I ate the finger of lust

"We've been robbed," the red being said in a grave voice.

"Robbed?" Arlo repeated, confusion and panic spreading through him. If these beings thought he was a thief and had brought him here to be judged, he was as good as dead.

"Yes, robbed." The red one said again, leaning closer. Its body seemed to stretch elastically as it dropped to look directly into Arlo's eyes.

"I didn't rob you, I swear!" Arlo cried out in fear. "I just got here! I don't even know where I am. I've never stolen anything in my life. I'm a very content person."

The red being stared at him with bemusement.

"You didn't rob us," it said after a moment.

The statement shocked Arlo. "I didn't?" he said, realizing how incriminating he sounded. "I didn't! Of course I didn't."

The red being glanced back at the others, clearly thinking Arlo was deranged. Maybe they were right, he thought.

"We've been robbed," the red one repeated. "We were promised a seat in the highest of heavens, and at the last minute, we were cheated. It was stolen from us."

Arlo realized they weren't accusing him of theft. The thought of punishment seemed to dissipate, and he relaxed a little.

"You were promised a place in the heavens?" Arlo repeated, still confused.

"In the highest of heavens, yes," the red one replied with a sigh. "Where do I start?"

It leaned back, and the glow of its eyes dimmed slightly. "We are the Seven Deadly Sins. I am Lust. This is Gluttony, that is Greed, this is Sloth, over there is Wrath, that's Envy, and finally, Pride."

"Eons ago, when Lucifer lost the war against Heaven, we were banished to Hell. But the angel of light was kind and heard our pleas. He promised us redemption if we helped him defeat Beelzebub. We fulfilled our end of the bargain, but when it was time for our reward, a messenger angel arose against us, telling lies to the angel of light."

Lust leaned toward Arlo again, its dark aura draining the light and air from the room. "We were not given the place we were promised. Instead, we were banished here to this cursed world. Are you following?"

Arlo nodded fearfully, unable to speak.

Lust gestured to the other beings. "We are weak and without form. We don't have the power to travel back to our world. That's why we need you."

"You need me?" Arlo asked incredulously. 

These were beings older than the foundation of the earth. 

What could they possibly need him for? It felt like a fever dream.

"Yes, you," Lust said, breaking off a finger and holding it up. "This is my essence. Swallow it and grow it for me. As you feed it, I will grow stronger here. Soon, I'll be able to liberate myself and my brothers from this world."

Arlo took a step back in terror, but after two steps, he felt cold metal press into his back. 

He looked over his shoulder to find Azelia standing behind him, sword ready. 

If he took another step, the blade would pierce his skin.

What had he done to earn her hatred?

"How would I grow your essence?" Arlo managed to ask.

"I am Lust," the red being replied. "You can only grow me by engaging in the most lustful activities."

"How do I do that?" he asked, his voice shaking.

"You don't need to worry about that. My system will guide you, my spirit will drive you on," Lust said, dangling the finger in front of Arlo's face.

"If I help you get stronger, what about the others? How will they grow powerful?" Arlo asked.

"Again, don't worry about that," Lust said dismissively.

"W-what if I refuse to eat it?" Arlo asked hesitantly.

Lust moved back slightly, letting out a sigh.

"If you don't accept the quest, then we will leave you here in this world".

Arlo frowned. "But then I'd be trapped here".

"Forever, yes". Lust replied with a nod.

Arlo looked at the seven beings in front of him, their forms shifting and dark, their eyes glowing faintly with malice and anticipation. He could feel their gaze pierce through him, like predators circling prey. His heart pounded, the weight of their presence heavy in the air.

Behind him, he felt the cold, unwavering steel of Azelia's sword pressed against his back. The goddess stood silently, her grip firm, ready to strike at any moment. Her silence was louder than words, her presence commanding, demanding his compliance without uttering a single threat.

What choice did he have but to accept Lust's proposition?

The situation had been engineered so meticulously that there was no real escape, no option that didn't end in the seven deadly sins getting what they wanted.

Arlo wasn't just trapped physically; he was ensnared by the design of this encounter.

It was clear now—this meeting had always been about control.

The sins either got what they sought, or everything fell to ruin.

For him, there was no "nothing else."

Reluctantly, he stretched out his hand for Lust's essence.

"No, you can't touch it. It's too potent," Lust said. "Open your mouth."

Arlo obeyed, and Lust dropped the finger into his mouth. 

He swallowed and felt it settle into his stomach, carving a place for itself.

"Farewell, Arlo. We're forever indebted to you for this help," Lust said, and Arlo felt a wave of darkness overwhelm him.

He fell unconscious.


As the seven beings and Azelia watched the unconscious boy on the floor, Greed, the green one, looked at Lust.

"That was a very convincing lie you told him."

Lust shrugged. "I've had years of practice. The first phase is done. Soon, the second phase will commence."

When Arlo opened his eyes later, it felt like a hundred pins were stabbing his head.

He sat up slowly, and the sensation faded. Immediately, a screen flashed in front of him.

{Welcome to the Lust System.}