Revenge For Dessert

The two women could be found on a side street in the middle of the Badlands. Both were observing a customized Thornton Mackinaw 'Warhorse.' Or in simple terms…Panam's truck. A throaty engine spurred alive right in front of them. 

"Prime wheels, isn't she?" Panam gestured to the vehicle.

"I bet it's a gas guzzler." Lei guessed.

"Of course! Gotta feed that girl what she deserves. Come on, check it out." 

The drifter followed the nomad and hopped in the passenger seat. Literally hopped. This beast was pretty high off the ground. Made Lei feel tiny.

Panam kept the truck in park but revved the engine. The rumble vibrated through the interior seats. It was definitely powerful. After opening the sunroof, she heaved a sigh of relief.

"At last." She breathed. 

"Feeling whole again?"

"This babygirl, she completes me."

"All in a day's work. Told you we didn't need Mitch and Scorpion."

There was a moment of silence…as if in response to those words. Lei frowned. Had she said something wrong? Panam seemed to be nervous.



"It's not over yet."

"What? You got your car. Even got more guns and ammo. Wasn't that the plan?"

"But I didn't get Nash. Fucker didn't show up to Rocky Ridge."

"...What…but what's that gotta do with our deal?" Lei's voice was flat. A common occurrence when she grew annoyed.

"I have a plan."

"Panam, I don't have all the time in the world. Can't go from one place to another like that. Need you to honor our deal."

"I will honor it. Just want your help for one last thing. I'll even help this time, not watch you do everything. Please, Drifter."

"That's the opposite of honoring the deal."


Panam slammed her fists on the dash. A desperate but angry expression adorned her face. Lei's empty eyes narrowed.

"Damnit, just LISTEN to me! For fuck's sake! Please!"

"............................" The drifter's expression basically screamed 'I'm waiting.'

"I know where their little hidey-hole is. We'll take the old unfinished freeway nearby. They will not be expecting us. I'm sure of it."

"...And if he's not in the hideout? Don't have time to do a Nash hunt."

"I KNOW he'll be there. Plus, we just took out more than half of Nash's crew."

"We?" Lei commented. Panam took a controlled breath.

"You, Drifter. You did it. You're strong. Incredibly strong. Lend me your strength, and I'll owe you more than just a meeting with some Voodoo Boy dumpster diver."

"...Dumpster diver?"

"He takes equipment that we pawn off. Nevermind that. Look at me." Panam grabbed Lei's hand. 


"Help me…please. I need revenge. Haven't you ever wanted revenge before? This is the perfect moment. They won't be ready for us. It'll be simple."

Lei stared at the nomad for a while without saying a word. Panam was starting to grow nervous. The lack of silence made her overthink. Just when she was about to give up, the drifter heaved a long sigh. 

"Just be quick about it."

"Yes! You're the best, Drifter." Panam exclaimed.

"Mhmm…" Lei hummed in a flat tone. 

Panam slammed the gas, causing the Thornton to zoom forward. Next destination…Wraith hideout. It didn't take more than a few minutes to reach the abandoned freeway. The path started from pavement to dirt tunnels. Inside a mountain.

"Once we're 15 seconds away, tell me. I'll cause some chaos so you can ambush too." Lei stated. 

"Awesome. Nash is fucked!" 


The nomad was extremely happy. Bouncing in her seat. Another five minutes passed before the tunnels grew brighter. They were getting close. 

"Almost there. 20 seconds away. 18. 17. 16. 15-"

Lei entered flux speed while hopping out the car window. Her body accelerated as a red streak blitzed ahead of the car. Panam would only notice a red afterimage in the passenger seat about 3 seconds later. 

The hideout was true to its name. A small mining camp in the middle of the mountains. There were two small portable buildings stacked side by side, everywhere else covered in Wraith cars. Another large group of gangers standing around talking. Target practice.

She knew they weren't ready for what was to come. Entering the open area at her speed would only end in one result. Lei dashed up the side of the rock wall. The beam saber ignited at maximum capacity. Seemingly unstable with thrumming power. It immediately extended into swordstaff mode. 

