He turned his head slightly and there she was.
A random female customer standing a few feet away, staring at him.
Her arms were crossed, her brows were furrowed, and her eyes were filled with judgment.
She was clearly suspicious.
The longer she looked, the more it became painfully obvious what she was thinking.
Alexander mentally sighed. Great. Now I look like some pervert following a woman into the lingerie section.
Lilith, oblivious to the scene, was still calmly discussing materials with the saleswoman.
Meanwhile, Alexander could feel the judging woman's gaze drilling into his soul.
The woman's eyes narrowed further, as if she were silently deciding whether to call security or expose him for being a "creep."
Alexander rubbed his temple.
This is why he didn't want to come.
Never mind… Alexander thought, letting out a slow breath. It's not like I'm actually being a pervert.