Learning Magic... After Drinks...?

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Entering into the Emissary Inn I quickly headed towards the bar where I saw some of the other Aasimar sitting. As usual the bar was rather barren, a few people here and there sparsely having drinks. Staff walked around and cleaned as some answered the calls of their patrons, serving drinks. 

Sitting down at one of the tables I exhaled as tiredness took over my mind. Today had been tiring for so many reasons, the least being the princess's words and the possible consequences that could come from that. Yeah, the most frustrating was the ease with which I was baited into trusting her... My own stupidity and lack of clarity on the issue. I ordered a single glass of wine, putting the remainder of my coin from Indra down on the table for the waiter.

And like that I spent the next half an hour mulling over my issues and what my next path would be. Iriaebor is a wonderful city with much more than I could probably see in a year let alone the few days I've been here. But with the threat of a rich merchant house with possible noble ties coming down upon me, there wasn't any recourse for me other than to complete what I can here and move on. I was already starting to feel myself looking over my shoulder subconsciously. A few more people entered the bar as a familiar woman stepped through, Lilianna.

"Sweetie! It's good to see you!"

She walked up and waved happily as behind her several Aasimar entered, their faces tired and worn as mud coated their boots. I didn't know what they were doing but it certainly was dirty.

"Hey Lilianna. Good to see you again..."

The elven woman chuckled as she sat on the opposite side to me, her elven ears slightly twitching as she lowered her bright white-pink wings. Her face was slightly haggard as her clothes sported some small lacerations and holes, no doubt a newly added feature to the apparel. Relaxation oozed out of her body language as she slumped back into the chair, her posture slouching in on itself as her clothes all sagged from her movements.

"What happened? You seem quite down."

"Ah, just got caught up in some drama with a princess..."

"Hahahaha! You sure are quick to get into trouble...! Let me guess... Gwendoline of the Ville Merchant house?"

"How the fuck did you know???"

"She's a massive whore! Most people know that she would fuck a goblin to get her father's riches. Many a man has lost his life to her schemes..."

"Shit. Fuck..."

"Don't worry, she usually does not hold grudges, it is her father that does that."

"Well, I was kind of forced to piss him off."

"Haha, well at least you can fly!"

There was some giggles from a nearby table of female Aasimar who hid behind their mugs once I looked towards them. It seemed that my situation was hilarious to most of these people... To be honest I could understand it from a certain perspective, they were children of gods, the ones who were either abandoned or given greater purpose by those the normal people prayed to. Just because I understood it does not mean I agreed with it however.

"Yes, well. I am planning to finish up my responsibilities here and leave."

Lilianna turned serious as she leaned forwards, her posture straightening. Her eyes shone pink and gold as of this moment as her entire mood shifted.

"Where are you planning on going?"

"...Maybe Baldurs Gate? I'll head towards the sword coast for certain though."

"Hmm, well, I'm sorry to say this, but... You are definitely incapable of surviving in a tough fight. Your stance has a lot of holes in it that can be exploited, your aura is one who has no fucking clue what is going on and you do not look rich enough to justify any of that sweetie."

Indignance filled me for a few moments as she questioned my abilities but that was quickly curbed by looking at her sides, where I found two rapiers leaned up against the sides of her chair. Blood was splashed over the cross guards and sheathes as mud similarly adorned her boots and some edges of her thick brown cloak, which I noticed was being draped over chain armour.

"Yes... Well, my business here is to become capable enough to at least fight back."

Her eyes narrowed for a little until she broke the intensity by lightly slapping the table, her hand raising upwards moments later.

"Alright then! Waiter! Two Waterdehavian Wines...!"

The waiters panicked until the Maître-d stepped in and took the order in their stead, the man's gait soft, smooth and calm. Several hundred gold worth of wine was being carried by him as if it were merely a napkin used to clean a mess. He placed it down onto the table on top of a cloth napkin, another waiter bringing two glasses and placing them to the side of our napkin. Then, as if it were all a play the waiters and Maître-d broke off in a flash... Probably had something to do with not annoying the customer.

