akumatized," Cat Noir answers, just as his ring starts to beep and Overbug's earrings chime.

They fist-bump. "Pound it!" they cheer, before heading off.

Landing back at the park, Overbug rejoins with Alya and Manon to check up on them.

"You guys alright?" Overbug says.

"Yeah we are, thanks to you." Alya says in relief, thanking Overbug.

"Yeah thanks to you!" Manon says happy, repeating alya's words.

"Oh and also, have you seen my friend Alex, he was around here somewhere." Alya says beginning to worry.

Overbug smiles.

"Yeah, I put him somewhere safe, he should be coming back soon." Overbug says with a smile.

"Oh, thank you then." Alya responds with a sigh of relief.

"No problem, bug out." Says Overbug as he swings away and transforms back into Alex.

Alex then runs towards the park.

He sees Alya and Manon watching Adrien continue his photoshoot and regroups with them.

"You guys seen Overbug, he was great." Alex says with a smile.

"Yeah he was." Alya says with a smile, looking towards Alex then back to the photoshoot.

Seeing Alex not moving towards the photographer, Alya sighs exasperatingly.

"Alright, Alex. Go on, the photographer is waiting for you" Alya encourages, slightly exasperated.

"Oh!" Alex says, almost forgetting, and with a smile, he walks towards the photographer who had been waiting for the person Alya promised to bring. But instead of seeing Alex, the photographer sees Manon


"Perfect!" the photographer exclaims, smiling happily.

He ushers Manon over, and soon she's taking photos with Adrien.

Standing off to the side, Alex feels disheartened and discouraged.

Alya giggles in amusement. "It's okay, Alex. Maybe there will be another chance next time," she says, patting him on the back consolingly.

Back in his secret lair, Hawkmoth is upset.

"Your luck may have won this time, Overbug and Cat Noir, but next time, I'll be sure to get your Miraculous!" Hawkmoth says angrily, as the giant window to his lair is covered with secret shielding.