
Chapter 209: Aftermath

The last thing he could remember was when he blocked the golem's second laser beam, and after that, all he could hear was a sinister and cold voice that kept repeating in his mind: Kill! Kill! Kill!

Hearing his question, Ara didn't immediately answer. She looked at him, trying to see if he clearly didn't remember anything or was just lying through his teeth. But seeing him with no reaction, Ara replied, "After you protected your pet and blocked the golem's attack, you went wild and eventually defeated the golem."

'I defeated the golem?' He thought, before suddenly recalling Mochi as she mentioned. "Where's Mochi?!" He asked as he looked around him but failed to find the plump black rabbit. He only found a dark purple rock that looked like an egg beside him. He looked back at Ara and asked again with a deep frown and low tone of voice, "Where's Mochi?"