Gacha Chapter 10: Upgrades and Surprises

And so, today marked X784 April 2nd, which meant not only almost three whole months had gone by, but there were exactly 3 Months before Canon officially started, 3 Months and 2 Days if talking about the exact date Lucy joins Fairy Tail.

During this time, Solis had made many major progresses in basically every category. To begin with, he had succeeded in developing his Eye Magic which was currently in it's 'Semi-Perfect Stage but working towards Perfect Stage', with the evolution-process being based off of Cell's (From Dragon Ball Z) evolution stages.

As for his other Magic... well, let's take a look at his Status, shall we?

[Name: Solis]

[Age: 16]

[Race: Heavenly Winged Dragon (Innate)] 

[Status: Alive]

[Time Magic (Basic -> Apprentice)]

[Illusion Magic (Basic -> Intermediate)]

[Transformation Magic (Basic)]

[Sound Magic (Initiate -> Basic)]

(NEW!) [Eye Magic (Apprentice)]

(NEW!) [Requip Magic (Innate)]

[Time Magic (Apprentice) - Magic that allows Control over Time]


[Chrono Accel (Buff Spell, Single Target) - Speeds up a person's perception of time to make things slower, and make themselves seem faster]

[Chrono Delay (De-Buff Spell, Single Target) - Slows down a person's perception of time to make things faster, and make themselves feel slower]

[Chrono Stasis (Support Spell, Short-Ranged AOE) - By using Chrono Accel as a start-up, it speeds up a person's perception of time so much that things appear frozen -> Freezes the time of everything in the surrounding area] Currently, he was only able to stop time for 2 seconds and the range was as big as the entirety of the Fairy Tail Guild Building (Outside of that range, things would not be affected by the stopped time)

(NEW!) [Chrono Stasis: Imprisonment (Support Spell, Short-Ranged Single Target) - Manifests a sphere around a target after touching them. Those trapped within the sphere experience a time loop, reliving a moment in time continuously in such a way that they are rendered immobile]

(NEW!) [Chrono Anastasis (Support Spell, Short-Ranged AOE) - Reverses time in the surrounding area, rewinding targets back to their previous state and undoing any damage done. Can only be used on Non-Sentient targets such as Objects, Buildings, and Plants (As long as they aren't sentient)]

(NEW!) [Chrono Anastasis: Recovery (Support Spell, Short-Range Single Target) - Reverses the time of a wound, rewinding the wound back to heal it. Can be used on both Sentient and Non-Sentient Targets] Though it sounded OP, there were quite a few things that had to be considered such as the severity of the wound; how long ago it happened; how deadly is it, for example, rewinding a severed arm is much more complicated than rewinding a cut and there more things to take into consideration in that regard - Maybe once his Mastery was higher, it would truly be considered Overpowered

(NEW!) [Chrono Synthesis (Support Spell, Short-Ranged AOE) - Accelerates time in the surrounding area, fast forwarding the age of targets. Can only be used on Non-Sentient targets such as Objects, Buildings, and Plants (As long as they aren't sentient)]

(NEW!) [Chrono Synthesis: Decay (Support Spell, Short-Range Single Target) - Accelerates the time of a target with a touch, aging them forwards. Can be used on both Sentient and Non-Sentient Targets] Similar to the Recovery spell, there were a few things to be considered but it was much less complicated than the Recovery spell.

[Illusion Magic (Intermediate) - Magic that allows the Creation of Illusions] Though he had yet to come up with proper spells as it was slightly harder to come up with both spell ideas and names for those spells when he can just create illusions based off whatever he can think of, Solis had now perfected his Human/Monster Illusion. This meant that he could make the illusion act like an actual human/monster in terms of movement, speech, etc.

The speech was the main reason his Mastery had upgraded to Intermediate though, as the perfected speech meant that he was now able to confuse two different senses: Sight and Hearing. He was also able to create multiple illusions, such as 1 Human/Monster and a bunch of inanimate objects, or other combinations.

