Chapter 1: Natsu Dragneel

[A/N]; [All rights to the character of Natsu are reserved to Mr. Hiro mashima

, and all rights to the My Hero Academia universe are reserved to Mr. Horikoshi Kōhei. This is just fan fiction.]






**Chapter 1: Natsu Dragneel**

"I've always felt that my power doesn't belong in this world, but everyone around me insists it's just another remarkable ability among many. In a world filled with superhuman abilities, mine seemed perfectly ordinary to everyone else, and so I wasn't considered strange.

Sometimes, my power would surprise them, maybe even impress them, but no one ever questioned it. Everyone I met would say, 'What a talent you have,' but no one would ever say, 'What an odd ability.'

Even though I feel like I don't belong here, this world has accepted me as one of its own. That's why I decided to stop asking questions without answers. This is my name, this is my power, this is my appearance. This is how I look, and this is who I am. There's no point in asking questions that won't help me move forward.

So now, here I am, waiting for the bus that will take me to the place where I'll become a natural part of this society."

These were Natsu Dragneel's thoughts as he stood at the bus stop, waiting for the long-overdue vehicle. A boy with spiky pink hair, dark eyes, and pale skin, his features weren't exactly calm, but he carried an air of tranquility— or perhaps it was subtle unease, bordering on fear. He wore a white scarf around his neck and elegant clothes that seemed to belong to a bygone era.

He glanced over his shoulder, feeling the weight of the wait, hoping to find an empty seat. Yet, every seat at the bus stop was occupied. Most people behaved naturally as Natsu looked their way, except for the last boy at the edge of the bench. This boy, with wavy green hair and bright green eyes, seemed tense when his eyes met Natsu's.

The green-haired boy stood up abruptly and stammered, "Uh, sorry. You've been standing for a while. You can take my seat for a bit."

Natsu's expression remained fixed, a steady gaze that made the green-haired boy anxious. "Or, maybe not… I'm not sure… Do as you wish," he added, his voice wavering.

Natsu walked toward the green-haired boy, who was now standing, his movements causing the other boy to fidget nervously. The calm, yet intense look on Natsu's face gave off the impression of someone with a grudge, or perhaps someone on the verge of doing something drastic. The green-haired boy thought to himself, *What kind of situation is this? All I wanted was to offer my seat, but why does he look at me like his face has no life in it?*

As Natsu reached him, he placed a hand on the boy's shoulder, smiling faintly. "What's wrong? You're a really kind guy."

The green-haired boy stared in silence, bewildered by the odd behavior. While Natsu's intentions seemed sincere, the expression on his face and his silence made him seem almost dangerous. Finally, breaking the silence after the other boy started to relax, Natsu introduced himself.

"I'm Natsu. Natsu Dragneel. You look about my age, and judging by your bag and this bus stop, I assume we're headed to the same place. What's your name?"

The green-haired boy smiled, albeit hesitantly, and replied, "Midoriya Izuku. I'm heading to UA Academy for the entrance exam."

Natsu grinned and patted Midoriya's shoulder. "Just as I thought, we're fellow travelers. I'm going to UA as well. It's good to have someone to talk to on the way."

No sooner had Natsu finished speaking than they both heard the squeal of bus brakes, and in the same moment, a figure with spiky white hair and a harsh demeanor brushed past them.

"Get out of my way, trash," he spat as he pushed past them without a second glance and boarded the bus.

"Huh?" Natsu muttered with slight irritation, but the spiky-haired boy didn't look back. He simply climbed aboard with complete indifference. Natsu commented, "Who does that jerk think he is?"

Midoriya, his expression tense and hesitant, responded, "That's Bakugo Katsuki. We live in the same neighborhood, and you could say we're childhood friends. He's also going to UA for the entrance exam."

Natsu stared out the bus window at Bakugo, who had taken the last seat, and remarked, "A timid, soft-spoken guy like you being childhood friends with an arrogant punk like him? That's quite the contradiction." Then, with a curious look at Midoriya, he added, "It's strange that you still call him a childhood friend when he just insulted you in front of me."

Midoriya rubbed the back of his head sheepishly and explained, "It's not about me or you specifically. That's just how Kacchan is. It's his personality."

"Kacchan?" Natsu echoed, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, it's a nickname I've called him since we were kids. Come on, we should get on the bus before it leaves," Midoriya said, trying to change the subject.

Natsu, visibly tense again, seemed to shiver as he replied, "Yeah, you're right."

He took three hesitant steps toward the bus before Midoriya, with a calm expression, asked, "Where are you going? The door's this way."

Natsu chuckled nervously. "Oh, the door, of course! I saw it… I'll get on now."

Midoriya couldn't help but feel puzzled by Natsu's strange behavior. After about ten minutes on the bus, with Natsu seated next to Midoriya, a small smile appeared on the green-haired boy's face.

"So that's it," Midoriya mused aloud. "You can't handle transportation, can you? That's quite the inconvenience in this day and age."

Natsu, pale and barely conscious, felt waves of nausea wash over him as he struggled not to throw up.