Another Section Gone, Knowledge.

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Sitting down on the floor beside the stack of books I flicked from page to page, my intelligence stat kicking in as my speed of reading rapidly increased. Soon I was doing one page every few seconds, my mind filling with details and facets of information from all over Faerûn.

Faerûn itself consisted of several parts. These parts included: The North, The Sword Coast, The Heartlands, The Dalelands and Moonsea, The Deserts and Wastes, The Unapproachable East, The Shining South, The Jungles of Chult and The Underdark. 

The North had some famous locations such as Icewind-dale, The Silver Marches, Anauroch, The Tortured Land, Vasa and Damara... These were only the regions that existed in the north. I wasn't even getting into the cities and structures that existed within them, such as Neverwinter or Mithral Hall.

The Sword Coast was the most populated part of Faerûn as it held bastions of civilisation such as Water deep, Baldur's Gate, Candle keep and Elturel. It was where a majority of the information was contained as this was one of the most societally sophisticated places on the continent of Faerûn. Not to mention that several popular figures originated or learned on the sword coast.

The Heartlands, where mighty kingdoms rise amidst rolling plains and deep forests. The proud nation of Cormyr, with its rich history of knighthood and valour, stands at the centre. Cormyr's capital was called Suzail and was guarded by dragon-knights known as the Purple Dragon Knights. The information was rather general about this location as it was more about the connection it shared in trade with the Sword Coast, which was extensive.

The Dalelands and Moonsea was a region that was ruled by the elves mainly. Wood Elves, High elves, all types of elves lived there and lived under a stringent system of feudalism that had certain types of elves structured in their system based off of their proclivities. The Moonsea itself was independent from what I could gleam of the texts, but there was heavy implication leading towards a group called the Zhentarim owning a fortress city called Zhentil Keep that was a massive port that fed directly into it. There was also the mention of a town or village called Shadowdale with mention of some powerful Wizard called Elminster living there.

The Deserts and Wastes was once the seat of the Netherese Empire from ancient history. That was it, that's all the book described to me. It was utterly devoid of all details and only had some minor information on where it was located and not to go there unless one had significant powers and preparations. The Unapproachable East was dominated by a nation called Thay that was said to be a den of Necromancers and Undead. So frightening were they that most of the west of the continent had banded together to hold them off at one point. It was an aspect of History I'd need to read more heavily on in future.

{Added Mission}

The Shining South held Calimshan, The lake of Steam, Lapaliiya and Halruaa. Yet again there was little information about these places as even their capital's names were excluded. It seemed that this book was most likely part one of a three part series. The Jungles of Chult was a wildland that held only what I could describe as Dinosaurs and various forms of mystical creatures; going by the descriptions given to the creatures the author had seen. There was a single city that lay on the coast and was seen as a haven for thieves, treasure hunters and mages alike.

Finally, there was the Underdark. Several layers of vast expansive caverns and tunnel paths that existed beneath the continent. They housed rare creatures that one would never see on the surface and several species that were considered generally evil. Drow, Duergar, Deep Gnomes and Illithids... All of them existed beneath the surface, not that I knew what they looked like. Plopping the first book closed a ding resounded as my framework came up and dispensed the rewards. I panicked at this however as the items would just plop out in front of a devil-like creature.

'Hey! Create an Inventory system or something... Put the items in there please!'

{Section created... Space will be based upon this algorithm: 10m^3 x INT Number}

{Current space: 200m^3} (Author Note- Half an Olympic Swimming Pool)

{Items Have been dispensed inside... To summon items, the Ascendant will have think of pulling said item from the space. Current Items: Map of Faerûn , Compass, Adventurer's Camp Clothes}

|>Ascendant Soul Framework<|


Name- Lumin'ara'el | Species- Aasimar

Titles- EMPTY  | Religious Connection- Ao, God of Creation

(No Class) LEVEL- 1 |200/1000|


Status Sheet-









Bonus (+2)

Athletics : +3

Acrobatics : +1

Sleight of Hand : +1

Stealth : +3

Arcana : +5

History : +5

Investigation : +5

Nature : +5

Religion : +5

Animal Handling : +5

Insight : +5

Medicine : +5

Perception : +5

Survival : +4

Deception : -2

Intimidation: -2

Performance : -2

Persuasion : 0



1- Find and Learn Magic | Rewards: Intelligence + 4 , Charisma + 2 , Ring of Protection, 1000 XP

2- Kill a Creature | Proficiency In Stealth , Proficiency in Animal handling

3- Lose Virginity | 1 Level, A happy ending?

