Midnight Sunrise

As soon as Ashlynn's hand touched the hilt of the Holy Flame Blade, the world around her seemed to slow to a crawl. 

Dozens of paces away, Ansgar and Ines had clearly realized they'd misunderstood her actions. The Mother of Trees had no intention of surrendering the defiler to them, even after seeing her army stuck on the walls and unable to advance. 

Certainly, Lord Ritchel's capture and inevitable death would be a blow against the young Hauke, but it was a trial that the young lord needed to overcome if he was going to succeed his father's throne and take his rightful place at the head of the clan. Perhaps, if the young lord watched his father fall to the schemes of outsiders, he would understand why generations of Frost Walkers had restricted themselves to ruling the icy peaks and never bothered conquering the lush lands below, even when they possessed the strength to do so.