Haruto scrubbed his face under the cold tap, the water running red as it washed away the blood caked on his skin.
He exhaled sharply, gripping the edges of the rusted sink as his reflection stared back at him—disheveled, bloodstained, and exhausted.
His knuckles were raw and bruised from the beating he gave that bastard back in the room, and his body ached from the fight on the stairs.
He splashed more water over his face, rubbing away the remnants of dried sweat and grime.
The stench of smoke and blood still clung to him, but at least he looked somewhat presentable now.
They had managed to escape, at least for now. But with all the chaos they had caused, there was no doubt Ren's men would be hunting them down. The entire operation had turned into a disaster.
Haruto exhaled sharply, dragging a hand down his face. "This was supposed to be a fast and stealthily job. Get in, steal the data, and leave without anyone noticing."