Unleashing the Horde

"Death to the murderers!" Laya shouted as the rage in her heart boiled over. Before she knew it, she was sprinting across the sands as fast as her disproportionately short legs would carry her. Heila's voice seemed to echo in her mind as she let loose another blood-curdling scream. "Make them fear the Mongrel Horde!" 

"Fear the Horde!" her companions shouted from behind her as they too let loose all of the anger and humiliation they had stored up inside, some of them for decades since they first became one of Tausau's progeny. 

In the stands, people who had been cheering for the criminals just moments ago went still in shock. Mouths hung agape and a few people even dropped the delicate morsel of one delicacy of another that they were about to eat as they stared, wide-eyed, at the eruption of power from what should have been a group of feeble Clanless mutts.