Entering the Arena

A chill autumn breeze swept through the streets of High Fen City, dancing over the city's many canals and tugging at the cloaks of people who hurried to warmer places or at least found shelter away from the wind. In the fields outside the city, workers loaded the last of the fall harvest onto heavy barges bound for the city, piling them high with everything from bright orange pumpkins to dull brown potatoes. 

Inside the city, however, throngs of people clustered together, flowing like water through the canals on their way to the massive arena that served as the city's beating heart. The towering marble-covered structure had been expanded several times since the establishment of the High Fen, and each time, the collection of larger-than-life marble statues depicting champions of eras long past grew until it resembled not only a grand fighting arena but a temple dedicated to the worship of bloodsport.