Ray nodded vigorously, crossing his arms like an offended cat. "Yes! It's totally unfair! I've been here the longest after Alexander and Gray, and yet he gets all the deep, dark secrets!" He huffed.
Lilith smile. "And you really don't know why?"
Ray puffed his cheeks. "No! It's like he was just born with it. Like some dark, broody, all-knowing villain character!" He squinted. "Honestly, I think he's cheating."
Lilith chuckled. "Cheating? That's not how this works, human doll."
Ray groaned dramatically, pulling away from Lilith and throwing his head back against the pillow. "Well, it should be! If anyone deserves to know everything, it's me! I was the first personality after Alexander! I was the cutest! And do you know how hard it was to learn human things?!" He turned his face towards her, looking utterly betrayed.
Lilith raised an amused brow. "I can imagine."