CHAPTER 15 ~ The End Of The Training.

CHAPTER 15 ~ The End Of The Training.




Natsu and Sero were walking back toward the observation building, their footsteps crunching through the rubble and ice that littered the battlefield. The adrenaline from the battle still buzzed in the air, but for Natsu, that excitement had already turned into something lighter, more playful.

"Heh! That was a blast!" Natsu grinned, his energy almost overflowing as he punched the air in excitement. "Man, fighting Todoroki like that… I haven't felt that kind of heat in a while—literally!"

Sero chuckled, shaking his head at Natsu's boundless enthusiasm. "You almost burned down the whole building, dude. I'm not sure if we're supposed to wreck everything in training."

"Ah, come on, that's the best part!" Natsu said, throwing an arm around Sero's shoulders. "The chaos, the fire, the ice—man, that's what makes a fight real, right? You gotta feel it in your bones, otherwise, what's the point?"

Sero smirked but gave a halfhearted shrug. "I guess that's one way to look at it. But Todoroki... he's still pissed."

Natsu turned his head, glancing back at the figure of Todoroki who trailed far behind them. His face was as unreadable as ever, his silence heavy, eyes cold and distant, locked on something unseen. Natsu waved a hand in front of his face, mocking a chill.

"Man, he's *cold* even after the fight's over! You think he ever has fun?" Natsu asked with a grin, tilting his head.

"I don't think 'fun' is in his vocabulary," Sero replied, his tone light but with a hint of seriousness. "But I guess everyone has their own way of dealing with stuff."

"Yeah, yeah. But I'm telling you, one day I'll get him to loosen up. He's too stiff for his own good!" Natsu declared confidently. "Anyway, that fight? Oh, I wanna do it again!"

As they reached the building, the door swung open, and inside, the rest of the students were waiting. Conversations died down as they noticed Natsu and Sero entering, and suddenly, all eyes were on them. Natsu, always the center of attention, beamed as he was met with an outpouring of admiration and excitement.

"That was insane, Natsu!" Kaminari shouted, practically leaping out of his seat. "I've never seen anyone handle Todoroki like that!"

"Seriously!" Kirishima added, his fists clenched in excitement. "It was so manly! You were all like 'whoosh' with the flames, and Todoroki was like 'crash' with the ice—gah, it gave me goosebumps!"

Natsu rubbed the back of his head, clearly loving the attention but playing it cool. "Heh, it was nothing! Just a little sparring between friends, right?"

"Friends?" Jiro snickered, leaning against the wall. "Todoroki looked like he wanted to freeze you solid for good."

"Ah, that's just how he shows his affection!" Natsu laughed. "You'll see, we'll be best buds by the end of the day."

In the corner, Bakugo's eyes narrowed, his arms crossed and his face etched with irritation. He couldn't stand the admiration Natsu was getting, especially after his own recent defeat to Midoriya. The fiery explosion hero's temper was simmering beneath the surface, threatening to boil over at any second.

"Tch. You call *that* a fight?" Bakugo muttered under his breath, but loud enough for everyone to hear. "Just a bunch of flashy fire and ice. I could've taken down Todoroki and Natsu without breaking a sweat."

The room went silent for a beat, and Natsu, always quick on his feet, grinned. "Oh, Bakugo, don't be so salty! You can join in next time! We'll make it a real party."

Bakugo's eyes flared with anger, but before he could lash out, All Might's voice boomed over the intercom. "Excellent work, everyone! But we're not done yet. Let's get ready for the next match!"

The announcement broke the tension as the students turned their attention to the screens displaying the upcoming battle.


**Team C: Momo Yaoyorozu and Mineta** vs **Team E: Yuga Aoyama and Mina Ashido**

The stage was set in a dark, labyrinthine building, dimly lit with only a few hanging lamps casting eerie shadows. The goal was clear: to either defeat the opposing team or reach the mock rocket and "defuse" it before the villains could claim victory. The atmosphere was tense, and the looming silence of the maze-like structure only heightened the stakes.

Momo, calm and composed, immediately began strategizing. "Mineta, we need to stay mobile. This environment favors stealth and traps, so we'll use that to our advantage."

Mineta nodded nervously, his small stature making him an ideal candidate for hiding in tight spaces. "Leave it to me! My Pop-Off balls can slow them down while you come up with the big guns."

Across the building, Aoyama and Mina were preparing for their own strategy. Aoyama, as always, radiated confidence, his sparkling beam ready at his fingertips. "Fear not, Mina, for I shall light our path to victory with my dazzling beauty."

Mina, however, was less about elegance and more about action. She cracked her knuckles, her acid already dripping from her fingertips. "Alright, enough with the sparkle talk. Let's melt through their defenses and take that rocket!"

