Complications...? Maybe?

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{Completed Mission- Saving a Damsel! : Dispensing Rewards}

{Dexterity + 2 , Proficiency in Unarmed Combat}

{Remaining Rewards with '?' behind them will possibly be dispensed based upon factors in the mission}

So I now have to speak with a princess, eat food with her, drink with her and possibly deal with complications that could result? I can't complain to be honest, I was the one who came up with the mission in the first place. The increase in dexterity was immediately noticeable to me as my reflexes felt more crisp, my fingers nimbler and my limbs much lighter.

|>Ascendant Soul Framework<|


Name- Lumin'ara'el | Species- Aasimar

Titles- EMPTY  | Religious Connection- Ao, God of Creation

(No Class) LEVEL- 1 |200/1000|


Status Sheet-









Bonus (+2)

Athletics : +3

Acrobatics : +2

Sleight of Hand : +2

Stealth : +4

Arcana : +5

History : +5

Investigation : +5

Nature : +5

Religion : +5

Animal Handling : +5

Insight : +5

Medicine : +5

Perception : +5

Survival : +4

Deception : -2

Intimidation: -2

Performance : -2

Persuasion : 0



1- Find and Learn Magic | Rewards: Intelligence + 4 , Charisma + 2 , Ring of Protection, 1000 XP

2- Lose Virginity | 1 Level, A happy ending?

3- Discover Regional Info | Intelligence + 2 , Proficiency in History, Spell Book of Cantrips

4- TRAINING MONTAGE | Proficiency in Simple Weapons, Proficiency in Longbows, Quiver of Retrieving

5-The Bridge, it moves? | Knowledge on basic Mechanics, Magical Rune Knowledge

6- Runic Language, Cantrip Addition | Intelligence +1 , Knowledge of Basic Runes within Magic 

7- Kill the Tyrant of Ash and Ruin | Achievement: Dragon Slayer , Strength + 4 , Constitution + 4 , Charisma + 10 , Knowledge on Ancient Red Dragons, The Dragon Hoard of Vermithraxxis , Levels + 5 , Sword of Dragon Slaying , Knowledge of Spells at a 9th weave level (Only the knowledge, not the capability) , Section Points + 40

8- Become a Mage | Section Points + 5 , Immovable Rod, Soul Bound Grimoire , Proficiency in all schools of Magic , Level of Wizard + 1


Completed Achievements-

Stranger to the Lands

Survivor of the Tyrant of Ash and Ruin, Vermithraxxis

Iriaeboran Princess's Saviour


Inventory (200m^3) - Map of Faerûn , Compass, Adventurer's Camp Clothes


(Author: I know that the status pages are used a lot, but they serve as a way to show the tangible gains, so deal with it I guess...)

I stood there as the princess, who I had just saved; if you needed the reminder because I sure did, conversed with several guards. We were waiting for a carriage apparently. The street was now utterly quiet as there were more guards and knights than normal civilians now. This was the first time that I saw full knights like in medieval times. They were just as imposing as most stories and historical pieces spoke on. Adorned in beautiful plate armour that gleamed with fresh polish, they were bizarrely vibrant displays of artistic beauty. Some had flowers that were engraved up and down the breastplate section while some sported prancing lions that were similarly engraved but on their helms instead. 

These helms were awesome looking and resembled what I had seen some representations of crusaders wear. They covered the majority of the head and was flat-ish on the top which then flared downwards into a conical shape. A protruding section sported the middle part of the helm that would cover the nose and chin. Small breathing holes were spotted adjacent to each side of the protrusion, below where any lethal damage could be possibly dealt. Two eye slits were slightly above them and were very narrow, the vision inside most likely being horrible. I was transfixed on them as they were extremely cool looking... I couldn't help it, i was a history buff on Earth.

Opulence in the form of a carriage trundled down the roadway in a moderate pace, two stunning horses pulling it along with ease. Sat on the front was a man in simple black and white clothing, the only oddity being a flare of crimson that filled the middle ground between the black-white uniform. The carriage itself could easily be called opulent, even if you were blind, you could see the soft but sturdy carved wood that made it's walls and frame. Silver and a material I didn't know lined the stairs that allowed one to enter it, as warm cosy sconces that were entirely self-contained and seemingly on, lit the interior of said carriage. From outside, the interior seemed much more stunning than the exterior, a fact that would no doubt be proven to me. 

'Should I worry about dragging dirt into the carriage?'

"Ah, mine carriage hath arrived! If thou art ready to claim thy rewards, and perchance other things, we may journey to the palace." 

Her voice was so sweet that I felt almost obliged to automatically agree with her opinion, but I stood firm and became sceptical of the 'other things' she had found important enough to mention. Looking around at the hundreds of soldiers and multiple knights that were now surrounding us both... I agreed and nodded cordially. I was in no state to try and fight and even if I tried I would most definitely die. My only hope was that this 'other things' wouldn't be too strenuous or dangerous for me.

'I always get into positions like this... Even last life I was found eating the caramel cups of the CEO of my company! Worst day of my entire life, so far... Gosh I get myself into problems!'

