Code-09-Black (1)

Chapter 195: Code-09-Black (1)

Alarms blared.

A monotonous female voice echoed throughout the chamber.

"Warning! Warning! Warning!

The second level of Aegis Control has been breached!"

"Fuck! Why does it have to happen now?!" the old man cursed under his breath. His fingers flew across the console, desperately inputting command after command.

His wide, panicked eyes remained fixed on the giant screen before him.

It displayed a dark, shadowy figure rampaging through the facility, tearing through every reinforced gate in its path with terrifying ease.

"Warning! Warning! Warning!

The third level of Aegis Control has been breached! Please be advised—the target 'Code-09-Black' will successfully escape in 30 seconds!"

The robotic voice announced its grim update.

"Shut up! I know, dammit! Don't you see I'm doing everything I can?!"

Beads of cold sweat appeared on the old man's forehead.