The battle erupted in a flurry of movements. Aoyama fired beams of light, illuminating the dark corridors with bursts of brilliance, while Mina charged ahead, her agility and acid splashing against the walls to create hazardous traps. Momo countered by quickly crafting a shield and defensive gear, her Creation Quirk working in overdrive.

Mineta, meanwhile, scattered his sticky Pop-Off balls all over the ground, turning the floor into a minefield that slowed down their opponents' progress. "You're not getting through this easily!" he shouted, though his voice wavered with nervous excitement.

The fight between the teams became a delicate dance through the shadows. Mina's acid dripped from the ceilings, creating pools of danger, while Aoyama's beams ricocheted through the narrow halls. Momo stayed cool under pressure, constantly creating new tools and barriers to keep her and Mineta safe as they advanced toward the rocket.

Just as Mina closed in on them, ready to strike, Momo pulled out her trump card: a massive net launcher that ensnared Mina mid-air, trapping her in place. "Gotcha!"

Aoyama, witnessing his partner's capture, tried to fire a desperate beam to free her, but Mineta's Pop-Off balls stuck to his shoes, rooting him to the ground. "Ah, mon dieu!" Aoyama yelped, unable to escape as Momo and Mineta sprinted toward the rocket.


**Team F: Rikido Sato and Eijiro Kirishima** vs **Team H: Tsuyu Asui and Fumikage Tokoyami**

The next fight took place in a wide-open arena surrounded by artificial rivers and bridges. The water glistened under the sun, providing Tsuyu with a natural advantage, while Tokoyami's shadowy form lurked ominously behind her, his Dark Shadow expanding and contracting as it sensed danger.

"Let's hit them hard, Sato!" Kirishima grinned, his fists already hardening into solid rock. "We're gonna smash right through them!"

Sato, his muscles bulging after downing some sugar, nodded fiercely. "Let's do this!"

Tsuyu, ever calm, used her long tongue to leap across the riverbanks, staying agile while Tokoyami's Dark Shadow took on an aggressive stance. "We'll need to stay away from Kirishima's hardening," Tsuyu croaked. "But if we can separate them, we have a chance."

Kirishima charged forward, fists raised high, and Sato followed closely behind, both aiming for a direct confrontation. But Tsuyu was quick, dodging their heavy attacks with her amphibious reflexes, leaping from one platform to another. Tokoyami stayed in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

When Kirishima's punch missed by a hair, Tsuyu wrapped her tongue around his leg, yanking him off balance and into the river with a splash. "Gotcha, ribbit!"

Kirishima, however, quickly adapted, his body hardening further as he emerged from the water unscathed. "Nice try, but I'm tougher than that!"

Meanwhile, Sato faced off against Dark Shadow, whose overwhelming force pushed him back. But with a grunt of determination, Sato powered through, landing a solid punch that sent Dark Shadow recoiling. "Not bad… but I'm stronger!"

The battle raged on, water splashing and fists colliding, until finally, Kirishima and Sato managed to corner Tsuyu and Tokoyami. But just as it seemed they were about to claim victory, Tsuyu leaped into the water once more, using it to her advantage to slip away, leaving the outcome of the battle hanging in the balance.


The high-tech simulation chamber buzzed with energy, wires and circuits running across the walls, humming with anticipation. Bright screens flickered, casting neon lights across the room. **Team I: Denki Kaminari and Kyoka Jiro** stood at one end, their eyes scanning the futuristic arena, while their opponents, **Team J: Toru Hagakure and Mashirao Ojiro**, readied themselves on the opposite side.

Denki grinned, sparks already crackling at his fingertips. "This is gonna be fun! A place full of gadgets and electronics—perfect for me!"

Kyoka rolled her eyes, her earjacks twitching slightly as she plugged them into the ground, amplifying her ability to hear every sound. "Don't get too cocky, Denki. Ojiro's got those reflexes, and Hagakure... well, we can't even see her. We'll need to be sharp."

Across the chamber, Ojiro stretched his tail, flexing his muscles in preparation. "Stay focused, Toru. We'll need to keep them guessing. You move in stealthily, and I'll distract them."

Toru, completely invisible save for the outline of her uniform, nodded enthusiastically. "Got it! They won't see me coming!"

The moment the signal blared, Denki immediately shot out a surge of electricity into the room. The walls lit up as the currents danced across the electronic panels, but Ojiro was already in motion, leaping to avoid the shockwave. His tail whipped behind him as he closed the gap, aiming straight for Denki.

Kyoka, quick on her feet, intercepted with her earjacks, sending a powerful sonic pulse that rippled through the air. The soundwave hit Ojiro mid-leap, but with his enhanced agility, he twisted in midair, landing on all fours and launching a counterattack. His tail swept across the floor, nearly knocking Kyoka off balance, but she dodged, her reflexes sharp.

