Mrs. Inoue

As Haruto stepped out of the changing room, he didn't spot his sister anywhere. His brow furrowed slightly. 

'She's taking a while to pick swimwear,' he thought, tilting his head. 

Shrugging it off, he decided to kill some time by window shopping. 

He slipped past the curious gazes of people who had undoubtedly overheard him and Chiyo's 'fun' in the changing room, keeping his composure steady. 

Clearing his throat, he caught a few lingering stares before they quickly looked away, embarrassed. 

He smirked, adjusting his shirt, and casually walked into another store nearby, one that catered to both men and women. 

He wandered through the racks, his hand brushed over a neatly folded shirt on display, feeling the smooth fabric between his fingers.

Just as he was inspecting the texture, a soft touch landed on his shoulder. 

He turned around, a bit surprised, and his gaze met a familiar face—Kota's mother.

Her long light brown hair cascaded down her back, catching the shop's bright light. 

Her piercing green eyes sparkled, and her soft pink sweater hugged her E-cup breasts, emphasizing her curves. 

A sleek, black h-line skirt clung to her wide hips, giving her a stylish, mature allure. She had a light touch of makeup, just enough to highlight her features without being overdone.

"You're Hayase, right? Haruto Hayase?"  

She asked cautiously, her voice soft as if hesitant to get the name wrong.

The moment she spoke, Haruto's body tensed. His casual demeanor vanished in an instant. 

Seeing her brought back memories—memories of Kota Inoue, his old friend. The horrible memory began to resurface, tightening around his chest like a vice.


Haruto sat at his desk, staring absently out the window, his chin resting in his hand as music poured through his earphones.

The calm rhythm of his favorite song drowned out the world around him, offering a momentary escape. 

But that peace was abruptly shattered when someone yanked one of his earphones out. He turned, irritated, only to see Kota grinning widely at him.

"Come here, I've got something interesting to show you!" 

Kota said excitedly, waving him over like they hadn't just disturbed his quiet moment.

Haruto sighed but nodded, slipping his earphones into his pocket. Kota's brown hair was hairstyled in a bowl cut, his face covered in pimples, and his thick glasses framed his dark eyes. 

Despite his appearance, Kota always had a mischievous energy about him that Haruto had grown used to over the years. 

They had been friends since their first year, and now in their third, using first names felt natural.

Following Kota down the hall, Haruto noticed they were heading toward a part of the school that was always empty, far from the classrooms and any teachers. 

The dim corridor felt unsettling, and he raised a brow when his friend suddenly stopped, leaning against the wall and pulling out his phone with a sly grin.

Curious, Haruto stepped closer. "What is it?" 

Kota held up the phone. "Check this out, man."

The screen lit up with a video—a girl with long, white hair and striking red eyes was in the shower, her hands sliding across her soapy body. 

Haruto's eyes widened in horror. He recognized her immediately. 

It was his sister.

Without thinking, without a single word, Haruto's fist flew forward, colliding with Kota's face. 

The force of the punch sent his so-called friend crashing to the ground, blood gushing from his nose.

"You… How dare you!" Haruto roared, his voice trembling with rage.

All logic abandoned him as the red haze of fury clouded his vision. He couldn't stop. His fists rained down on Kota, each strike harder than the last. 

His hands were slick with blood, but he couldn't hear the screams. The only thing in his mind was the betrayal, the pure disgust at what Kota had done.

It wasn't until someone grabbed his arm, pulling him back with a force stronger than his own, that Haruto snapped out of his frenzy. He looked up, breathing heavily, and saw Daiki standing over him.

Daiki was infamous. No one in the school dared to cross him. His cold, calculating eyes looked down at Haruto with disinterest. 

"What's this loser doing?" 

Daiki asked, his voice casual as he kicked Kota's crumpled body, sending him sprawling across the floor.

"You good, Kota?" Daiki's voice turned darker. 

"You're one of us now, so don't you dare disgrace our gang's name."

Kota, bloodied and trembling, scrambled to his feet. 

His glasses were cracked, and his face was swollen, but still, he managed to choke out, "Y-Yes, boss! I won't… I won't mess up again! This bastard attacked me out of nowhere."

