Deep within the annals of time, a mysterious era known as the Primordial Emergence Era unfolded, giving birth to the enigmatic Primordial Heavenly Vein. This ethereal creation, shrouded in ancient secrets, breathed life into a vast domain, birthing a myriad of extraordinary life forms.
From the Primordial Emergence Era, the domain transitioned into the hauntingly bewitching Nine Worlds Era. Within this era, the domain was governed by nine supreme races of unparalleled power, each holding dominion over their respective territories. Their rule cast an aura of awe and reverence, as they shaped the destiny of the land through their wisdom and might.
As the celestial clock ticked onward, the domain traversed into the Golden Era, where the art of Immortal Qi cultivation flourished. Boundless potential coursed through the veins of countless cultivators, awakening their inner potential and pushing the limits of their power and understanding. It was an era of enlightenment, where the pursuit of the immortal dao became the sacred path, and whispers of eternal life echoed across the land.
Yet, like the fleeting brilliance of a shooting star, the Golden Era eventually surrendered its throne to the Thriving Immortal Era. Immortal sovereigns, beings of godlike strength and immeasurable wisdom, emerged from the currents of time. Masters of the immortal Qi, they ascended to unattainable heights, achieving true immortality and claiming their rightful place as rulers of the domain. Their prowess and dominion were unchallenged, and their existence became the stuff of legends.
But fate, that fickle mistress of time, had a different melody to play. The Great Catastrophe Era dawned upon the domain, casting an ominous shadow over its once splendid landscapes. The heavens unleashed cataclysmic Heavenly Tribulations, a force so formidable that it razed the domain to its very core. Immortal Qi cultivators, once flourishing and vibrant, were decimated, their power reduced to mere remnants of a forgotten era.
Amidst the chaos and desolation of the Great Catastrophe Era, a miraculous event transpired. A gate materialized, a silent sentinel amidst the vast expanse above the ravaged land. Its presence remained concealed from all but the most perceptive cultivators - those of the Immortal Sovereign Realm and those who stood at an equal pedestal of cultivation.
In an instant, it became a gateway to salvation, a doorway to preserve the remnants of power and knowledge. Those who possessed the strength and clarity of mind seized this precious opportunity, swiftly shepherding their clans through the gateway to an uncertain future. Yet, the ephemeral gate, drenched in otherworldly meaning, vanished as abruptly as it appeared, leaving behind naught but a haunting enigma for those left behind.