Chapter 11: The Battle Begins

**Chapter 11: The Battle Begins**

The sun hung high in the sky, casting a golden glow over the autumn day. Crisp leaves tumbled across the Academy's courtyard, where the students of Class 1-A stood tall and ready in their hero costumes. Each outfit was a reflection of their personalities and quirks—symbols of their ambitions to become heroes. There was a charged energy in the air as they gathered, their eyes fixed on All Might, who had just announced the first combatants.

Bakugo's face twisted into a sneer, his fiery eyes locked on Midoriya. Hatred and jealousy danced in his gaze, stirring memories of past conflicts between them. The tension between them was palpable, causing Midoriya's stomach to twist in knots. He felt the pressure of Bakugo's glare like a weight on his shoulders. But that weight was momentarily lifted when a light tap on his shoulder pulled him from his thoughts.

"Hey, Deku! We're on the same team! Isn't that amazing?" Uraraka's cheerful voice brought a smile to Midoriya's face, though his cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"Uraraka-san… Yes, it's really great," Midoriya stammered, his nervous energy spilling out as he fumbled for the right words.

Uraraka clenched her fist with determination. "We're going to give it our all! Heroes don't lose!"

Midoriya nodded, his heart steadying at her encouragement. "Right. We'll do our best."

Meanwhile, inside the classroom, Aizawa stood with his usual stoic expression, his eyes fixed on Natsu with thinly veiled irritation. "You've got a lot of nerve showing up late on your second day. What are you, a slacker who got too comfortable with his job and forgot he could be fired?"

Natsu grinned, unfazed by the reprimand. "There was nothing I could do. A weird villain showed up in my dreams, and I couldn't wake up until I'd kicked his ass."


Aizawa smacked Natsu on the head in a comedic slap, turning away with a sigh. "That's the best excuse you've got?"

Natsu rubbed the spot where he'd been hit, still grinning. "It's not an excuse. It's the truth."

Happy, who had been floating nearby, raised a paw in support. "It's true. He was being obnoxious all night long. Natsu usually doesn't have such long, intense dreams, but this one went on and on."

Aizawa, unimpressed, let out a deep sigh and pulled a silver case from behind his desk. The number "17" was printed in bold green on its side. "I don't care about your dreams. Just get out there. You still have time."

Natsu's grin widened as he took the case. "Thanks, Aizawa-sensei!"

As Natsu dashed down the hallway, with Happy flying alongside him, Aizawa watched them go. A rare, almost imperceptible smile tugged at his lips as he thought to himself: *Salamander… He's the only student who asked for his hero name to be engraved on his costume. The fact that he's already chosen his name shows his clear sense of self. He doesn't hesitate, doesn't make excuses. He's blunt, reckless, and strong. Natsu Dragneel… no, Salamander. You have the potential to become a true hero.*

Aizawa's gaze softened as he stared out of the window. "Heroes are always late, after all…" he murmured to himself.


The hallways of the Academy stretched ahead of Natsu as he sprinted, the air rushing past him. The sound of his feet echoed off the walls, and Happy kept pace beside him, flying just above his shoulder.

"By the way," Happy piped up, looking at Natsu curiously, "you've never shown me your hero costume before. Is this finally the moment I get to see it?"

Natsu's grin broadened, a gleam of excitement in his eyes. "Yeah, today's the day. You'll see it. It suits me perfectly."

As they rushed onward, Happy's thoughts wandered, a small smile forming on his face. *Natsu's always so upbeat and positive, but today… today he seems even more excited than usual. Just seeing him like this makes me smile.*


In the observation room, located in one of the buildings overlooking the Beta training city, the students watched the battle unfold on the monitors. Shock rippled through the room as they saw Midoriya lying on the ground, battered and bruised, having just claimed a hard-fought victory over Bakugo. Despite his triumph, Midoriya was in rough shape, while Bakugo, furious but physically unscathed, radiated raw anger.

"Man, that was brutal," Mineta muttered, shaking his head in disbelief. "Midoriya… you're really something."

"I can't believe it," Yaoyorozu whispered. "What drives him to push himself like this?"

"It's hard to watch fights like these," Jiro added, her voice filled with empathy.

Kaminari nodded, eyes still glued to the screen. "Midoriya knew he wouldn't come out unscathed. Either his quirk would break him, or Bakugo would beat him down. But he didn't back down. He used his power even knowing the cost. That takes serious guts."

"Yeah, that's pretty manly," Kirishima agreed, admiration in his voice.

"But to keep getting hurt like this…" Mina Ashido frowned, her concern evident. "Maybe Aizawa-sensei was right. Maybe Midoriya isn't cut out to be a hero…"

The murmurs of the students filled the room, each grappling with their own thoughts. All Might, who had been listening quietly, wanted to shift the focus to the next battle. But before he could speak, a voice from the doorway interrupted.

"What right do you have to criticize someone who's giving everything they have to become a hero?"

All eyes turned to the entrance, where the sound of footsteps approached. Natsu appeared, his black-and-gold hero costume standing out. The elegant, intricate design of his outfit, inspired by ancient Eastern and Ottoman influences, gave him a regal, yet fierce appearance. His black jacket was emblazoned with the word "Salamander" in bold, gold letters over his heart. Happy perched proudly on his head.

"If you think what Midoriya is doing is wrong, then maybe you're in the wrong place," Natsu declared, his voice cutting through the room.

The students stared in silence, their previous judgments hanging in the air. Natsu clenched his fist, his expression intense. "Instead of feeling sorry for Midoriya, you should feel sorry for yourselves. If you're not willing to sacrifice something like he is, then you're just in this for the fame."

His words hit hard, casting a somber shadow over the room. Each student processed the weight of Natsu's statement, reflecting on their own motivations.

Todoroki, standing with his arms crossed, broke the silence. His half-frozen body gleamed with ice as he addressed Natsu. "His recklessness will make him a victim before he's a hero. And what about you, Salamander? Do you have an excuse for being late?"

Natsu smirked, locking eyes with Todoroki. "I don't need excuses. I showed up just in time to give you a good beating. Come!"

Tension filled the room, the weight of Natsu's words thick in the air. After a brief, charged silence, All Might clapped his hands, smiling brightly.

"The second match: Team Todoroki versus Team Natsu… starts now!"




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