Time To Glow Up!

Haruto panted heavily, trying to steady his breath as he bent over, hands bracing against his knees. His tracksuit clung to his body, drenched in sweat, and his black hair stuck to his forehead. 

'Hah… Hah…' He could feel his pulse pounding in his ears, a sign of just how hard he'd been pushing himself lately.

It had been a week since he ramped up his exercise routine, determined to "glow up" both physically and mentally. The Debauchery System had been a surprising help, tracking his progress and even planning out his workouts.

A notification blinked before him in the system interface:

[Daily Exercise]

[Running: 9 km/10 km] 




He groaned internally. "Still 1 kilometer more?" 

Haruto ran a hand through his damp hair, slicking it back before tying it into a loose ponytail to keep it out of his face. 

There wasn't a strict penalty for not finishing the workout, but he hated leaving things incomplete. 

The progress had been gradual—starting with shorter runs and lighter exercises—but it had steadily increased, and now his routine was more intense than ever.

'I better finish this before it gets dark. I'm already late.' He straightened up, pushing his tired legs into motion once again. 

His sneakers hit the pavement rhythmically, accompanied by the cool evening breeze that tousled his hair. 

The sun was setting, casting the sky in hues of orange and pink, reflecting off the river below the bridge as Haruto ran. 

The cawing of crows echoed in the distance, adding to the calm ambiance of the fading day.

By the time he finished, his legs carried him to the riverbank under the large bridge. It was the biggest bridge in town—a space once used by the homeless but now abandoned due to the police and a local gang.

The gang, led by Enji, had a reputation. Obsessed with piercings and flamboyant hair colors, they called themselves 'Karafuru Pierce'. 

Haruto always thought the name was ridiculous, but he wasn't about to voice that opinion in front of his so-called friends.

"Yo, Haruto! You're late!" 

Enji's voice echoed as he waved from the shadow of the bridge. He was still wearing his gakuran, the signature school uniform jacket of their gang.

"Where is your uniform?'

Haruto grimaced slightly at the sight. 'Who the hell wears a school uniform during summer break?' he thought, exasperated. 

Not only because it was weird, but it was hot as hell in the summer. 

Out loud, he answered with a practiced lie, "My mother washed it."

Enji narrowed his eyes, not buying the excuse but shrugging it off. 

"You should buy another one, man. Or do you want mine?" 

Arataki, another gang member with a green buzz cut, chimed in as he reached into his bag to offer an extra gakuran.

Haruto shook his head, waving it off with a smirk. "No need. We're here for the usual spar, right?" He cracked his knuckles, feeling his muscles tighten in anticipation.

"Oh, I like that spirit," Enji grinned as he stepped forward, cracking his own neck. "Finally growing some balls, huh?"

Haruto's eyes narrowed, his body tensing up as the adrenaline kicked in. He remembered the first time they fought like this—how he had been beaten to a pulp, unable to eat for days after. 

But now, he was different. 

His reflexes were sharper, his instincts honed from the relentless physical training. Every sparring session had been a lesson, and now, he was ready to show them just how far he'd come.

Enji circled him with a cocky smirk, fists raised. "Come on then, let's see what you got."

Haruto's breath steadied. His time for practice was over. Now, it was time to fight.

He squared up with Enji, his muscles tense and ready. His breath had steadied, but the sweat from his earlier run still clung to his skin. 

The cool evening breeze barely made a difference to the heat of the moment as Enji circled him like a predator sizing up its prey.

Enji smirked, rolling his shoulders as he cracked his knuckles. "Alright, show me what you got, Haruto."

Without hesitation, Haruto moved first, lunging forward with a quick jab aimed at his midsection. 

His fists flew with speed and precision, honed by weeks of training. The impact landed, but Enji barely flinched, his smirk deepening as he absorbed the blow.

"That's it? You've hit like a woman!" Enji mocked, dodging the follow-up punch and delivering a swift counterpunch to Haruto's side. 

The force of it sent a sharp pain through Haruto's ribs, but he gritted his teeth, refusing to back down. 

'Goddamn this gorilla, still as strong as ever.'

He staggered for a moment but quickly recovered, his mind focused on landing the next strike. He ducked low and aimed a sweep at Enji's legs. 

This time, the move connected, causing Enji to stumble slightly. Haruto didn't waste the opportunity, launching himself forward with a hook aimed at Enji's jaw.

But his reflexes were quicker than he anticipated. He dodged and countered with a brutal uppercut, sending Haruto reeling backward, stars flashing in his vision. 

The pain exploded through his jaw as he hit the ground hard, gasping for air. His body screamed at him to stop, but he pushed through the agony, scrambling to his feet.

"You're tougher than before, I'll give you that," Enji said, cracking his neck again as he stepped closer. "But you're still not enough."

Haruto wiped the blood from his lip, eyes narrowing. His heart was pounding, not just from the fight but from something else. 

For the first time, he saw it—there was a flicker of uncertainty in Enji's eyes. 

Haruto's strikes had landed. Not all of them, but enough to make Enji take him seriously.

For a brief second, his confident smirk faltered. It was a tiny crack, but Haruto saw it. 

Enji felt threatened.

And that's when Enji's entire demeanor shifted. His stance became more rigid, his eyes sharpened with a dangerous intensity.

"Alright, enough playing around," Enji growled, his voice dropping low. "Let me show you what real power looks like."

Before Haruto could react, Enji rushed forward with blinding speed. His fist collided with Haruto's stomach, knocking the wind out of him instantly. 

He gasped for air, his vision blurring as he stumbled backward. 

But he wasn't finished. He delivered another punch—this time to Haruto's ribs—followed by a brutal knee to his chest.

Haruto's body hit the ground again, harder this time. Every inch of him screamed in pain, his vision swimming as he tried to get up. But Enji didn't let up. 

He grabbed Haruto by the collar, pulling him up just enough to look him in the eye.

"You thought you were getting somewhere, didn't you?" Enji's voice was low, almost mocking. "But you're not ready for this. Not yet."

Haruto's breath was shallow, his body barely able to move. The pain was overwhelming, but somewhere deep inside, anger bubbled. He had pushed Enji, and had made him use his full strength. That was something.

But it wasn't enough.

Not yet.

Enji released Haruto, letting him fall back to the ground with a thud. "When you can fight like a man, maybe I'll take you seriously." He turned away, signaling the end of the fight.

Haruto lay on the cold ground, gasping for breath, but his mind was already racing. 

Enji had been threatened—he had been forced to show his true power. And next time, Haruto would make sure he wins