Haruto's heart sank as he listened to the trembling voice of the boy he thought was his friend. 

'Part of the gang…'

"But… I'm really one of you now, right?" Kota pleaded, his voice shaking.

"Yeah, sure," Daiki said coldly. "But if you screw up again, I'll kill you myself."

Haruto just stood there, fists clenched, as the realization hit him like a ton of bricks. Kota had sold out his sister. 

For what? To join this gang? His mind raced with disbelief. 

The boy he had trusted, the friend he had known for years, had betrayed him in the worst way possible.

The next thing Haruto remembered was being beaten mercilessly by Daiki's gang. He had no chance of fighting back, not against so many. 

The pain of their blows blurred together, but what stung the most was seeing Kota's smug grin through the blood and bruises as he was left broken on the floor.


"Hayase? Are you alright?" 

Kota's mother's voice pulled Haruto out of his spiraling thoughts. Her emerald eyes shimmered with concern as they searched his face.

"You look pale. Are you feeling sick?"

Haruto took a deep breath, forcing down the storm of emotions boiling beneath his skin. 'If Kota were here right now…' 

He clenched his fists at the thought, but quickly loosened them. The last thing he needed was to lose control in front of her. 

He mustered a smile, though it didn't reach his eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine, Mrs. Inoue. Just a little tired."

Inoue blushed lightly, fanning herself with her hand. "Oh my, you've really grown up. You look so different since I last saw you! Has it only been two weeks?"

Haruto's eyes widened slightly as a dark thought crossed his mind. A slow smile spread across his face as an idea for revenge formed. 

"That's kind of you to say, Mrs. Inoue," he said smoothly. "You've changed as well. You're looking more radiant and beautiful than ever."

Her face reddened further as she chuckled, gently patting his shoulder. "Flattery from a handsome young man—what a treat."

Haruto's smile didn't falter, though beneath it, his intentions simmered. 'System, make her my target,' he commanded inwardly.

[Ding! Target acquired.]  

[Target Information:]  

[Name: Asuka Inoue]  

[Age: 38 years old]  

[Status: MILF]  

[Libido Percentage: 20%]

He nodded subtly, satisfied with the outcome. Being close to Kota, he had plenty of reasons to visit their house. 

It wouldn't be easy with her libido so low, but Haruto thrived on challenges.

Inoue's voice broke his thoughts again. "Ah, by the way, aren't you interested in helping out here at the shop? I'm lacking a hand, right now." 

"Someone as handsome as you would surely draw in customers."

'Ah, so this is her shop? Perfect.' 

Haruto's smile widened, and he took a step closer to her, intentionally closing the space between them. 

She was now pressed lightly against the wall, her eyes flickering with a mix of nervousness and something else. 

With their height difference, Haruto had to lean down, his face coming inches from hers.

"It would be an honor, Mrs. Inoue," he murmured in a low, velvety tone, almost teasing. 

"Especially if someone as beautiful as you is the boss."

Her breath hitched slightly, and she laughed nervously, her face a deep shade of red now. 

"Oh my… you really know how to flatter an older woman, don't you?" she said, her voice trembling ever so slightly.

"Since you're my boss now," Haruto said, casually pulling his phone from his pocket, "why don't we exchange LANE id?"

Inoue's smile widened, her cheeks still slightly flushed. "Ah, sure. That sounds good."

They both quickly exchanged contact information, the conversation flowing naturally between them. 

Haruto kept the charm up, speaking with just the right amount of warmth to keep Mrs. Inoue comfortable, yet intrigued.

Just as they finished, Haruto heard footsteps behind him. He turned slightly to see Haruka and Chiyo approaching, each carrying bags with their new purchases. 

They seemed oblivious to the conversation, too caught up in their own excitement.

Inoue took a step back, regaining her composure. "You can start on Monday then," she said, her professional tone returning.

Haruto nodded with a polite smile. "Of course, Mrs. Inoue. I'll be looking forward to it."

With that, they parted ways, and Haruto joined his sister and Chiyo, already planning his next move. 

The gears of his revenge against Kota had begun to turn