Frustration aside I walked behind the princess, her eloquence phenomenal as she even stepped up stairs in a calmly royal way. Her dress hugged her figure evenly in such a way that I could almost see every measurement of hers. It was a view limited to me however as I was right behind her, stepping into the cabin of the carriage after her. No knights dared try to come in and instead there was an escort, horses being set up next to the carriage and mounted by their knights. If before I had no good options, than this time I was utterly fucked. There was no way of getting out of it now.

"I offer mine apologies for the sudden plight thou findest thyself in... Yet thou hast saved me, a stroke of misfortune for the one who sought mine death. My station demandeth that thou be rewarded, and given both my position and the grievous event that hath just transpired, I was compelled to bring thee with me, lest thou suffer any scorn from mine father." 

Her tone was more sympathetic now, the command faded from it entirely as her facial expressions were subdued and apologetic. Her eyes had softened as small hints of tears had collected at her corneas, snooping down into the corners. Threatened by the impact that tears could cause for my current situation I waved my hand whilst trying to ensure her.

"It's fine! Don't cry... Please... It is only right to help someone when they are about to be killed by some random thug."

"Thou art most kind, truly far too kind... Ahem, mine name is Gwendoline Da Ville, of the Royal House of Ville. I beg pardon for not offering mine name sooner, but there was urgency with the guards that did not permit proper courtesy."

"Ah, my name is Lumin'ara'el. Don't worry about any introduction issues, you saved me from being thrown in prison."

"Thou dost speak Celestial? Marvellous, for there are but few who can master a tongue of such intricacy. A pity, as it is most wondrous to hear... Pray, is there reason thy name is rendered in Celestial?"

Sweat beaded down my head as I fought with myself over revealing my species to her. I was apparently the daughter of Ao or something like that. People were usually very serious about matters with relation to gods, especially children of them... I couldn't just lie though because it may come out when I reach the palace. It was a conundrum that was grating on my nerves as the seconds passed.

"If it be awkward to answer, then I beg thy pardon, for it is but uncommon..."

'Awww fuck... she's cute... why does she have to be cute...???'

Her cheeks were puffed out lightly, as if she were frustrated that I wouldn't speak with her about it. I was looking at her face as we were both rocked back and forth, the carriage taking off back towards the 'palace' she had spoken of. My species wasn't a massive secret for me, it was worrying to consider possible scenarios but honestly I needed to learn things and I wouldn't If I continued to hide things that could be found out with just a tiny bit of magic, I presume, or even just a steady eye, another presumption.

"I am an Aasimar... It was most likely given to me by my father."

Once puffed cheeks deflated completely as her expression froze in comprehension for a few moments. Trepidation did arise within my heart at the sudden shock she experience, that was until she started clenching her fists and shaking them up and down.

"Thou art an Aasimar!? What is it like? Which god is thy father? Or mayhap the god be thy mother...? Can Aasimar be born only of a god and a mortal? Oh, I have so many questions!"

'This... was unexpected... AND, just what was that movement she made!? It was so cuuute!'

"Uhm... I don't have much experience as an Aasimar, I was recently placed upon this world. To be honest I do not know my true lineage as I have not been enlightened as to what it exactly is, but I do have the name Ao stuck within my head."

At the name Ao her eyes lit up even more as she emphatically shook her hands one again, her legs also joining in this time as red flushed through her face. To be honest, in comparison to the stalwart, composed princess that I had run into before, this version was much more endearing to me. Honestly I was starting to get a little attracted to her personality; I was already slightly turned on by her appearance I had to admit.

"Verily!? Thou art the daughter of the Creator God!? Oh, oh my! So many questions, yet so little thou might share... A most unfortunate circumstance... Ah! Mightst thou perchance show me thy wings??"

The hands went again despite my answer not being given yet... But seriously, how was I supposed to say no? It was just my wings and ultimately she is probably going to give me some money or something...

"Sure. Here."

I flexed my back and unleashed the multi-coloured wings that were a trait of my heritage, as Lilianna told me. My wings were a little large for the cabin but Gwen wasn't worried in the slightest as the purest gaze of fascination and wonder bedazzled her expression, her face flushing in full red as her hands were held up at the sides of her chin. Admittedly the confined nature of the cabin made my back uncomfortable but that was a small price to pay for being able to witness her adorable reactions.

"Beautiful... Truly, so beautiful... Like unto the distant horizon fading into the night. Purples and pinks, so perfectly blended into a bloom most unique..." 

Her voice was almost wistful as she reached out for one my my wings. The action sent a weird twinge of discomfort through my mind but I decided to allow it for now. Sensation ignored, the princess pet my feathers with her completely soft hands. No rings adorned her fingers and her skin was unblemished by any marks or work. She had lived a truly pampered life it seemed, her wonder showing evident signs of her lack of adventure or sighting of unique people.

"Forgive me! I acted without seeking thy permission… How foolish of me! I-I shall be sure to make amends to thee...!"

Smiling at her antics I shrugged, the wings slipping back into my shoulder and disappearing soon after. Genuine embarrassment was felt by her, making me find her all too precious. I was smitten with her, for sure, but I didn't want to do anything or make a move without my rewards properly given and my safety ensured. Hopefully I would get some money and perhaps some permission to meet her again... If a job was on offer I'd consider it if I could serve her... Yeah, I was kind of simping for her after her previous displays... Call me a love seeking idiot why don't yah?


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