Now though, he was working on being able to create multiple Human/Monster illusions at the same time, as well was working his way towards affecting another sense of people who fell for his illusions: Smell. After he succeeded with Smell, he would work on improving his illusions as a whole, but also affecting the remaining 2 senses, 'Soon, I'll be just like Aizen' 

[Sound Magic (Basic) - Magic that allows Control over Sound and Soundwaves] This magic was also yet to have any 'official' spells. After all, Solis was focusing more on the 'commands' side of the magic. For example, implanting a command such as 'Sit' into a target's brain by affecting the nervous system directly from eardrums using soundwaves he manipulates with his magic, which then causes the target to sit like a dog listening to its owner.

While technically the commands could be called 'spells' of their own, neither Solis nor the system seemed to count it. But for now, he was able to give simple instructions to people such as 'Sit', 'Roll', 'Freeze', and more. There was also the basic usage of sound magic, which is increasing the volume of his shouts, stomps, finger clicks, etc. - Solis' personal favourite would have to be snapping his fingers and using his sound magic to produce a small shockwave which pushes targets back a little whilst also damaging their eardrums if he wanted to by manipulating the soundwaves around him

[Eye Magic (Apprentice) - Magic that grants Special Techniques/Abilities through the Power of Your Eye]


[Divine Eye - This Powerful, All-Seeing Magic is a Caster and Eye Magic which grants the ability to see everything. Effects:

1. Enhanced Sight, Reflexes, and Perception

2. 360-Degree Vision

3. The ability to 'See' Magic/Etherano] Although the effects of the Eye seemed quite underwhelming compared to the description of the spell, Solis was confident that he would grow this eye to truly be 'Divine' as the name implies with how he intends to develop it.

Finally, there was Requip Magic. Not much could be said about it other than Solis' Inventory was quite small due to it being Innate Mastery as he had only started being taught it by Erza a few days ago. Yes, 'Inventory'. Solis wasn't planning on being a 'Knight' like Erza or 'Gunner' like Bisca, he simply wanted Requip Magic to carry his things around since his System hadn't given him an Inventory, 'Not giving me an inventory? Then I'll make one myself!' (Even though his current inventory size was about that of a School Bag, it would simply grow bigger the higher his mastery) 

Speaking of Erza, Solis had finally defeated her in one of their sparring matches. 

It was around 2 Weeks Ago, Solis and Erza were in a close bout (A little less than an arm's width apart in distance) throwing hit-for-hit, dodging and blocking each hit which would get stronger and faster each time. Solis threw an uppercut elbow towards Erza's chin, the red-haired woman easily blocking it with one hand whilst throwing a swift uppercut to Solis' stomach

Solis caught the fist with his left hand and kept his right hand up high to block any attack if necessary. He tightened his grip on Erza's hand, the girl unable to rip out of his hold as she watched Solis throw his right hand towards her face. She caught it with her free hand, but it allowed Solis to kick her away which gave some more distance between the two of them.

This was Solis' 5th clean hit on her this match. Though it wasn't quiet near her 13 clean hits, Erza couldn't help but give a warm smile, proud of the boy's growth. But the smile was quick to fade, after all, they were still in a match, "HAH!" Erza roared, charging towards the guarded Solis who stood patient and still

He analysed every slight movement she made, and started deducing what she would do based off all her previous patterns in fights. Erza was quite a rigid person, and that trait seemed to rub off on her hand-to-hand skills as well Solis started noticing recently. He watched her stop her charge, using the momentum of the short sprint to twist her hips and raise her right foot off of the floor

Solis' pupils dilated in intense focus, his gaze locked in to Erza's right leg which was going for a roundhouse kick to his side, 'I can see it!' He could see it all, and he used this miniature foresight-moment to his advantage. As the kick grew closer to him, Solis dropped his body slightly and held his hands out in order to catch the kick

Before Erza knew it, Solis twisted his body the same direction of the kick, catching her leg and using the momentum of the twist to flip both himself and Erza onto the floor, "!" Erza's eyes widened in disbelief, and before she knew it, her leg had snapped

"AHhh!-" Erza's small scream of pain snapped Solis out of it, his pupils going back to normal as he looked at the result of successful knee bar, "Shit!" He yelped worriedly, quickly standing up to check on Erza who bit her bottom lip to suppress the pain, "I'm okay..." She assured, but Solis could tell she was lying by the fact her left eye was beginning to tear up,

