
When Emily went to open the door.

Behold the perfectly chiseled nose, jaw and amazing face came to view, Martin Michelson, at her door step.

For a few minutes she was out of words, why was this happening to her, she had tried so hard to avoid him yesterday and now he was at her door step.

He had a wide grine on his face.

Good afternoon, miss Emily, ohh... Sorry should I say" Amor", you know your the first person to lie to me in a long time, and I must say I find it thrilling. I don't know if anybody has told you, but it's inappropriate to just disappear after fucking someone, you know!

In all the choice of words you could use that was the only one you found appropriate, " after fucking someone", Emily said to him, although she was acting tough, she kept a mental note at the back of her mind that he was her boss, okey maybe not anymore, but he was someone she couldn't make trouble with.

But still she found if exciting to talk back at him, and thank god he wasn't making a big deal out of it.

What are you doing here! She asked him.

Am here for business miss Emily, he told her as he let himself in to her house, closing the door with the back of his legs, which she tought was kind of sexy.

God Emily, what is wrong with you! She scolded herself inworldly, yes he may be good looking but she had to try to control herself, most ment don't like women who throw themselves at them. And she was sure not about to be one.