Return to UA and the Sports Festival

'Ah, finally home.'

The skyline of Musutafu felt familiar as I stepped through the portal, returning from the Wizarding World. As much as I enjoyed my trip, there was something comforting about being back in my own world. I immediately contacted Principal Nezu and Detective Naomasa, notifying them of my return. Of course, I stretched the truth a bit, telling them I'd made progress with the case I was supposedly working on. In reality, the progress I'd made had more to do with helping Sirius in the Wizarding World than anything related to U.A.

With only two days left until the U.A. Sports Festival, I had some time to relax and catch up with the others. Not that I had much else to do. The next couple of days would be quiet, and the highlight would come tomorrow—the beginning of a new month. That meant a fresh chance to spin the Gacha, which was always something to look forward to.


The morning of the Sports Festival arrived, and after catching up with Aizawa and All Might, I headed over to U.A. to see how the students were preparing. As I walked into the waiting room where Class 1-A and Class 1-B were gathered, I was greeted by a wave of familiar faces, some more excited than others.

"Shiro-sensei!" a few of them chimed in as I entered.

"How's everyone feeling?" I asked, scanning the room.

Midoriya, as always, seemed both nervous and excited. "I've been training hard, Shiro-sensei! I think I've improved a lot!"

I smiled. "That's good to hear, Midoriya. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress."

Kirishima, standing beside him, grinned broadly. "I'm pumped! I've been working on something new for the festival!"

Mina, popping up from behind Kirishima, added, "Same here! I'm ready to show off some new moves."

I nodded, appreciating their enthusiasm. Even Bakugo, who was sitting off to the side with his usual intense look, gave a slight nod when our eyes met. He didn't say much, but his determination was as clear as ever.

"Good luck, everyone," I said, leaning back against the wall as the announcement came over the speakers, calling all first-year students to the stadium.

The students filed out, the excitement building in the air. As we reached the stadium, I could hear the roar of the crowd. Thousands of spectators had gathered to watch the next generation of heroes compete. Midnight, acting as the host, took the stage to introduce the event.

"And now, let's welcome the representative of Hero Class from 1-A—Bakugo Katsuki!"

Bakugo, ever confident, walked up to the stage and grabbed the mic. "I'm going to win," he stated bluntly before turning on his heel and walking off.

The crowd's mixed reaction of anger and laughter was exactly what I expected. Bakugo's confidence always drew attention, whether positive or negative.

As the first event was about to begin, something familiar appeared in front of me—the Gacha. My grin widened at the sight of the spinning interface. I eagerly pressed the button to spin, watching as the familiar slots began to whirl around.

The first item appeared: Magus Bloodline: Emiya version. I frowned. It was… okay, I supposed. The bloodline would give me some magical abilities, but nothing I didn't already surpass with Welt's powers. Manipulating time and space was already second nature to me. The increase in magic would barely affect my Reishi, making it feel more like a redundant addition.

"Great… another semi-useless upgrade," I muttered.

Moving on, I spun again. This time, something more useful appeared—Medical and Surgical Knowledge. I tilted my head, slightly more interested. This wasn't just any basic medical knowledge; it was extensive and highly detailed. In a way, it was better than the Magus Bloodline.

"Not bad," I murmured to myself. "At least this has real-world applications. I guess I can add 'doctor' to my skill set now."

The third spin produced something more exciting: Battle Continuation EX. Now this was useful. This ability would let me keep fighting even when critically injured, allowing me to push through situations that would otherwise be fatal. I could already feel the durability this skill added to my body. It was a welcome addition.

The final spin was less impressive: a dagger capable of cutting through steel. It was nothing special compared to the quantum blades I could make anytime.

"Well, two out of four isn't bad," I muttered, closing the Gacha interface.


With the Gacha done, I focused my attention back on the Sports Festival. The first event was an obstacle race, and I found myself sitting in the VIP section, watching the students prepare. It was nice to just be a spectator for once, observing from afar and seeing how much the students had improved.

The race started with a bang. Bakugo shot forward, using his explosions to propel himself with reckless speed, while Todoroki coolly froze the ground around him, making it difficult for others to pass. Midoriya, meanwhile, was carefully navigating the course, trying not to rely too heavily on One For All while still making use of his surroundings.

I watched with interest as the students pushed themselves, impressed by the growth I saw in them. Todoroki took the lead early, his ice-based attacks creating barriers for his competitors, while Bakugo was hot on his heels, determined to win. Midoriya wasn't far behind, his analytical mind clearly at work as he adapted to the obstacles.

By the end of the race, Midoriya came out on top, with Bakugo and Todoroki finishing just behind him. Though I could see the gears turning in their head, already strategizing how to improve for the next round.


After the race, I found myself walking through the festival grounds, chatting with a few of the pro heroes in attendance. It was a nice change of pace to catch up with old colleagues, but my mind kept drifting back to the Gacha. While the skills I had acquired were decent, I couldn't help but hope for something even better next time.

As the day drew to a close and the students prepared for the next event, I took a moment to reflect. The U.A. Sports Festival had always been a time for the students to showcase their talents, and this year was no different. But it was also a reminder for me to keep pushing forward, to keep honing my skills.