"Let's drink until we can't anymore!"

"Yeah! Sure!!!"




My face was in the toilet bowl as the contents of my stomach splashed out of me in wretched form. Splashback from the water struck my face, the sensation causing more vomit to slip out from the back of my throat. 

I had woken up next to the toilet after last night's partying. Apparently Lilianna and I had gotten so shitfaced that they kicked us back to my room, where we proceeded to play some stupid games and drink more. My memory was hazy after that, my mind blurring at the details as the burning of my oesophagus caused sharp poking pains to radiate into my stomach and organs.

'Never again...! BLEGHHHHH'

I threw up once more before I started to feel the sensations cool, my body normalising. My wings were out and everything, their feathers dusting the walls and curled around the toilet itself. I was just lucky that they had proper toilets here in this sweet. Magic was such a wonder to me, now it seemed almost fucking necessary... Otherwise I couldn't see this normal-ish toilet.

'I need to study magic more seriously.'

"Lu-brrff... Lumina... You okay?"

"Yea...h... I am fine... I think I'm getting over it now..."

"Lu-... cky, bit- Urrrgghhh..."

Hearing a thud I turned, watching as Lilianna was hit over the head by an angry female Aasimar. She was green haired, golden eyed and had an aura adjacent to the one I had felt from the Arahannon.

"Sorry love! Just gotta take me wee little girly here back to our apartment!"

I tried to respond but simply got a shake of the head from her.

"Don't worry, I know you haven't been fucking with her. She is too loyal for that. You both just a wee too much drunk. Isn't that the case Lili-deer?"

Groans resulted from Lilianna's mouth but were interrupted as the woman hefted her over her shoulder and began to walk out. My stomach felt steadier now, my constitution stat starting to kick in for me as the headache left over still pounded inside my head.

"C-could you help with the headache?"

"Fuck no! You deserve it for drinkin so much. I'll be polite enough to close the door behind me wee lass... Have a good day!"

The door closed with a thud as my head started to boom away, the thoughts I had being overtaken by pain. Even my vision was swirling, a malady that continued to worsen until my consciousness slowly became unconsciousness. 



I awoke next to the toilet again, my body feeling much better as my mind was cleared. Slobber drooled down my lips and onto the floor as my clothes were wrinkled from the sleep on the floor. The putrid smell of vomit wafted out of the toilet and straight into my nose as the urge to gag again almost overtook my mind. Holding it back however I quickly stood myself up, my equilibrium regaining itself as I began to blink my eyes. My vision was returned to normal, you could say, as there was still little specks of floating stuff that appeared and vanished within my line of sight.

'How long have I been asleep?'

The map function showed up, the timer showing in the top right hand corner as it showed that it was close to mid-day now. It seemed that I hadn't slept the whole day away, a good thing given my need to study magic more completely. I needed to return to the Ubiquitous Binder to finish the book I hadn't completely read, whilst also reading all the basic books for magical knowledge and then the more complex ones as well.

With the goal in mind I flushed the toilet, the handle on the side of the toilet creating small jets of water that wiped away the excess remnants of my stomach. The water at the bottom that collected the waste was then smacked with a flash of light, the contents vanishing in an instant. Magic was certainly wonderous!

'Thank fuck that head ache is gone... That shit sucked...'

Rolling my eyes in remembrance I quickly arranged my clothes, using free water supplied by the Inn to clean any drool or refuse off my clothing and skin. I brushed my finger through my hair as I grabbed my bow and bag of 'goodies'. I had a goal for the rest of the day and would need to spend the rest that I had available to me, in aims of completing it.

"To the bookstore I go! I guess...!"


BOOZE!? What did you think she'd do under a stressful situation?

Anyway, you enjoyed, So i am owed Power Stones, comments and reviews!!!