Second time with principal Janet

The next day, as Arlo walked into school, only one thing was on his mind: how to get into trouble and get sent to the principal's office.

He mulled over it while greeting his friends in the hallway, barely listening to their chatter about their mornings.

As the bell rang, signaling the start of the day, they dispersed to their various classes, and Arlo continued to think about his plan.

It wasn't until he reached the door of his classroom that the answer hit him, and he smiled to himself. It was so simple—almost too simple.

All he had to do was provoke the teacher. Stirring up an argument would surely be enough to get him in trouble.

He felt a spring in his step as he entered the classroom, heading for his usual spot in the middle row.

Minutes later, when the teacher walked in, Arlo's smile widened.

Mr. Stanton, the history teacher, was the perfect target.

Not only was he deeply knowledgeable about the subject, but he was also passionate about politics, always ready to share his opinions during class discussions.

Arlo knew it would be easy to push his buttons.

"Good morning, class," Mr. Stanton greeted as he set his books down and began his lecture.

Arlo sat back in his chair, watching the teacher with a sly grin. He waited patiently, already thinking of ways to interrupt.

History class was always full of debates, and Mr. Stanton loved to engage students.

Today, Arlo planned to use that against him.

As Mr. Stanton began discussing the political tensions of World War II, Arlo leaned forward, ready to make his move.

He was going to challenge everything, no matter how small, just to get a rise out of the teacher.

Arlo sat slouched in his chair, tapping his pen on the desk as his teacher, Mr. Stanton, droned on about the history of World War II.

Even though, he had planned to disturb the class and argue, he wasn't in the mood to listen today, and the lesson seemed even more boring than usual.

As Mr. Stanton scribbled dates on the whiteboard, Arlo let out a loud sigh, rolling his eyes dramatically.

A few students turned to glance at him, but he didn't care.

"Is there a problem, Arlo?" Mr. Stanton asked, pausing his lecture and turning to face him.

Arlo shrugged. "Yeah, actually. I don't see the point in learning this stuff. It's not like I'm gonna need to know what happened in the 1940s for my future."

A murmur went through the class as Mr. Stanton's eyes narrowed. "History is important. It helps us understand the world we live in today."

Arlo scoffed. "Sure, but it's not like I'm gonna be quizzed on this in a job interview, right?"

"That's enough, Arlo," Mr. Stanton said firmly, his voice rising slightly. "You're being disruptive."

Arlo leaned back, crossing his arms. "Whatever. Maybe if you taught something useful, people would actually pay attention."

The tension in the room thickened, and some students shifted uncomfortably in their seats.

Mr. Stanton's face reddened as he struggled to keep his composure. "If you're not interested in learning, Arlo, you can leave my classroom."

"Gladly," Arlo muttered, standing up and heading for the door.

"To the principal's office. Now," Mr. Stanton added sharply.

Arlo shot him a look but didn't argue. As he left the room, he could feel the eyes of his classmates following him.

He was finally going to have his way with the principal and he would finally lose his virginity

Nothing could stop him this time, he would not lose concentration or be distracted.

He would simply focus on fucking the principal and all the steps involved in it.

Arlo knocked on the door with a sharp rap, the sound reverberating through the quiet hallway.

From within, the familiar voice of Principal Janet rang out, clipped and sharp, "Who's there?"

A smirk tugged at the corner of Arlo's lips as he adjusted his glasses, letting a brief moment of silence hang in the air before he answered, "It's me, Arlo."

He could almost picture the scene inside the office, and sure enough, a loud sigh floated through the door.

Arlo's smirk deepened, amused by how predictable she was.

Even without seeing her, he knew she was probably rubbing her temples or preparing herself for whatever he was about to bring to her desk.

"Come in," her voice called again, this time tinged with a mix of anticipation and trepidation.

Pushing the door open, Arlo stepped inside the office, his eyes immediately settling on Principal Janet.

She was dressed impeccably, as always, in a fitted black suit that emphasized her stern professionalism.

Today, her hair was slicked back into a tight bun, lending her an even more no-nonsense appearance.

Her expression was unreadable, but the slight crease in her brow betrayed a hint of exasperation.

Despite her extra attempts to make herself look more stern, Arlo could not help but look at her huge melons, her rosy cheeks that were now tainted pink as she saw the direction of his eyes, her lips that trembled slightly.

She was his whore now and ther was nothing she could do about it, she wanted him and even if she tried to run, she couldn't run forever.

Arlo closed the door quietly behind him, the click of the latch echoing in the still room.

Without waiting for an invitation, he strode over to the chair opposite her desk and sank into it, reclining just enough to make himself comfortable but still look alert.

Janet leaned forward slightly, folding her hands on the desk, her sharp eyes never leaving his. "So, what is it this time, Arlo?" she asked, her voice carefully controlled, though a flicker of curiosity betrayed her.

Just then Arlo heard the all too familiar sound.

{You have a new mission}

{Make principal Janet taste herself}

"A redo," Arlo thought and stroked his chin. It seemed the system was hellbent on him completing certain missions.