A crazy quest

Almost one and a half hours later, Arlo lay on the ground in a pool of sweat, heaving heavily.

He face was covered in rivets of sweat and it seemed like he just had a bath.

He had only done 20 push-ups, 20 sit ups and 30 jumping jacks.

He needed to complete the tasks by the end of the day but at the moment, it wasn't looking good.

Arlo sighed as he watched the blue sky outside his window, perhaps he would be able to do more work outs if he ate something.

This thought encouraged him and he pushed himself up on unstable hands and got into a sitting position.

I'll just have something to eat. He thought to himself. When I eat, I'll surely have strength to do more.

He got to his feet and wobbled slightly hit he managed to stay upright and walk down the stairs.

My body would be very sore tomorrow. He thought as he went down.


A few minutes later, Arlo had eaten, done a 10 more pushups and sit ups, had his bath and now he was leaving the house.

It was time for school and for the first time in a really long while, Arlo was feeling enthusiastic.

He was sure he would have fun in school today, no matter what happened.

There was simply no way for him to lose.


As Arlo stepped into the building of the school, he was greeted by the sight of his friends, - , - , and - huddled together by a locker.

He immediately walked up to them.

Hey guys. He greeted.

The boys looked up from the comic in their hands, startled.

It was evident that they hadn't heard him approach and his sudden appearance in front of them really surprised them.

They recovered quickly however, and D smiled widely.

Guess what happened last night? He asked.

You guys got the system too? Arlo asked excitedly.

However D only frowned. System, what system?

Arlo realized they probably didn't get a system like him, he stammered as he quickly covered his blunder.

I mean the game, it's cool. What were you going to ask me?

D narrowed his eyes suspiciously at him and then continued.

I beat the game last night. He exclaimed.

In one try. F said, grinning from ear to ear.

Arlo was really impressed and he shook his head. That's really dope man, for real.

Just then, the class bell rang.

Bye guys, Arlo greeted with a wave as he hurried off to his class.

As Arlo walked through the hallway, he saw three really pretty girls walking together. 

He was captivated by their beauty.

There's something about a beautiful group of girls that made you want to get your life together, make money or at the very least become suicidal. 

Arlo waved at the beautiful girls. 

However, they looked at him with shock and disgust. 

After all, they saw a skinny short boy with pale oily skin and brown hair that was poorly styled. 

Not to mention his giant glasses.

Who could blame them for being disgusted?

However Arlo now had a new ability and it made him super confident. He blew a kiss at them.

The three girls scrunched their faces in disgust and hurried away.

He laughed and made a mental note to talk with them later. He was going to have all three of them… at the same time.

Arlo went into the class and sat at the back where be usually sat.

Chemistry was the only class Arlo actually enjoyed. 

The rest were a bite to him and his restlessness made it hard for him to sit and concentrate in school, or concentrate to study when he was at home.

Be still managed to get good grades in all his exams. 

However this time, as Arlo took his seat, he immediately became intrigued by the etchings on the desk, it wasn't long before he had zoned out of the class.

"Were you even listening Arlo?" Mrs Tanner's sharp voice cut into his soliloquy, jolting him back to reality.

He looked up in surprise. 

"Just as I thought". She replied with a shake of her head and resumed teaching.

Arlo tried his hardest to focus on her lecture and he managed to do so for a few more minutes until my thoughts drifted off again.

"Arlo". Mrs Tanner said sternly. She peered down at him through her thin glasses.

"Sorry". He mumbled.

Arlo lost track of the class third time and Mrs Tanner had had enough.

She ripped out a piece of paper, scribbled on it and handed it to him. 

"Go and report yourself to the principal". She said and pressed her lips into a thin line.

Arlo didn't bother pleading, everyone knew once mrs Tanner made up her mind, there was no changing it.

He sighed and grabbed the note. He picked up his bag and went to the principal's office.

Arlo walked down the hallway, passing by a series of identical doors. 

Each one had a small nameplate, but from a distance, they all looked the same—plain brown wood with polished brass handles. 

The walls were a pale, washed-out cream, and the fluorescent lights overhead flickered slightly, casting a sterile glow on the floor. 

He glanced at each door as he walked, reading the labels: "Mr. Harris," "Mrs. Roberts," "Vice Principal," and then finally, "Principal's Office."

He stopped in front of it, hesitating for a moment. 

The door looked like all the others, but the weight of what lay behind it felt heavier. 

He raised his hand and knocked.

A shrill voice sounded. "Who's there?"

"It's me, Arlo". He replied.

There was a brief pause.

"I was told to report myself". He added.

There was a loud sigh. "Come in". The voice said.

Arlo pushed the door open and saw principal Janet sitting at her desk. 

She was a tall busty woman whose black hair stopped just short of her shoulders. 

She had a stern face that hinted at how beautiful she could be if she smiled more.

Her desk was littered with books, files and papers. She looked up from one of those papers at him.

"How can I help you, young man?" She asked.

Arlo wordlessly handed her the note mrs Tanner gave him. She read and frowned. Then she set it down.

"Have a sit, Arlo."

He nodded and sat down wordlessly.

Just then the system chimed

{You have new quest}

{Quest: make principal Janet taste herself}

Arlo's mouth fell open. "What the heck?"