
"Come on, brother! You're so slow!" Haruka called out, her voice impatient as she stood outside her brother's room, tapping her foot.

She wore a short, soft pink dress adorned with cute strawberry patterns, the fabric swishing lightly as she moved. 

A red ribbon tied her long, white hair back neatly, adding a touch of elegance to her playful look. 

Haruka had dressed up deliberately, hoping to hear some praise from her brother.

"Just a minute," Haruto replied, fastening the last button of his blue shirt. 

As he moved closer to the bed, he glanced at Chiyo. She was still a mess, covered in his semen, her body trembling in the afterglow of their long afternoon of sex. 

Her prone form was limp, her eyes closed as soft whimpers escaped her lips, lost in pleasure.

Leaning down, Haruto smirked and whispered, "I'm heading out. Don't let anyone know you're here, or what a slut you are, Mother." His voice dripped with satisfaction.

Chiyo only whimpered in response, her exhausted body unable to muster more. 

Haruto's grin widened as he observed her, proud of his work. Not only had her seduction status maxed out, but her seduction resistance had dropped to zero—she wouldn't be able to reject him, no matter what.

"Brother!" Haruka banged on the door, the impatience in her voice growing.

Haruto sighed but couldn't help the small smile tugging at his lips. Haruka's need for his attention was something he found amusing and cute. 

"I'm coming," he called, moving toward the door. 

As he opened it, Haruka pouted, her arms crossed. "What's taking so long? What were you doing in there?" 

She tried to peek past him into the room, but the dim lighting kept her from seeing anything.

"Nothing much. Just listening to music and reading," Haruto replied casually, stepping out and pulling the door shut behind him, as if nothing had happened.

"Hmph, I see. Let's go then!" Haruka's smile returned quickly as she latched onto his arm, her earlier frustration forgotten.

The Hayase siblings descended the stairs together, only to be greeted by a young girl sitting in the living room, her short black hair framing her face as she sipped from a glass. 

The drink in her hand was a Piña Colada, and Haruto's sharp eyes noticed a small bottle, still upside down in the glass, which raised his suspicions.

"Is that alcohol in your drink?" Haruto asked firmly, his gaze narrowing as he stopped in front of her.

The girl froze, looking momentarily panicked before she tried to play it cool. "You saw nothing," she muttered, turning back to the TV with a shrug.

Haruto sighed, his suspicion confirmed. Beside him, Haruka didn't seem to care, her expression indifferent. 

The girl was Ichigo Miyamura, Enji's little sister, a second-year junior high student—just a year younger than Haruka.

The sight made Haruto uneasy. He glanced at his sister, worried creeping in. Would Haruka fall into the same bad habits as he joined a gang? The thought gnawed at him.

"Come on, brother! Don't waste any more time!" Haruka huffed, tugging at his hand, eager to leave.

However, their steps were abruptly halted as Arataki and Enji appeared at the entrance. Arataki waved with a wide grin plastered across his face, while Enji's expression was far more serious. 

'I have a bad feeling about this.' He thought, especially when he saw how serious his goofy red hair friend was supposed to be. 

As they approached, Arataki casually draped an arm around Haruto's neck, pulling him in close. "Are you ready to be our courier?" he asked, his voice teasing.


"Of course. Haven't I messaged you already?" Enji interjected, his tone sharp, eyes narrowing slightly.

Haruto let out a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of his head. "Ah... yeah," he muttered. He hadn't checked his phone at all—too busy fucking Chiyo. 

His gaze shifted to Haruka, who was standing nearby, her face painted with confusion. He felt guilt; he'd have to cancel their plans. Letting out a soft sigh, he turned to her, his voice calm and apologetic. 

"Haruka, I've got some business to take care of. I promise we'll catch the sunset tomorrow, okay?"

Haruka stared at him, her lips tightening. Disappointment flashed across her face. "Fine, do whatever you want," she muttered, shaking her head.

