Children of the Heavens

"Ah, so it's come to her has it?" Amahle said with a heavy sigh. With a series of clicks as she used her spider-like limbs to stand, Amahle walked across the room to a bookshelf, sorting through some of the least used tomes on the top shelf before retrieving an old and dusty leather-bound book and returning to the table. 

The book itself bore no title and the leather cover on the book looked like it had suffered a number of abuses over the years. From the scars and creases on the cover that had worn smooth with time, Ashlynn guessed that it was more of a notebook than a formal publication of any sort. But to be kept around for so long and from the reverent way that Amahle handled it, it was clearly no ordinary journal. 

"I always intended to tell you about her," Amahle said as she took her seat. "Maybe not as soon as you came back from vacation, but certainly before you could leave the Briar. This isn't a secret that should be kept from you after all."