Alex Knight, an 18-year-old juggling high school and a part-time job at McDonald's, is determined to break free from the grind and chase his entrepreneurial dreams. As his peers discuss college and travel, Alex quietly lays the foundation for his own future, investing his meager earnings in stocks and plotting the launch of an online business. Driven by ambition but mindful of the risks, Alex takes his first calculated steps toward financial independence, navigating the balance between cautious planning and bold action. This is a coming-of-age story about ambition, self-investment, and the leap into adulthood.
1 power stone = 1 extra chap
2 power stone = 2 extra chap
3 power stone = 3 extra chap
5 power stone = 6 extra chap
10 power stone = 11 extra chap
this is A fast-forward Story = you'll understand what I mean once you check it
third novel, don't expect much