"I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you" With a sly smile etched on his face, Solis crouched down and held his hand up to Erza's leg, "Wha-" Before she knew it, Erza had found her leg recover to its full health, "Fuck yeah, it worked!" That was also the first time Solis tried his Recovery spell

"Wow..." Erza gasped in amazement as she stood up and swung her leg about. At first, she thought it might've been another illusion of Solis' (Which he's been doing a lot these past few months annoyingly enough), but her leg was actually fine, "I'm truly impressed, and thankful" She thanked with a smile on her face, nodding solemnly 

"You shouldn't thank me, I'm the one who did that to your leg in the first place..." Solis chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head, "But are you okay? That was my first time trying that spell on a person, so..." He asked worriedly, but Erza nodded her head and told him she's perfectly fine which was amazing

"This happened as a result of me letting my guard down..." She looked down and shook her head in disappointment, before looking deep into Solis' eyes with extreme conviction, "It won't happen again - this is your first and last victory against me"

Solis gulped, partially regretting his first ever victory against Erza (Even if she was holding back slightly) as it seemed he might of sparked something intense inside of her. He had truly awakened a sleeping giant by the looks of it.

And as of present time, Solis had yet to get his second win. Although he wondered what kind of drugs Erza was taking as her physical stats and hand-to-hand skills seemed to be improving like crazy recently, Solis felt accomplished that he's made Erza go all-out against him in all their spars.

Another fantastic event which happened was Solis' promotion to C-Rank. The promotion was last week after he had completed his 35th mission which consisted of him defeating a massive gang of bandits which invaded a village. What made it better though was his rewards had changed into that of a C-Rank borderline B-Rank jobs after it was discovered that the 'leader' of said-bandits was actually a magic-user who was known for burning the villages he got bored of after taking over them with his fire magic

As a result of all 35 missions, Solis had earned the great sum of 5 Million Jewels, though he obviously had the costs of rent, food, and other necessities which brings his total money down to 4.75 Million, which is still an amazing amount, 'I honestly don't know how Lucy struggled so hard to pay her rent' Solis thought to himself, [She had Natsu with her] Celeste replied, 'Fair Point'.

Once he was promoted, although they didn't party as hard as his first promotion due to not wanting to suffer the same pain as last time, Solis and his friends went out to eat and celebrate rather than doing it in the guildhall this time and getting scolded by Makarov the next morning.

Not only that but, on top of the promotion, Solis found a poster for Everlue up on the request board the next day which required a B-Rank Mage with a reward of 1 Million Jewels. It was previously 500,000 Jewels and required a C-Rank, but after multiple failed attempts the person who requested it, Kaby Melon, upped the rewards and requirement, 'Pretty sure it was 2 Million in the anime... looks like he upped it to A-Rank which is why Natsu grabbed it in canon' Solis concluded.

Looks like he'd have to get promoted again within 3 months time if he wanted to get a free Golden Celestial Key. Did he need it? No. Did he want it for the sake of having it and because having a Golden Celestial Key was cool and rare? Absolutely. So, after discovering this fact, Solis was motivated to get promoted to B-Rank and had already completed 1 C-Rank quest which brought his money up to 5.1 Million.

Back to present time though, Solis found himself in the library once more. This time, he had a book about spatial magic in front of him, "Hey, Solis!" Solis looked up from his book to see Levy walking towards him with a cute smile on her face, waving her arm enthusiastically before sitting beside him without asking (She didn't need to), the two of them dapping each other up in what felt like ages

"I haven't seen you in a while, how've you been?" Solis asked with a smile of his own, pushing the GFRG up onto his head, "I've been good! How's your Eye Magic coming along?" She replied with a question of her own shortly after

"Really well..." Solis then brought his attention book down to his spatial book, Levy's eyes following his as he explained, "Once I have a better understanding of Spatial Magic, I plan to implement that into it..." He then turned back to Levy, looking into her brown eyes, "What about your eye magic? Any progress?"

