Hiro Tanaka, a brilliant AI developer in a hyper-tech-driven society, is consumed by his work at NexaTech, crafting virtual realities. One day, he's mysteriously pulled into a digital realm—a world where magic intertwines with futuristic technology and medieval aesthetics. Here, AI systems coexist with mystical forces, and bizarre creatures roam the land. Hiro learns that he has been chosen to restore balance to this collapsing world, where technology threatens to overtake magic.
As Hiro navigates this hybrid reality, he must harness both his coding skills and newfound magical abilities to overcome powerful enemies, solve complex puzzles, and unlock hidden truths about the nature of both worlds. Along the way, he forms alliances with enigmatic characters and uncovers secrets that will challenge his understanding of reality itself.
hello, Can you review this book----------------------------------------------------------------THE PART OF NO RETURN : FIRST HUMAN EMPIRE------------------------------ Please