Beans In The Same Pod

Zenzai glanced at her sister, who was still breathing heavily, her flushed face evidence of her earlier defeat. 

She placed a hand on Shiruko's back, rubbing it gently to help her recover. "Let's wait for my sister to catch her breath. When she's ready, we'll introduce ourselves properly," she said, her tone suddenly shifting into something more measured and formal.

Haruto raised a brow, leaning back slightly as his arms rested on the tatami. 

"Why the sudden change of tone? Are you two spies or something?" 

He chuckled, half-joking as he tried to lighten the mood, but he noticed Zenzai's smile stiffen into something more composed.

"It's not that," Zenzai replied, shaking her head with a soft laugh. 

"In our family, introductions are treated as significant events. It's not something we do casually. It's about dignity."