Odd love.

Her footsteps echoed in the room but no one paid any heed to it. Cutlery clinked together and forks screeched against the ceramic plates. The layout of the cafeteria was a peculiar one . Two long tables placed across each other and two more of the same table place on the shorter side of the tables.She pulled a chair out and took her seat before one of the cafeteria workers placed the plate filled with food in front of her. It was only her plate that had been filled to it's brim. 

Nothing out of the ordinary and everyone remained doubtless and unbothered by the partiality but why is my plate filled with food as if i eat the whole cafeteria food by myself...is this perhaps mockery? Cutlery clinks mm...although this is some good shit. The food being served tasted like a sloppily made porridge for consistent days and now this? seriously i really can't decipher what goes in that lady's mind. 

"Psst" - Martha hissed


"Hey!Akena!!" , Akena turns her head

"The prayer you idiot!!", she whispered

Shit I forgot.. Uh... What was it you say in prayer again???..... Whatever let's just say thank you.

Akena acts like she says the prayer but in truth had been muttering thank you for a while now.

Thank you thank you thank you... Amen..

This is such a hastle. Akena turns her head again giving a thankful smile to Martha before continuing digging into her lunch.


Cutlery being slammed onto the table

Why can't these people just let me enjoy my lunch for hell's sake!!

"They're waiting for you come on now."

Akena raises an eyebrow trying to understand the vagueness of the sentence sister lily had spoken. After contemplating for a short while, her eyes widened as she abruptly turned to look at sister lily's face to confirm her guess. And a nod from sister lily had confirmed her doubt. The adoption family was here. She didn't bother to excuse herself from the crowd and pushed her chair back roughly as she rushed up from the table, unable to finish her finish and headed towards the sister as the sister turned around expecting Akena to follow her.

She felt excited at the thought of meeting her new family but at the same time a strange feeling stirred in her heart.. premonition. It was premonition.. But Akena chose to ignore the feeling.. Unknown to her fate.

The powder is getting inside my nose... I'm.. About to sneeze..... Ha..... Ugh why did it stop midway. "Sister can you be a little more gentle?"

"Be grateful we're even doing this for you"

Can they be anymore rude? I doubt it.. Highly. Why do they have to treat me so harshly? Even after my 14 years here I couldn't figure these sisters out. I'm the youngest here and aren't the youngest supposed to be the most loved? It's almost like they envy me. The only difference between me and them remains the bracelet they got after their coming of age. I wonder why I'm so late.. Is something wrong with me?

I wonder if my new family will love me.. And how it would feel like.. to be loved..

"All done", the sisters who dressed the girl up in normal clothes all prettied up said.

"My rosary?"

"You're still going to use the same one?"

"Of course"

The sisters roll their eyes unbent by the devotion displayed by the young lady.

Look at them and their jealousy well it's understandable since they've never felt the joy that I'm feeling it's kind of making me pity them now.. But aren't they eighteen?? By their tone and dislike for religion I highly doubt they'd be willing to stay here and operate the chapel as sisters so why are they still here? Is something keeping them here or... Are they being forced to stay..?

They grab the young woman's arm and drag her through the door and to the hallway, heading to the priest's room. "Behave yourself before the priest chucks us out of these walls for your I'll mannered actions"

"Walk alone" the sisters left the girl and shut the hallway door behind her, leaving her all alone.

Why they?! - *sighs* I guess it's upto me to take the real steps now huh. Footsteps but.... Why does this feel so.... Ominous.

Despite her gut feeling, making her steps a tad bit hesitant ,she approached the door through which her new life was about to start. She gulped, slowly making her way to the door through the quiet and chilling hallway. Something didn't feel right.. It was as if the wind had shifted and.. The air inside the hallway was completely different compared to the one outside. Did the sisters who entered the hallway not notice it? Or were they just playing oblivious? The door knob creaked slowly as it turned.