Owain shook off thoughts about his family and returned his attention to his spineless steward. Privately, he wondered what Lord Hanrahan had done to his bastard child to leave him so skittish and eager to please. If it wasn't for the fact that he was genuinely talented at his actual duties, he'd have done as Hugo's father had and found a way to rid himself of the cowardly knight, but now, all he could do was try to hammer the poor man into shape and hope that a trial by fire would be enough to turn pig-iron into refined steel.
"My father-in-law is far too busy managing the affairs of this busy county to spend time giving me pointless introductions," Owain said, waving the thought off like it was trivial. "Besides, if he attended, the merchants would negotiate with him instead of negotiating with me and I don't want that at all. Better that he stays out of it."