Jumping off the wall, she sailed toward the middle of the area with the most enemies and cars. Her body flipped which allowed her feet to stomp the ceiling. She then shot down like a meteor toward the ground. Blade first. 

The crimson beam saber pierced the ground…and the surroundings suddenly turned red. An unexplainable phenomenon took place. Red electric plasma pulsed out of the blade in the form of a shockwave. It washed over the environment.


Just like that. Several Wraiths were turned to nothing but blood splatters. Nothing left of the body. The cars were done for as well. Not before exploding though. Each and every nearby vehicle caught a whiff of plasma before detonating. Like bombs.

It was akin to art. One explosion after the next. A chain reaction. The Wraiths on the first floor who DID survive were knocked off their feet. Either missing a limb or sporting a new wound. That was the moment Panam skirted onto the scene. 

"KNOCK KNOCK!" She screamed while gunning down the prone Raffen.

Lei took a step back to disappear amongst the smoke and fire. Her silhouette was gone. A beautiful ambush. 

Nash could be found on the only room of the second floor. It overlooked the whole area, so he immediately saw the explosions. His eyes grew wide at the drastic change in situation. It was too fast!

Like a deer in headlights, he stood over the rail in shock. What…he couldn't even think. Instincts kicked in as a long time Raffen member. His body dropped low for cover. His tech precision rifle was pulled into his arms. That was when he heard Panam…Damn.

"Panam." He called out. 

"Thought you could take my shit?! Steal my car?! Guess who's back, fucker! Come get some!" She screamed in response. 


The other Wraiths on the 2nd floor engaged in a gunfight with the nomad girl. Panam took cover behind one of the cars that hadn't exploded. The car groaned in response to rounds of bullets. Several shooters aimed at her and only her. Ignorant of anything else. 

Nash finally peeked out of cover, aimed the rifle and fired. It punctured through the car but didn't land. Panam had already crawled to a different car. Her sniper rifle went off, zeroing another Wraith. Flawless…but her new position was revealed. 

The return fire was more intense than the last round. As all of this went on, Lei quietly carved through the pillars holding up the second floor. It was monotonous work, but the payoff would be quite nice. 15 more seconds passed before the building collapsed on itself. Weapons dropped.

Some Wraiths immediately died to metal debris piercing their heart, lungs, or throat when landing on the first floor. That left only a few more injured Raffen and a crawling Nash. His ankles had shattered from the height.

Arriving in front of the first wounded man, Lei split his body from head to ribcage. The momentum kept her going as she surfed on his corpse…jumping off and zeroing another Wraith. The drifter's expression was blank. It was just business.

Panam had stopped engaging once the building collapsed. She couldn't help it. Watching Lei murder gonks with her beam saber was mesmerizing. Such specialized martial arts…how long did it take Drifter to learn something like that? 

The way Lei's polearm danced around her body as if weightless. It was incredible. An elegant dance of death. Panam just wanted to see more. She couldn't get enough. 

It wasn't long before Nash was the last man alive. He'd long since forgotten about Panam. Seeing the effortless killing of his men by the figure behind him…It was downright ridiculous to be so sure that his time in this world was over…but he couldn't deny what he saw. 

"Nash. Look here." Panam said. 

The man slowly turned to see a sniper barrel near his head. A vicious smile adorned the nomad girl's lips. She'd been waiting for this. Nash smiled as well. 

"You've got me. I can't lie, Panam. But at least I won't get fucked over in the future by a corpo elite. No way that guy is a normal merc. Can't believe you sold out." He mocked. Panam tried to suppress a chuckle and failed. 

"Pfft. Haha! You don't know shit."


The sniper rifle blew his head clean off. Gig finished. Lei deactivated her beam saber and the hilt retracted. Her steps casually brought her before the nomad. 

"It's over." 

"Drifter, you're the best partner I've ever had. Was a great day with you here. I'd love to call you a friend…if you'd be so inclined." Panam stated with a bow of her head.

"Call me Lei. I enjoy making friends. Glad to have you, Panam."

"I'll get in contact with that Voodoo Boy once I get all this shit cleared out. I know the Aldecados would enjoy taking the weapons and equipment."

"Still got a soft spot, huh?"

"Oh, stop it. That's family."