Entering the High Fen

Ashlynn's next several days after departing the High Pass were oddly relaxing for days spent traveling through frigid mountains in a carriage. As before, additional horses had been arranged to allow the group to move both day and night.

Unlike her trip to the High Pass, however, Nyrielle all but forbade any additional training or studying during these days and nights. 

"You worked hard to be ready for the High Pass," Nyrille said on the first night of their journey. "The High Fen isn't like the High Pass. You don't need to prepare the same way and if you throw yourself back into intense study, you'll only exhaust yourself. Take these days to rest and recover from what you have just been through." 

As much as Ashlynn wanted to protest, Nyrielle was adamant. It didn't help that the vampire took advantage of the close confines of the carriage to have her way with Ashlynn at every opportunity.