4- Discover Regional Info | Intelligence + 2 , Proficiency in History, Spell Book of Cantrips

5- TRAINING MONTAGE | Proficiency in Simple Weapons, Proficiency in Longbows, Quiver of Retrieving 

6-The Bridge, it moves? | Knowledge on basic Mechanics, Magical Rune Knowledge

7- Not to be a Barbarian | Charisma + 4 

8- Find Meaning? I guess? | A Golden Star? , Charisma + 2 , A Random OP Magic Item

9- Learn of Thay | Wisdom + 2 , Basic Necromancy Cantrips


Completed Achievements-

Stranger to the Lands

Survivor of the Tyrant of Ash and Ruin, Vermithraxxis


Inventory (200m^3) - Map of Faerûn , Compass, Adventurer's Camp Clothes


Gazing at the Thay quest I began to worry. Hearing about what necromancy did to Aasimar like myself, this could possibly be a bad path for me to head down... The good thing was that I didn't need to complete the missions on a schedule, it could be deliberated upon in future once I fully comprehended the seriousness of whatever was going on over there.

I had a map of Faerûn now however and could fully see the layout, if I so wished, not that I'd do it here under the devil's gaze. He was occupied reading again, as of the current moment. With some shivers running up my spine I continued to read the rest of the books. Etiquette was first after knowledge on Faerûn as I wished to gain my Charisma boost. The book was dreary but with the promise of sweet stat points, effort was mustered and expended until I eventually finished the last page of the book.

Yet again another mission was cleared from my list... And stats added to my framework.


Status Sheet-









1- Find and Learn Magic | Rewards: Intelligence + 4 , Charisma + 2 , Ring of Protection, 1000 XP

2- Kill a Creature | Proficiency In Stealth , Proficiency in Animal handling

3- Lose Virginity | 1 Level, A happy ending?

4- Discover Regional Info | Intelligence + 2 , Proficiency in History, Spell Book of Cantrips

5- TRAINING MONTAGE | Proficiency in Simple Weapons, Proficiency in Longbows, Quiver of Retrieving 

6-The Bridge, it moves? | Knowledge on basic Mechanics, Magical Rune Knowledge

7- Find Meaning? I guess? | A Golden Star? , Charisma + 2 , A Random OP Magic Item

8- Learn of Thay | Wisdom + 2 , Basic Necromancy Cantrips



I was so excited that it drew the attention of the devil creature, who's eyes widened and his expression turned comical in hilarity. My amusement was not normal, obviously, and this drew even more of his interest as he inclined his head towards me to read the title of the book I had just finished, his smile turning odd as the title was exposed to him.

Coughing to cover my embarrassment for the lack of tact and appropriateness, I picked another book up, this one being the book on cantrips, whilst I buries my head in the book. After a minute of reading this book I peaked over the top and still saw the man, creature, thing... Staring, his eyes glowing an odd silver-gold. With alacrity I shoved my head behind the book once more, continuing to read despite the awkwardness.

This book was rather complex and had formulae that consisted of runes and intricate symbology. A language that was like elvish but twisted and morphed made the explanations of the book, but were far too esoteric and indecipherable that I was afraid I'd need to spend a week or more to understand the bare necessities for the most rudimentary elements of the cantrips. I could most likely speed this process up if I were to read books on rune theory and symbolism in magic but that would require more money than I had... And it would mean that I'd need to interact with the devil man once again...

'Ughhhh, i really need to learn magic... I need money though, and he's creepy.'

"Do you have a, probleeem...?"

"Nope! I am good, can I come back to read the cantrip book another day since I've payed for it already?"

"Hehehehe... sure... I'll, put it, to the side for you."

"Ahmmm, m-kay... Bye...!"

I practically sprinted out of the bookstore, a heavy sigh escaping me as I left the doors. Some people on the street looked at me oddly before seeing where I had come out of, their own paces increasing eerily in relation to the discovery.

'Who the fuck did I just run into!?'


You enjoyed. Now, give me comments and stones!