At the same time, Denki was looking around, trying to locate Hagakure. "Where is she?!" he muttered, growing frustrated at the unseen threat.

Suddenly, Kyoka's eyes widened. "Denki, above you!"

Before he could react, an invisible force struck him from behind—a flying kick from Hagakure, who had used the chamber's rafters to sneak above. Denki stumbled, electricity sparking uncontrollably from his body. "Ow! That's cheap!" he groaned, sending a wild burst of voltage into the air, but Hagakure was too fast, already vanishing into thin air again.

Ojiro capitalized on the distraction, rushing at Denki with a fierce flurry of tail strikes. But Kyoka was there, her earjacks vibrating with energy as she sent out another sonic blast, disrupting Ojiro's rhythm. He gritted his teeth, bracing against the force but was momentarily pushed back.

"Keep moving, Denki!" Kyoka shouted, sensing the pressure mounting. "We need to take them down before they wear us out!"

Denki nodded, trying to focus. His hands crackled with electricity, and he finally narrowed his eyes. "Alright, let's fry this place!" He unleashed a massive surge, the electric currents surging through every panel, every wire, turning the room into a glowing web of energy.

Ojiro's eyes widened as the walls pulsed with Denki's power. He leaped onto a high ledge, narrowly avoiding the electric surge. But Toru wasn't so lucky—caught mid-step, she yelped as the voltage shocked her, briefly revealing her outline before she went invisible again.

"Gotcha!" Denki grinned, charging up another shot, but Ojiro, ever quick on his feet, launched a powerful counterattack. His tail whipped forward with incredible force, knocking Denki to the ground.

Denki coughed, momentarily stunned, while Kyoka rushed to his side, sending another pulse of soundwaves to keep Ojiro at bay.

"You good?" she asked, helping him up.

"Yeah, just a little fried," Denki grinned, sparks still flying from his hair. "Let's end this!"

Kyoka nodded, her earjacks vibrating with intense energy. She sent a blast so strong it reverberated through the entire chamber, shaking the walls. Ojiro grunted, barely holding his ground, but Toru, still invisible, had been thrown off her footing by the intense sound.

Seeing their chance, Denki shot one last bolt of electricity into the central control panel of the chamber, overloading the system. The lights flickered and then shut off completely, plunging the room into darkness.

Toru gasped, now completely invisible in the dark. "Ojiro, where are you?"

Ojiro squinted, but before he could react, Denki's eyes glowed with electric energy, illuminating the chamber with a crackling light. "Found you!" he yelled triumphantly, sending a final burst of electricity towards the faint outline of Hagakure, who yelped as she was briefly exposed.

Kyoka sent out one more sonic pulse, knocking both Ojiro and Hagakure back. The dust settled, and the simulation ended.


The room buzzed with excitement as the students filed back into the observation room. Natsu and Sero were already lounging on the sofas, recounting their battle to a captivated group of classmates. Kaminari was grinning from ear to ear, giving Kyoka a high five as they joined the crowd.

"That was awesome!" Kaminari exclaimed. "I thought Ojiro was gonna clobber me for sure!"

"You still need to work on your aim," Kyoka teased. "But at least you didn't fry your brain this time."

Hagakure's voice floated in from the side. "I almost had you guys!"

Ojiro, rubbing the back of his neck, smiled humbly. "It was a good fight. You both did great."

Suddenly, the large screen at the front of the room flickered, and All Might's larger-than-life figure appeared, his booming voice filling the space.

"Well done, students!" All Might said with his trademark grin, his arms crossed confidently. "Each of you showed remarkable growth today, both in your teamwork and combat abilities. Battles like these aren't just about strength—they're about strategy, heart, and knowing your allies."

The students listened intently, their fatigue momentarily forgotten as All Might's words sank in.

"You've all proven that you can handle pressure, adapt to difficult situations, and think on your feet. That's what being a hero is all about! Whether you win or lose, remember that every battle is an opportunity to learn and grow. Take pride in your victories, but also reflect on your mistakes."

He paused, his eyes softening with pride. "I am proud of each and every one of you. Keep pushing yourselves, and soon, you'll all be true heroes, ready to face whatever challenges come your way!"

The room erupted in applause, the students cheering as All Might's image disappeared from the screen.

Natsu, ever the loudest, jumped up with a fist in the air. "Let's have a rematch soon! I'm just getting started!"

Sero sighed, but with a grin. "Man, you never stop, do you?"

As the students began to disperse, heading to rest after the intense training session, one thing was clear—each of them had grown stronger, and the road ahead was only going to get tougher.

But they were ready.



~ More Chapters;

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