Chapter 18: The Shrouded Attack

**Chapter 18: The Shrouded Attack**

As the group stood in USJ, training was set to begin. The students were gathered around, listening to Thirteen explain rescue scenarios, with Aizawa standing silently by the side, his eyes ever watchful. Natsu stood among them, but his gaze was fixed on something distant, almost as if he sensed something was about to happen.

Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted. A heavy tension filled the air, and from a swirling, ominous black mist emerged a group of figures—The League of Villains. The mist grew, expanding to cover the area as the villains stepped forward with menacing intent.

The students froze for a moment, their eyes wide as they saw the threat approaching. "What the... villains?!" Kirishima exclaimed, his fists clenched as he prepared for a fight.

"Stay calm!" Aizawa barked, his scarf already moving in preparation for battle. But before anyone could act, the black mist from Kurogiri expanded, swallowing up the entire group.

The thick, swirling fog seemed to engulf them entirely, and in an instant, the students found themselves being pulled apart, sent to different areas of the facility.

As the mist took over, chaos erupted. One by one, the students vanished into the fog. Iida's face filled with panic as he yelled, "We need to stay together!" but it was too late. The black mist separated them into small groups, hurling each to various zones of the facility.

Natsu, Yaoyorozu, and a few others felt the ground shift beneath their feet as they were transported to a deserted cityscape within USJ. The sudden drop in temperature and the eerie silence made the scene even more unsettling. Natsu landed with a thud, and beside him, Yaoyorozu landed gracefully but looked immediately concerned.

Meanwhile, in the center of the facility, Iida was thrown to another location but quickly realized he had to be the one to escape. The rest of the class shouted after him, knowing he was their best shot at warning the teachers. With determination burning in his eyes, Iida sprinted through the chaos, dodging villains and leaping over debris to reach the exit.

His classmates cheered him on. "Go, Iida! We're counting on you!" Midoriya shouted, his voice barely cutting through the noise. Iida pushed harder, his legs moving faster than ever. He knew the lives of his friends—and maybe even his teachers—depended on him reaching the others.

Back at the center, Aizawa wasted no time engaging with the villains. His scarf whipped through the air as he disabled one villain after another with precision and skill. His eyes locked onto each target, canceling quirks with a single look, but the sheer number of enemies made the fight grueling.

Just as Aizawa began to take control, a shadow loomed over him. From behind the villains, Nomu emerged, towering and monstrous. Aizawa's eyes narrowed as the creature charged toward him, its terrifying power apparent in every step.

In the deserted city zone, Natsu and Yaoyorozu were quickly surrounded by a group of enemies. The villains laughed at their odds, not recognizing Natsu's power.

Yaoyorozu, her face filled with logical concern, started analyzing the situation. "We need to find a way out of here, or at least a strategy to deal with them. Maybe I can—"

But before she could finish, Natsu cracked a grin and clenched his fists. Flames began to rise from his hands as he interrupted, "Nah, the solution's simple: we fight."

The villains burst out laughing at Natsu's confidence. One of them sneered, "You? Against us? You're outnumbered!"

Natsu only smirked, flames growing stronger as he stepped forward. "You guys have no idea who you're dealing with. This is your grave."

Yaoyorozu looked at him, her brows furrowing in concern. "Natsu, this is reckless. There has to be a better way! Fighting them all head-on isn't logical."

Before Natsu could respond, Happy, who was perched on Natsu's shoulder, chimed in cheerfully. "Don't worry, Yaoyorozu. Natsu never loses, not when it matters!"

Her confusion deepened. "What do you mean?"

With a wide grin, Happy said, "Natsu's a member of Fairy Tail. And that means no matter what happens, he'll come out on top!"

Yaoyorozu didn't fully understand the meaning behind Happy's words, but the trust in Natsu's abilities was clear. She watched quietly as Natsu, emboldened by the flames swirling around his fists, charged toward the villains.

With a roar, Natsu unleashed a wave of fire, engulfing the enemies in flames. The heat was intense, forcing the villains to scatter in fear. They quickly realized they had underestimated their opponent.

Natsu's fists collided with the first villain, sending him crashing into a nearby wall. Flames danced around his body as he delivered a barrage of fiery punches. His grin never faltered, and each blow seemed stronger than the last. The villains, initially cocky, were now scrambling to defend themselves, completely caught off guard by his strength.

Yaoyorozu, seeing Natsu's ferocity, quickly crafted a shield and stood her ground, ready to support him however she could. "This is insane..." she muttered, but there was an undeniable admiration in her voice.

As the fight raged on, Natsu's laughter echoed through the deserted city. "You guys should've stayed home! You dug your own graves!"

But just as they seemed to be gaining the upper hand, the ground beneath them rumbled. From the shadows of the city emerged an even greater threat—Nomu, its hulking form towering over the battlefield. It had left Aizawa to deal with other villains and now stood in front of Natsu, an unstoppable force.

The air grew tense as the true challenge arrived, and both Natsu and Yaoyorozu braced for the next round.



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