Not long ago, Levy had walking in on Solis training his magic abilities. When this happened, the boy had his Divine Eye activated which revealed a rich, beautiful golden left eye. Seeing this, the blue-haired girl questioned him about the eye, "It's my new Eye Magic, I started developing it about a month or two ago" He told her [Image]

"Woahhh~..." Levy looked at the eye in awe, her mouth agape as she couldn't help but be amazed by how pretty it was, "Eye Magic, huh?" She began to hum in thought, her hand on her chin, "Hmm..."

"What's up?" Solis asked her, seeing that she was clearly stuck with something. Levy, in response, lowered her hand and considerately asked him, "Could you teach me? Eye Magic" The boy looked at the earnest girl in surprise,

"Really? You wanna learn Eye Magic?" Levy nodded in response, "Huh..." Solis rubbed his chin in thought, similar to Levy just a few seconds ago, "You're magic's Solid Script, yeah?" He asked, the girl nodding once more, "Huh..." He slowly nodded his head, "Have you thought about what you want your Eye Magic to do?"

After some thinking, Levy nodded, "I have somewhat of an idea... instead of having to write out words, saying them would probably be much easier" Solis nodded in agreement, chuckling slightly as he tells her, "What a coincidence, that's exactly what I was thinking" The two then high-fived, "Great minds think alike!" Levy uttered energetically, the two of them helping each other in developing their Eye Magic.

Since that time, although Solis was yet to implement the Spatial Magic into his eye how he intended, he felt like he was getting closer thanks to the help of Erza teaching him Requip Magic, which gave him a better understanding of Spatial Magic. As for Levy, she seemed to be getting the hang of her 'Glyph Eye' and was able to currently manifest 5 words through speech before she had to rest her eye

That was everything important that happened during those months. Obviously, there was him also getting closer with his friend group, and even a few others in the guild such as Macao and his son, Romeo, and Wakaba,

As well as Nab - They would often have conversations at the request board,

Alzack and Bisca - Solis was fascinated by their guns which they were happy to show off,

Max - Who would occasionally entertain the guild with his extroverted personality, and be apart of the massive Fairy Tail Guild Fights,

Warren - Who's Telepathy Magic Solis was quite interested in, considering the possibility of asking the guy to teach him it,

and Reedus - Who did an amazing job in painting this picture of Solis and the main group, which Solis and the others have hung up on their walls at home.

All in all, Solis had definitely solidified his place in the guild a while ago, with no one having a bad word to say about him as he got along with everyone he spoke to due to his chill but fun personality - Well, except for Jet and Droy who seemed to hate him purely for being, arguably, the closest male to Levy outside of them two.

'Oh well, haters gonna hate' Solis shrugged, but not before sheepishly rubbing the back of his head, 'But seriously... how did this happen again?' He asked no one in particular as he stood in front of a massive building in a town that wasn't Magnolia, "Sorcerer Magazine HQ..." Solis read aloud, [This happened because my darling is so hot and sexy!] 

Solis chuckled softly at Celeste's enthusiastic words, 'Thanks for the kind words, Celeste' To be more exact, this happened because Jason, a reporter from Sorcerer Magazine, came by the guild yesterday to interview some guild members and, after seeing him for the first time, practically begged Solis to take part in some kind of modelling gig today for 'a good price'

With another sigh, Solis entered the building and told the receptionist his name before being sent upstairs where he was given a staff member to show him the way. Eventually, he was led to a massive photo studio which had many people from the team busily walking around, "Wow" Solis couldn't help but be taken aback by the size and appeal of the set.

That was when he was taken to the main area where the camera crew and director of the gig were stationed. It was also where he would be to be taken photos of, "Hell-oohhh...?" Solis went to kindly greet the team when a familiar face entered his vision, 

"Hello, Solis" Mira waved with a charming smile on her face, the director of the shoot standing beside her, "You must be the other model" The man showed a kind smile, "It's a pleasure meeting you, I'm the director of your shoot today, Michael"

"I'm Solis, nice to meet you too..." The boy then turned to Mira, "I didn't know you'd be here, why didn't you tell me?" He asked

"It seemed like a fun surprise" Mira giggled 


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