Brothers in Chains

The sounds of chains clanking and low growls filled the waiting area under the arena where Savis glowered at the diminutive young witch who seemed to be in charge of the spectacle that was being made of their need to feed. 

"I have never in my life been bound in chains," the white-furred vampire snarled, glaring at Heila and shaking the thick, heavy chain that bound his left arm. "This is an insult to the dignity of High Lord Hamdi's line!"

"No one cares, big brother Savis," Tausau said, hefting his end of the chain and feeling its weight with his disproportionately small arms. "And besides, chaining you to me is an honor for you and a mark of respect for your strength. If they weren't worried that we'd destroy these fallen champions in an instant, they would never shackle us like this." 

"Sir Tausau is correct, Sir Savis," Heila said as she strode toward the powerfully built men with another set of shackles and chains, this time intended for their ankles.