Michael, an ordinary and average guy, suddenly finds himself in a dangerous fantasy cultivation world after being randomly chosen in a multiversal lottery. Armed with a wish system that may taunt him some times, grants him one wish every week, Michael has to survive in this harsh world of cultivators, monsters, and mysterious powers. However, the system has strict rules—he can’t wish for direct power.
However average Michael was, he loved his family on Earth and that's why his main goal is to return to Earth. To do that, he must climb to the highest realm of cultivation, all while avoiding greedy enemies and dangerous beasts. With each wish, Michael gets closer to his goal, but the challenges only grow tougher as the world around him becomes more dangerous.
It’s readable I guess, better then those novels where grammar is nonexistent.
It is a good story. The main thing is that quality of the chapters is good, the main character also feels like he is someone transmigrated and not a literal native.
Hi! This is your author! I hope you can enjoy this story! There are many points that can be improved and believe me, I know it well, comment any constructive criticism, comments, and questions, I will always be here to satisfy your doubts! Also, I enjoy this work! I make them with great care and I hope you love them as much as I do! Thanks for reading!