 She pulled away from him, walking briskly toward her room. The door slammed behind her with a loud thud, the sound echoing through the resort.

Arataki let out a low whistle, clearly amused. "Oof, broke your little sister's heart, huh?"

"Shut up," Haruto snapped, his mood souring. "Let's just get this over with."

As he fell into step behind his two friends, his mind raced, trying to figure out how to fix things with Haruka. 

'Maybe another gift?' he thought, but then remembered his empty wallet. 

Both Arataki and Enji seemed to sense his irritation but wisely kept quiet.

After walking for a while, they arrived at another resort, tucked away from view, nestled atop a small hill and surrounded by thick trees. 

The place felt secluded, almost eerie, with the sky now fully dark. The only sounds were their footsteps and the occasional rustle of birds heading back to their nests.

Haruto eyed the building warily. Something about it made his skin prickle, but with his friends beside him, he pressed forward.

Inside, the resort was similar to the one they stayed in—ordinary enough, at least at first glance. But Haruto's eyes landed on a large bag in the corner and two men engaged in quiet conversation. 

One has a buzz cut, his skin covered in tattoos and piercings that give him a menacing appearance. The other looked far more refined, with slick brown hair, blue eyes framed by glasses, and not a mark on him.

"Ah, there you are," the buzz cat man greeted them, his voice gruff. "Is this the new recruit?"

"Yep! Senior Nakamura," Arataki said, approaching him with an easy high five, before bowing slightly to the other man. "And Senior Kikuchi."

Kikuchi barely acknowledged the gesture, his cold blue eyes sizing Haruto up. "You can drive, right?" he asked, his voice crisp, as if he didn't want to waste a single extra word.

Haruto nodded, though the knot in his stomach tightened. He knew he was supposed to be a courier, but the contents of that bag suddenly felt far more suspicious. But he knew for sure that it was something illegal. 

"Good." Kikuchi grabbed the bag and handed it to Haruto. It was heavy, its weight dragging Haruto's arm down.

 "Deliver this safely. Enji will give you the address. Don't screw this up, understand?"

Haruto stared at the bag, then at Kikuchi. "Is this... drugs?"

Nakamura chuckled darkly. "Nobody told you?"

Haruto shot a glance at Enji, who merely shrugged, his expression unreadable.

Kikuchi sighed in annoyance, tapping Haruto's arm. "Worst case, you end up in jail. But you'll be fine. Good luck." His words were curt, but there was a cold finality in his tone.

Haruto stood frozen, the realization sinking in. His suspicions were right—the gang was involved in something far worse than he'd imagined. His fingers tightened around the bag's handle, doubt gnawing at him.

'Drugs?! Seriously?! Isn't that yakuza territory? I thought Enji's gang was just a normal school gang!'

Haruto's mind raced as he considered his next move. The weight of the bag in his hand felt heavier now, a symbol of the line he was about to cross

Sure, he wanted revenge—revenge on everyone who had made Haruka's life hell—but was getting tangled up in this mess really the way to do it?

'Is this even worth it?'

He paused, doubt creeping in. But then his thoughts shifted, darker and more resolute.

'Wait... why am I hesitating? I'm planning to kill Daiki anyway. What's one more step into this mess?'

His decision settled like stone in his gut. If Enji's gang was involved in something this deep, then their influence ran far beyond the schoolyard scuffles he had imagined. This was bigger—far bigger. And if he played his cards right, this could work to his advantage.

'I might find powerful allies.'

With that, his path was clear. There was no turning back.

"Getting cold feet?" Enji's voice cut through his thoughts. "It's not too late to back out, you know."

Haruto's eyes narrowed at his friend. Enji's casual attitude and the setup finally clicked in his mind. This wasn't just some routine job—they were testing him, seeing if he had the guts. 

'He doesn't want me to join the gang,' Haruto realized. The thought sent a wave of defiance through him, his blood boiling.

"No," Haruto said, his voice firm. "I'm not backing out. Give me the keys."