"When we gave our lives to the service of our people, we gave up the possibility of entering a normal ancestral cave," the deep, masculine voice of the ancestor continued, forcefully using Hauke's body to make himself heard. "Young Hauke has taken up the burden of anchoring us in this world since only the statues formed of blood by the Fangs of Death could possibly sustain us in a sacred cave."
"You cannot afford the sacrifices required to remake our bloody statues," a softer, feminine voice followed the first, sounding deeply incongruous coming from Hauke's mouth. "Without Hauke's help, we would fade away in less than a year."
"Please father," Hauke said, snatching back control of his own body and voice. "Haven't you always said that we are much weaker than our ancestors were? That we could never rebuild our great fortress if we were to lose it because we've forgotten the methods the ancestors used to build it?"