
Prime City, Trackers Lair

Tom: Max, what is all that stuff?

Max: It's all the stuff we collected on our missions. The destroyed tech gun from when we took down those thugs, the piece of the building Quake destroyed, the electric trap R.I.P. used on Half, and the purple rock that Trick took its powers.

Max: Cool.

Jason: What's the black thing?

Max: That's the piece of armor from Jacker where we all first meet.

Tom: I hope that's the only piece left of him.

(Sound from Max computer)

Tom: What that noise.

Max: Is the police radio, I set it to let us know when police were about go to Damage Tech takedown.

Jason: It seems like it happening now, suit up.

One of the buildings Damage Tech owns.

(Police surrounding the building)

Chief Michael: Do we have police searching main building of Damage Tech and other buildings Thomas Morris might be hiding.

Police man: Yes, this last place he could be hiding.

(Chief Michael grabbing a microphone)

Chief Michael: Give up Morris we no you being selling illegal weapons and killed the old head of Damage Tech, give up and no one gets hurt.

(No response)

Chief Michael: Break down the garage door.

(Police forcing the big metal door open)

Police woman: What's that

2 police man: Get down

(A bunch of Weremutts running outside and attacking the police)

Chief Michael: Fire

(Police fire in on the Weremutt's)

(One of the Weremutt's charging on Chief Michael)

(Half tackles the Weremutt and throws it away)

Half: Sorry we were late.

Chief Michael: You're just on time.

Power: I hate this things. Let's take them to the pound

Mech: On it

(Power throws his staff and it flys round the Weremutt's which herds them in one spot)

(Mech creates a giant force field to contain Weremutt's)

Power: Nice work.

Mech: You to.

Half: I'm thinking that Thomas Morris is not here.

Chief Micheal: No, it must be a trap for us.

(Chief Michael radio going off)

Chief Michael: Hello

(Chief Michael talking on her radio)

Chief Michael: Some of my man saw Thomas Morris boarding a ship on the docks.

Mech: Are we sure it's not another trap.

Chief Michael: No these doesn't feel like it.

Half: Let's go

The Docks

(Police fighting Mob thugs)

Power: I don't think all this guys are here for a trap.

(Quake and Shack shooting a sonic and vibration blast at the police and the Trackers)

Mech: That sounds familiar.

Quake: Hello brats I don't think you met my brother, say hello Shack.

Shack: Hello.

(Shack shooting a vibration blast)

Chief Michael: They're just wasting time for their boss to get away.

Half: Then we have to split up. Power can help the police take down this two.

Power: Do you have to ask.

Half: Mech and me will go on the ship when Power creates an opening for us.

Mech: Ok

Power: Let's do this. This two idiots are not the only one that can make loud noises.

(Power hitting the ground with his staff creating a shock wave that not down Quake and Shack)

(Half and Mech jumping ship before it goes to far)

(Half ripping a hole in the ship to get in)

Half: Mech go that way, I take other way. Remember to check in on communicators.

Mech: Got it.

(Mech and Half going into different directions on the ship)

(Half going into room with the helm that a bunch of people are in)

(Half getting hit with a sonic weapon, that Boss activated)

(Half not being able to get up)

Boss: Interesting device isn't it the Zoologist finger out that you have good hearing just like his pets you fought.

Zoologist: And I'm looking forward to experimenting on you.

Half: I'm guessing that your Thomas Morris.

Boss: Yes, but I prefer to be called the Boss and with all weapons I use Damage Tech to create the whole city will be calling me that.

Half: It's over, the police will get you.

Boss: Not if that want me to release the trigger that activates the bomb on this ship that would destroy half this city.

Half: You will be destroyed too.

Boss: Not if they let me go. Don't you see I have all the control here that what the worlds about control.

Half: You have no control

(Half eye changing into beast eyes)

Zoologist: Fascinating

(Half resisting the sonic noise and getting up slowly)

Boss: You said this device would work on him.

Zoologist: It did a few seconds ago. I don't now what his doing.

Half: It called adapting.

(Half making sonic roar)

(Boss, Zoologist, and others getting knocked down.)

(Half grabs the Boss by his shirt collar, which make himself drops the trigger)

Boss: You full you kill us all.

Half: I don't think so I had my communicator on the how time and Mech disarm the bombs. It's over.

Back on the docks

(Police arresting The Mob)

Power: I took down Quake and Shack, not like that is surprising.

Half: I'm not surprised. Oh Mech here for your collection.

(Half giving Mech the sonic device)

Mech: Cool

Chief Michael: We caught most of Thomas Morris men, but some of them got away like the Zoologist.

Mech: That is bad.

Chief Michael: Don't worry we get him and without Thomas Morris the whole operation is over.

Power: Awesome.

Chief Michael: What you three do now.

Half: Do what we always do, help were is needed.

(All three jumping away)

In one the Mob abandoning building

(Two men caring a crate)

1 man: Are we sure it was good idea to take this crate. I don't even know what inside of it.

2 man: Well Boss found it at one of the Trackers fights and he fought he could turn it back on. But now his in jail it will make us rich.

(Crate shaking)

2 man: What's that you.

1 man: no

(Crate shaking more and exploding blasting the men away)

2 man: forget this let's go

(Two man running away)

(Robotic humanoid rising from the crate)

Jacker: Trackers